拉闊Sonic Boom

拉闊Sonic Boom AM1430
星期六 l 4PM
Andrew 張崇基 x Steven 李爵科

想跟 徐偉賢Peco Chui WY 學嘢或睇佢嘅演出,資料都喺度👇

想跟 徐偉賢Peco Chui WY 學嘢或睇佢嘅演出,資料都喺度👇

最新消息 最新消息 ALiVE Conference 2025 敬拜交流會 ALiVE 敬拜事工將於 3月28-29日(星期五、六) 於多倫多天道大學 舉辦 ALiVE Conference 2025 敬拜交流會. 欲知更多詳情,敬請訂閱 (Subscribe)此網站,及追蹤ALiVE Facebook, Instagram 專頁,可即時...

今個星期我哋好開心邀請到香港唱作人 Peco徐偉賢 做我哋嘅嘉賓!🔥🎶由流行曲到音樂劇,佢都寫過唔少作品。仲有好大機會你聽過佢為陳奕迅寫嘅經典歌 《歲月如歌》/《兄妹》。佢仲同Andrew一齊出現過兩套舞台劇🤩Peco最近點解會喺多倫多? ...

今個星期我哋好開心邀請到香港唱作人 Peco徐偉賢 做我哋嘅嘉賓!🔥🎶

由流行曲到音樂劇,佢都寫過唔少作品。仲有好大機會你聽過佢為陳奕迅寫嘅經典歌 《歲月如歌》/《兄妹》。佢仲同Andrew一齊出現過兩套舞台劇🤩

Peco最近點解會喺多倫多? 點樣可以親身見到佢?甚至可以跟佢學寫歌?記住收聽今個星期嘅《拉闊Sonic Boom》 📻✨

We’re so excited to invite HK singer-songwriter Peco Chui as our guest this week!🔥🎶

From pop hits to musicals, he’s written his fair share and there’s a highx3 chance that you’ve heard the smash hit 歲月如歌 / 兄妹 he wrote for Eason Chan.
He’s also performed in a couple of musicals alongside Andrew!🤩

Find out what Peco is up to in Toronto and how you can meet him in person on this week’s episode!📻✨

#徐偉賢 #歲月如歌

我哋上一集同 Joanna 傾偈,聽佢分享做指揮嘅旅程真係好精彩! 如果你都同我哋一樣期待佢嚟緊嘅表演,就買飛支持下啦!🎶🎟️In last week’s episode we had a fantastic time interviewi...

我哋上一集同 Joanna 傾偈,聽佢分享做指揮嘅旅程真係好精彩! 如果你都同我哋一樣期待佢嚟緊嘅表演,就買飛支持下啦!🎶🎟️

In last week’s episode we had a fantastic time interviewing Joanna about her journey as a conductor, and if you’re as excited for her upcoming show as we are, then get your tickets!🎶🎟️

#音樂會 #指揮 #現場音樂 #多倫多活動 #音樂愛好者

今個星期我哋請到一位極罕見嘅女指揮家 Joanna Ng吳欣倫, 同時佢亦都係一位出色嘅鋼琴家同長笛演奏家。除咗偷師以外, 我哋呢集訪問仲會同Joanna傾吓佢嘅音樂領導、藝術理念,同埋最新嘅計劃!📻✨ Tune in to this we...

今個星期我哋請到一位極罕見嘅女指揮家 Joanna Ng吳欣倫, 同時佢亦都係一位出色嘅鋼琴家同長笛演奏家。

除咗偷師以外, 我哋呢集訪問仲會同Joanna傾吓佢嘅音樂領導、藝術理念,同埋最新嘅計劃!📻✨

Tune in to this week’s episode as we sit down with Joanna Ng, an outstanding female conductor who’s also a masterful pianist and flutist.

Don’t miss this inspiring conversation about leadership, artistry, and upcoming projects led by Joanna! 📻✨


我哋今個星期嘅嘉賓Jo Chan陳華希 真係身懷罕見嘅才華!🎶 佢係鋼琴家、作曲家、指揮、音樂導師、電影配樂師,同時亦係音樂總監,一身多重身份!究竟點樣可以平衡咁多重角色? 記得今個星期六下午四點準時打開AM1430收聽《拉闊Sonic B...

我哋今個星期嘅嘉賓Jo Chan陳華希 真係身懷罕見嘅才華!🎶 佢係鋼琴家、作曲家、指揮、音樂導師、電影配樂師,同時亦係音樂總監,一身多重身份!

究竟點樣可以平衡咁多重角色? 記得今個星期六下午四點準時打開AM1430收聽《拉闊Sonic Boom》一齊了解下! 💥

Our guest this week, Jo Chan has a truly rare set of skills. He is a pianist, composer, conductor, music instructor, film scorer, and music director all wrapped in one!

