🥳 Aujourd'hui le journal Le Franco fête ses 92 ans !
Le 16 novembre 1928, la Survivance voit le jour. À des débuts, le contenu du journal était qualifié d'un ton européen puisqu'il relatait d'événements comme la montée du fascisme et la Deuxième Guerre mondiale.
📰 Avec le temps, le journal se rapproche de la communauté et prend un ton plus représentatif de sa population.
Quelques faits historiques :
🗞 Jusqu'en 1965, la Survivance couvrait les Territoires du Nord-Ouest et la Colombie-Britannique.
🗞En 1967, Jean-Maurice Olivier, alors rédacteur en chef, arrive à convaincre les Oblats de changer le nom pour Franco-Albertain. En plus du nom, le format change et l'abonnement annuel passe de 2$ à 3.50$.
🗞 La première édition par ordinateur du Franco remonte au 28 juin 1991.
#frab #journal
#newspaper #anniversaire #alberta #albertanews #francoalbertain #francophonie #francophone #histoire #souvenirs #communauté #communautaire
#Repost @lefrancojournal
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Moving with the times - The Wellington Advertiser has recently installed a Muller Martini Alpha-liner in their Fergus, Ontario office. The equipment was installed by Alphasert Inc, a Canadian owned and operated business. The newspaper inserting machine was the company’s first installation since COVID-19 began.
This increases the WA’s capacity and ability to meet tight deadlines. Publisher Dave Adsett took time today to oversee the equipment as it processed Vol. 53 Issue 41.
The WA believes in print. We see a bright future ahead for our business, our advertisers and our readership. @thewellingtonadvertiser
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Did you know it’s National Newspaper Week?
We are so proud of our Free Press staff and the work we’ve done this year to keep you informed during the pandemic; we made COVID content free to read, we created platforms for readers to tell their stories and connect with others and we continue to ask the hard questions of our governments and leaders as case numbers rise.
This year has been a powerful reminder that credible, trusted reporting from an independent news organization is more important than ever.
Typically, we’d host an event to celebrate National Newspaper Week with you, our readers, but because of COVID-19, that is not possible this year. Instead, here’s an inside look at our newsroom and some words from editor Paul Samyn about what we do every day at the Winnipeg Free Press.
#Repost @winnipegfreepress
#nationalnewspaperweek #championthetruth
#Repost @laliberte_mb
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Cette semaine, on soutient les journaux! Marie Berckvens et Morgane Lemée vous le rappellent! Avec, en prime, un petit aperçu de nouveaux articles dans La Liberté cette semaine! #monjournalavanttout #jamaissansmonjournal