拉闊Sonic Boom

拉闊Sonic Boom AM1430
星期六 l 4PM
Andrew 張崇基 x Steven 李爵科

今個星期我哋請到Karen Lai上嚟同我哋傾吓佢係點樣從一位搖滾樂隊嘅建琴手/歌手進化成為一個演唱會嘅樂隊領班🤓喺”好耐好耐以前”, Karen有份帶啱啱開始夾band嘅Steven去認識一啲多倫多band壇嘅前輩,一齊玩show。 最近...

今個星期我哋請到Karen Lai上嚟同我哋傾吓佢係點樣從一位搖滾樂隊嘅建琴手/歌手進化成為一個演唱會嘅樂隊領班🤓

喺”好耐好耐以前”, Karen有份帶啱啱開始夾band嘅Steven去認識一啲多倫多band壇嘅前輩,一齊玩show。 最近Karen為BenBen嘅演唱會首次擔任樂隊領班,充分展現佢嘅音樂同領導才能🔥🔥

How to go from a rock band’s keyboardist/singer to a concert band leader? We have Karen Lai .a.z.music on our show this week to give us the answer 🤓

She was one of the musicians to introduce Steven to Toronto’s band scene back in the early 2000’s and most recently she displayed her talents as the band leader of BenBen ‘s concert🔥🔥

《歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽2024》金嗓獎兼全場總冠軍Ryan蘇柏浩 今個星期將會上嚟同我哋傾吓佢嘅比賽同得獎經歷,當然亦都唔少得為我哋嘅聽眾現場展示吓佢嘅歌喉啦🎤🎶The Golden Voice and Grand Champion a...

《歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽2024》金嗓獎兼全場總冠軍Ryan蘇柏浩 今個星期將會上嚟同我哋傾吓佢嘅比賽同得獎經歷,當然亦都唔少得為我哋嘅聽眾現場展示吓佢嘅歌喉啦🎤🎶

The Golden Voice and Grand Champion award winner of the Golden Oldies Singing Contest 2024, Ryan , will be dropping in our show this week to chat about his singing and competing experiences. Giving air time for him to show off his singing chops is definitely on the rundown🎤🎶


《歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽2024》下星期就到啦!🎉我哋今集請到上屆冠軍 Steven李肇峰 上嚟同我哋傾吓偈唱吓歌。 佢今年亦都遠赴香港勇闖《中年好聲音3》嘅大舞台。今集一定要同我哋分享吓佢嘅實戰經驗🔥 The  Golden Oldie...


我哋今集請到上屆冠軍 Steven李肇峰 上嚟同我哋傾吓偈唱吓歌。 佢今年亦都遠赴香港勇闖《中年好聲音3》嘅大舞台。今集一定要同我哋分享吓佢嘅實戰經驗🔥

The Golden Oldies Singing Competition 2024 is arriving next week! 🎉

We’ve invited last year’s champion Steven Lee on the show this week to chat and sing. He’s also competing in season 3 of the Midlife, Sing, and Shine Singing Competition in Hong Kong this year, so we’ll definitely take the chance to get the details of that journey🔥

#李肇峰 #歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽2024 #歌唱比賽



The clip we mentioned in our last episode about Ian paying tribute to renowned Hong Kong composer Joseph Koo, by playing a medley of his hit songs 🎹


今集嘉賓有一位本地年輕,有才華又彈得一手好鋼琴嘅唱作人Ian 陳正熙。你只要用心留意就會發現喺好多本地嘅演唱會及音樂節上都會見到Ian嘅蹤影🎹🎶Ian之前都有上過我哋嘅節目幫其他嘉賓彈伴奏,但今集佢擔正🤩 Our guest this we...