How does one juggle and balance all of these identities? Tune into “Sonic Boom Live” on AM1430 this Saturday at 4pm to find out💥


今個星期好驚心動魄地安排到三位好厲害嘅嘉賓🥵🌟本地歌手 + 音樂製作人 Samson 甯浩基🌟香港歌手 + 男子組合MATCH成員 Tomy 何家銘🌟香港歌手 + 明星歌唱老師 Mexca 麥鏇璧 佢哋三位即將喺2月9號舉辦一場名為《Car...

🌟本地歌手 + 音樂製作人 Samson 甯浩基
🌟香港歌手 + 男子組合MATCH成員 Tomy 何家銘
🌟香港歌手 + 明星歌唱老師 Mexca 麥鏇璧

佢哋三位即將喺2月9號舉辦一場名為《Carpe Diem》嘅演唱會🔥

喺開唱之前梗係率先捉佢哋上嚟同我哋一齊傾吓音樂jam吓歌先啦! 🎶

記住星期六下午四點準時打開AM1430收聽《拉闊Sonic Boom》💥

This week we’ve got an absolutely thrilling lineup of 3 incredible guests!

🌟 Local singer + music producer Samson
🌟 HK singer + MATCH member Tomy
🌟 HK singer + celebrity vocal coach Mexca

They’re gearing up for their upcoming concert “Carpe Diem” on February 9 🔥

But before the big show, we’re bringing them in for a jam session and some music talk! 🎶

Tune into “Sonic Boom Live” on AM1430 this Saturday at 4 PM—don’t miss it! 💥

#何家銘 #甯浩基 #麥鏇璧 #活在當下

作為我哋2025年第一位嘉賓,我哋請咗我哋認識當中數一數二厲害嘅結他手 Ross 歐澍華🎸由辣手嘅搖滾到抒情嘅流行曲都完全難唔到佢🔥 佢除咗創立咗Laniakea樂隊之外,佢亦都擔任過多位港台巨星嘅演唱會結他手。唔喺台上嘅時候佢仲會化身成為...

作為我哋2025年第一位嘉賓,我哋請咗我哋認識當中數一數二厲害嘅結他手 Ross 歐澍華🎸

由辣手嘅搖滾到抒情嘅流行曲都完全難唔到佢🔥 佢除咗創立咗Laniakea樂隊之外,佢亦都擔任過多位港台巨星嘅演唱會結他手。唔喺台上嘅時候佢仲會化身成為一位充滿熱誠嘅結他老師。


We’ve invited one of the best guitarists we know .au.guitar as our very first guest in 2025! 🎸

He’s known for his lightning fast chops and face melting solos🔥 On top of being a founding member of , he’s also a popular session guitarist and adored guitar instructor.

Artists he’s worked with include Edmond Leung, William So, Terrence Siufay, J.Arie and more..


今個星期我哋請到Karen Lai上嚟同我哋傾吓佢係點樣從一位搖滾樂隊嘅建琴手/歌手進化成為一個演唱會嘅樂隊領班🤓喺”好耐好耐以前”, Karen有份帶啱啱開始夾band嘅Steven去認識一啲多倫多band壇嘅前輩,一齊玩show。 最近...

今個星期我哋請到Karen Lai上嚟同我哋傾吓佢係點樣從一位搖滾樂隊嘅建琴手/歌手進化成為一個演唱會嘅樂隊領班🤓

喺”好耐好耐以前”, Karen有份帶啱啱開始夾band嘅Steven去認識一啲多倫多band壇嘅前輩,一齊玩show。 最近Karen為BenBen嘅演唱會首次擔任樂隊領班,充分展現佢嘅音樂同領導才能🔥🔥

How to go from a rock band’s keyboardist/singer to a concert band leader? We have Karen Lai .a.z.music on our show this week to give us the answer 🤓

She was one of the musicians to introduce Steven to Toronto’s band scene back in the early 2000’s and most recently she displayed her talents as the band leader of BenBen ‘s concert🔥🔥

《歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽2024》金嗓獎兼全場總冠軍Ryan蘇柏浩 今個星期將會上嚟同我哋傾吓佢嘅比賽同得獎經歷,當然亦都唔少得為我哋嘅聽眾現場展示吓佢嘅歌喉啦🎤🎶The Golden Voice and Grand Champion a...

《歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽2024》金嗓獎兼全場總冠軍Ryan蘇柏浩 今個星期將會上嚟同我哋傾吓佢嘅比賽同得獎經歷,當然亦都唔少得為我哋嘅聽眾現場展示吓佢嘅歌喉啦🎤🎶

The Golden Voice and Grand Champion award winner of the Golden Oldies Singing Contest 2024, Ryan , will be dropping in our show this week to chat about his singing and competing experiences. Giving air time for him to show off his singing chops is definitely on the rundown🎤🎶


《歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽2024》下星期就到啦!🎉我哋今集請到上屆冠軍 Steven李肇峰 上嚟同我哋傾吓偈唱吓歌。 佢今年亦都遠赴香港勇闖《中年好聲音3》嘅大舞台。今集一定要同我哋分享吓佢嘅實戰經驗🔥 The  Golden Oldie...


