ReadyScribe’s “Easy Fix” Communication Tips
Hello Scribes,
Have you ever read or heard something and had no clue what it meant? Well, maybe it was the sender’s fault or maybe it was yours. This week we look at the responsibilities of both the sender and receiver in the communication process.
Communication is a two-way street. Merriam-Webster defines communication as “a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.”
There are five main components in the process of communication. The IDEA, which is the words and symbols to be transmitted; the SENDER (encoder), who initiates the communication and determines how it will be conveyed; the RECEIVER (decoder), who receives and interprets the idea; the CHANNEL, which is the method used for the delivery of the message, such as a text or phone call; and FEEDBACK, which is the response from the receiver.
The sender, as the initiator, has the greater responsibility in the process of communication.
1. Determine message to be communicated
2. Consider the receiver’s perspective (values, past experiences etc.) when crafting the message
3. Adapt the message according to the receiver’s perspective
4. Indicate if feedback is required and the preferred method of feedback
5. Anticipate and try to address potential barriers to communication such as distrust, physical challenges and vague word choices
1. Listen or read the message intentionally and carefully
2. Be aware of your biases and views and how those may affect how you interpret the message
3. Decode the message with an open mind
4. Ask for clarifications when you’re uncertain
5. Be intentional in identifying and recording key information
6. Provide constructive and appropriate feedback to the sender
Easy Fix Tip
There will always be challenges in the communication process. I think the best approach is to be open to different views and ways of communication.
Let me know if this is helpful, or if there is a topic you would like me to address. Until next week, don’t sweat it! It’s probably an easy fix.