今集嘉賓有一位本地年輕,有才華又彈得一手好鋼琴嘅唱作人Ian 陳正熙。你只要用心留意就會發現喺好多本地嘅演唱會及音樂節上都會見到Ian嘅蹤影🎹🎶


Our guest this week is the young and talented pianist / singer-songwriter, Ian Chan . Ian is a rising talent in the local music scene and you can spot him playing in many concerts and music festivals around town🎹🎶

Ian’s previously been on our show as an accompanying musician to our other guests, but this time around, he’s got the spotlight 🤩





Our guest this week is bassist / guitarist / singer-songwriter Leo who recently co-wrote and produced ‘s latest single 超和平的分開🔥

We’re going to find out all about Leo’s music journey from Hong Kong to Toronto, and of course, we’re going to take advantage of the chance to jam out with him! 🎶

好開心尋日同一隊我哋非常欣賞嘅樂隊 Kolor 做咗個好好玩嘅訪問。佢哋仲現場jam咗兩首歌送比我哋嘅聽眾👏祝Kolor今晚嘅《Touchdown世界巡迴演唱會2024多倫多站》大成功!🤟 We had a blast interviewi...

好開心尋日同一隊我哋非常欣賞嘅樂隊 Kolor 做咗個好好玩嘅訪問。佢哋仲現場jam咗兩首歌送比我哋嘅聽眾👏


We had a blast interviewing yesterday! They even spontaneously jammed 2 songs live for our listeners👏

As Toronto is the last leg of their Touchdown World Tour 2024, we have to show them how insane Toronto audiences are and let’s make some amazing memories together! 🤟

遠道由香港而嚟嘅Kolor樂隊今日到達多倫多啦! 🛬 等佢哋世界巡迴演唱會多倫多站都等咗幾個月,今個星期日終於有得睇啦🤟我哋趁有機會捉佢哋上嚟傾吓近況,今次嘅巡演,同未來嘅計劃!千祈唔好錯過啦! HK rock band  has touc...

遠道由香港而嚟嘅Kolor樂隊今日到達多倫多啦! 🛬 等佢哋世界巡迴演唱會多倫多站都等咗幾個月,今個星期日終於有得睇啦🤟


HK rock band has touched down in Toronto!🛬 Toronto’s been waiting several months for their world tour to finally come to town this Sunday 🤟

We’re taking the opportunity to have a sit down with them before the big show to talk about their tour, recent releases, and upcoming projects! You don’t want to miss this one!

今個星期捉到Sunshine Generations 2024全場總冠軍Kenneth 李祉昊上嚟jam吓歌,傾吓近況,亦都會借呢個機會更加了解Kenneth對音樂同唱歌嘅一啲睇法。📣今集現場吉他手 🎸Leo阿秋 This week we’...

今個星期捉到Sunshine Generations 2024全場總冠軍Kenneth 李祉昊上嚟jam吓歌,傾吓近況,亦都會借呢個機會更加了解Kenneth對音樂同唱歌嘅一啲睇法。

📣今集現場吉他手 🎸Leo阿秋

This week we’re catching up with Sunshine Generations 2024 Champion Kenneth Lee .biz to see how things have been for him after winning the competition. We’ll also be jamming some tunes with him and digging deeper into what sparked his passion in music and singing.

📣 Shoutout to our studio guitarist this week 🎸Leo Kan

#李祉昊 #歌唱比賽

喺度預祝BenBen嘅Homecoming演唱會大成功! 11月16號 City Playhouse Theatre見! 🙌 Wishing BenBen Lh all the success in her Homecoming conce...

喺度預祝BenBen嘅Homecoming演唱會大成功! 11月16號 City Playhouse Theatre見! 🙌

Wishing BenBen Lh all the success in her Homecoming concert coming up very soon! See you all at the City Playhouse Theatre on November 16th 🙌


多倫多好快又有一位本地唱將,BenBen 黃麗冰,舉辦首場個人演唱會 「Homecoming」🎤 今個星期我哋捉到BenBen上嚟同我哋傾吓佢嘅音樂道路,今次演唱會嘅大計同聽下佢嘅原創作品🎶‘Homecoming’ is the name ...