我哋今集請到上屆冠軍 Steven李肇峰 上嚟同我哋傾吓偈唱吓歌。 佢今年亦都遠赴香港勇闖《中年好聲音3》嘅大舞台。今集一定要同我哋分享吓佢嘅實戰經驗🔥

The Golden Oldies Singing Competition 2024 is arriving next week! 🎉

We’ve invited last year’s champion Steven Lee on the show this week to chat and sing. He’s also competing in season 3 of the Midlife, Sing, and Shine Singing Competition in Hong Kong this year, so we’ll definitely take the chance to get the details of that journey🔥

#李肇峰 #歲月留聲懷舊金曲歌唱大賽2024 #歌唱比賽



The clip we mentioned in our last episode about Ian paying tribute to renowned Hong Kong composer Joseph Koo, by playing a medley of his hit songs 🎹


今集嘉賓有一位本地年輕,有才華又彈得一手好鋼琴嘅唱作人Ian 陳正熙。你只要用心留意就會發現喺好多本地嘅演唱會及音樂節上都會見到Ian嘅蹤影🎹🎶Ian之前都有上過我哋嘅節目幫其他嘉賓彈伴奏,但今集佢擔正🤩 Our guest this we...

今集嘉賓有一位本地年輕,有才華又彈得一手好鋼琴嘅唱作人Ian 陳正熙。你只要用心留意就會發現喺好多本地嘅演唱會及音樂節上都會見到Ian嘅蹤影🎹🎶


Our guest this week is the young and talented pianist / singer-songwriter, Ian Chan . Ian is a rising talent in the local music scene and you can spot him playing in many concerts and music festivals around town🎹🎶

Ian’s previously been on our show as an accompanying musician to our other guests, but this time around, he’s got the spotlight 🤩





Our guest this week is bassist / guitarist / singer-songwriter Leo who recently co-wrote and produced ‘s latest single 超和平的分開🔥

We’re going to find out all about Leo’s music journey from Hong Kong to Toronto, and of course, we’re going to take advantage of the chance to jam out with him! 🎶

好開心尋日同一隊我哋非常欣賞嘅樂隊 Kolor 做咗個好好玩嘅訪問。佢哋仲現場jam咗兩首歌送比我哋嘅聽眾👏祝Kolor今晚嘅《Touchdown世界巡迴演唱會2024多倫多站》大成功!🤟 We had a blast interviewi...

好開心尋日同一隊我哋非常欣賞嘅樂隊 Kolor 做咗個好好玩嘅訪問。佢哋仲現場jam咗兩首歌送比我哋嘅聽眾👏


We had a blast interviewing yesterday! They even spontaneously jammed 2 songs live for our listeners👏

As Toronto is the last leg of their Touchdown World Tour 2024, we have to show them how insane Toronto audiences are and let’s make some amazing memories together! 🤟

遠道由香港而嚟嘅Kolor樂隊今日到達多倫多啦! 🛬 等佢哋世界巡迴演唱會多倫多站都等咗幾個月,今個星期日終於有得睇啦🤟我哋趁有機會捉佢哋上嚟傾吓近況,今次嘅巡演,同未來嘅計劃!千祈唔好錯過啦! HK rock band  has touc...

遠道由香港而嚟嘅Kolor樂隊今日到達多倫多啦! 🛬 等佢哋世界巡迴演唱會多倫多站都等咗幾個月,今個星期日終於有得睇啦🤟


HK rock band has touched down in Toronto!🛬 Toronto’s been waiting several months for their world tour to finally come to town this Sunday 🤟

We’re taking the opportunity to have a sit down with them before the big show to talk about their tour, recent releases, and upcoming projects! You don’t want to miss this one!

今個星期捉到Sunshine Generations 2024全場總冠軍Kenneth 李祉昊上嚟jam吓歌,傾吓近況,亦都會借呢個機會更加了解Kenneth對音樂同唱歌嘅一啲睇法。📣今集現場吉他手 🎸Leo阿秋 This week we’...

今個星期捉到Sunshine Generations 2024全場總冠軍Kenneth 李祉昊上嚟jam吓歌,傾吓近況,亦都會借呢個機會更加了解Kenneth對音樂同唱歌嘅一啲睇法。

📣今集現場吉他手 🎸Leo阿秋

This week we’re catching up with Sunshine Generations 2024 Champion Kenneth Lee .biz to see how things have been for him after winning the competition. We’ll also be jamming some tunes with him and digging deeper into what sparked his passion in music and singing.

📣 Shoutout to our studio guitarist this week 🎸Leo Kan

#李祉昊 #歌唱比賽


Toronto, ON

Opening Hours

4pm - 5pm



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