Ava received a package late last night.
Which do you like most?
Ava filmed me preparing this coconut concoction fried rice 😁.
Rate her videography skills
My honest review about the buchymix cold press juicer.
See for yourself
Time to make some yummy juice for my family.
What did Bim just say🤣
How to assemble your buchymix premium masticating cold pressed juicer😁
Same sleeping pattern. I came to lie down after cooking and saw this. I have officially moved to Ava’s room, and no I’m not complaining. Make I hear say I Dey drag man with someone that I met just 4 years ago.
A little grocery shopping after Ava’s football practice
The first thing I baked with the help of my Buchymix Appliances food processor 😍.
This is a game changer
Guess what our second kitchen appliance from Buchymix Appliances is😁😁.
This a chaotic unboxing video, I can’t wait to put this to good use🙌🏽
My girls are not going to settle for less because they know what love is and how it should be because they are experiencing it first hand from their dad. If you are coming close you better come correct because the standard they have is so high.
What we did with the car we had in the UK.
I miss that car so much because it hold a lot of beautiful memories
Finally unboxing this beauty my Buchymix Appliances food processor.
OMG I am in love😍