Sutha Shanmugarajah speaks about how to get started viewing Ray of Hope made with the help of the breakthrough program run by the Documentary Organization of Canada. As Canada and Ontario prepare for elections, understanding the importance of the impact of communities is more important than ever before. See Ray of Hope Documentary and learn about this community - the Tamil community. It has been such a joy making this film, sharing it with festivals and now with the world. We have so many people to thank for sacrificing so much to help us tell these stories but none as important as the men and women who escaped a war, lost family and friends but continue to be resilient beyond those adversities. This story is also a cautionary tale about all the various wars, social injustices and human rights violations that continue to impact many people across the world, many ordinary citizens who's lives are forever changed being caught in the crosshairs of conflict. Watch the film with an open heart, with compassion, share it with your neighbour's and let's make Canada and indeed the world a better place to live, strive, raise our families for the sake of humanity.#tamil #oyablackarts #rayofhopedocumentary #cbcgem
Respect for those who gave their lives for freedom. TAMIL EELAM REMEMBRANCE DAY.