今個星期我哋請到Karen Lai上嚟同我哋傾吓佢係點樣從一位搖滾樂隊嘅建琴手/歌手進化成為一個演唱會嘅樂隊領班🤓
喺”好耐好耐以前”, Karen有份帶啱啱開始夾band嘅Steven去認識一啲多倫多band壇嘅前輩,一齊玩show。 最近Karen為BenBen嘅演唱會首次擔任樂隊領班,充分展現佢嘅音樂同領導才能🔥🔥
How to go from a rock band’s keyboardist/singer to a concert band leader? We have Karen Lai .a.z.music on our show this week to give us the answer 🤓
She was one of the musicians to introduce Steven to Toronto’s band scene back in the early 2000’s and most recently she displayed her talents as the band leader of BenBen ‘s concert🔥🔥