多倫多好快又有一位本地唱將,BenBen 黃麗冰,舉辦首場個人演唱會 「Homecoming」🎤


‘Homecoming’ is the name of the upcoming concert by talented local singer BenBen Lh 🎤

We caught up with her this week to talk about her journey as a singer, the concepts for her very first concert, and she’ll be sharing some of her original songs with us 🎶

Andrew x「浪子詞人」潘源良💥   #潘源良  #浪子詞人      #張崇基

Andrew x「浪子詞人」潘源良💥

#潘源良 #浪子詞人 #張崇基

今個星期繼續有潘san嘅專訪+ bonus content! 千祈唔好錯過啦! We have more bonus content from Calvin’s interview to share with you this week🤫 ...

今個星期繼續有潘san嘅專訪+ bonus content! 千祈唔好錯過啦!

We have more bonus content from Calvin’s interview to share with you this week🤫 Don’t miss it!

#潘源良 #浪子詞人 #填詞

今個星期好榮幸請到殿堂級填詞人潘源良上嚟大談佢喺樂壇嘅經歷同填詞心得🎶佢有「浪子詞人」之稱,由80年代至今已經累積有超過620首填詞作品😱 當中有無數嘅熱門歌曲包括:遙遠的她,愛情陷阱,最愛是誰,婚紗背後,擁抱這分鐘,愛與痛的邊緣,等等We...


佢有「浪子詞人」之稱,由80年代至今已經累積有超過620首填詞作品😱 當中有無數嘅熱門歌曲包括:遙遠的她,愛情陷阱,最愛是誰,婚紗背後,擁抱這分鐘,愛與痛的邊緣,等等

We’re honoured to have renowned HK lyricist, Calvin P**n as our guest this week! 🎶

Beginning his journey of working with HK pop superstars in the 80’s like Leslie Cheung, George Lam, Danny Chan, Jacky Cheung, Alan Tam, he’s now written lyrics for over 620+ Cpop hits that’s you’ve most likely heard before.

Don’t miss this week’s episode where we discover what goes on inside the brain of a lyricist 🧠🤓

#潘源良 #浪子詞人 #填詞

我哋今個星期嘅嘉賓陣容有來自香港嘅Eternity 美麗傳奇 x Eunix 李卓庭 x Karen 龔柯允。佢哋過去一個月喺加拿大一路有巡迴演出,單喺多倫多就已經有六站咁誇張😱想了解更多關於佢哋嘅組合同音樂就唔好錯過今個星期嘅《拉闊Son...

我哋今個星期嘅嘉賓陣容有來自香港嘅Eternity 美麗傳奇 x Eunix 李卓庭 x Karen 龔柯允。佢哋過去一個月喺加拿大一路有巡迴演出,單喺多倫多就已經有六站咁誇張😱

想了解更多關於佢哋嘅組合同音樂就唔好錯過今個星期嘅《拉闊Sonic Boom》💥

Our guests this week .music.ministry x x have been touring Canada this past month, sharing their music and faith, with 6 shows in Toronto alone😱

Tune in to find out what they’re all about and how they brought their music from Hong Kong to Canada! 🎤

#美麗傳奇 #龔柯允

想支持本地音樂人就唔好錯過Caron今個星期日舉辦嘅「奇蹟時刻」音樂分享會啦!  🎶Caron’s Miracle Moments Music Sharing Event is coming up this Sunday!  Don’t m...

想支持本地音樂人就唔好錯過Caron今個星期日舉辦嘅「奇蹟時刻」音樂分享會啦! 🎶

Caron’s Miracle Moments Music Sharing Event is coming up this Sunday! Don’t miss this celebration of Caron’s 20 years as a singer-songwriter 🎶

下星期嘅嘉賓們! 👏Our guests next week! 👏

下星期嘅嘉賓們! 👏

Our guests next week! 👏

🔥8月28號 11am - 12pm《胡懿恩 · 家一》+
特別嘉賓 🎉 美麗傳奇Eternity 眾歌手🎤 及KAREN KONG 龔柯允🥰 拉闊對話及唱歌 🥳💕
仲會開Facebook Live 同電話線905-889-1430☎️你有機會同佢地傾計💬

胡懿恩 · 家一 Amy Plus 1 胡懿恩 Amy 1430 粉絲天地 Fairchild Radio Toronto #胡懿恩家一


Toronto, ON

Opening Hours

4pm - 5pm



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