At the ripe old age of two his parents captured him on cassette (yes, the days before CDs and MP3s) naming current tunes. In his high school years he was often given a piece of paper and the responsibility for coming up with a play-list for dances. But if you asked him back then, he wouldn’t have told you that when he’d grow up he would be making his living as a DJ. It wasn’t until after completin
g a university degree program in Kinesiology that he would have a brush with manning the wheels of steel at a house party early one morning; this would have a profound effect on him. Being a fan of the party scene and flirting with the idea of being a ‘DJ’ this brief experience at the house party planted a seed that finally came to fruition a few years later. Getting his baptism by fire by jumping into the DJ game during the summer of 2007; he has been going full steam ahead ever since. Matty’s outgoing personality on and off the decks has led him to a number of residencies across Toronto including Fly, Footwork, Straight, Lo’la, Fuzion, Voglie, Remy's, Tota, Riva and Li’ly; this is in addition to numerous one-offs and charity events. His talents have gone from the national to international level with bookings across Ontario, the United States, and all the way to Norway. Appearances in major festivals such as WMC in Miami and Pride here in Toronto have helped establish his name. With Matty’s growing popularity he is becoming a staple in the Toronto music scene, from College Street to Church Street. Stay tuned.