Please advice him!
I and My wife have been married for 5 years. We are based here in Lagos. She's 35 years old. We are doing very okay and living comfortably. Since we got married, my wife hated s3x so much. I am not even trying to sugarcoat this. She doesn't want to hear you talk about it or she does it. There's no one in the family that haven't tried to settle our differences since we got married. She was never like this when we were dating. It's been 1 issue to the other. She doesn't initiate s3x, and when she does accept you to have s3x, it's missi0nary style and it's just 1 round. Ah, me wey dey like knack wella. This woman begin change am for me. Lol. She doesn't want to hear you discuss s3x.
Anyway sha, lets move on...
5 YEARS ago, her mum came to my house to kneel down and tell me I am stressing her daughter that I should not kìll her with s3x. Her then-unmarried sister then asked if I am a d0g? Ah, insult. Anyway, I don forgive her. I spoke to my wife and told her what is the meaning of this? What kind of lies are you feeding your family with? This is the same person who happens to make just 1 round of s3x. Just 1 round. She lies flat on her back. Once you are done, she quickly pushes you away if you stay on top of her for more than 10 to 15 minutes. There were times she would hît me if I try to initiate s3x. I reported to her elder brother. He elder brother warned her. She stopped. She moved to kîcking me anytime we initiate s3x on bed, i reported to my pastor, he spoke to her and then, she stopped. My pastor told me i have to be patient with her. I said OK.
The only time we make love is just 1 round, mîssionary style and that's it. She says she has pain on her stomach. I have been patient for 5 years with her. I told her anytime she's strong enough, we can mäke out. That there's no problem.
I have been pressured to cheat on her many times. i HAVE BEEN REALLY PRESSURED. Its just not easy. Her family have insulted me for demanding s3x from her. Lol. The thing tire me. I see no where i am demanding. We don't do any other position apart from the mîssionary style. We do not even kiss. This is a woman that doesn't want you to kiss in in anyway. Even sometimes, she sh0uts at you when you try to be romantic to kiss her unexpectedly just to spies up our love life. She doesn't even want you to cuddle her on bed. She wants to be alone. Make money, attend to her business, vibes, laugh with friends and family and that's it. When it comes to s3x, don't go there discussing that with her about making out.
I even had to retort to preparing her mind for s3x by sending her a position we would try on WhatsApp, she would leave the message on read and not respond. When you talk to her about what you sent to her, she would just tell you, she's not strong to make love.
My wife is a very bîtter person full of anger. If you try to tickle her when she's cooking in the kitchen to play with her, she gets ängry and warns you not to try such. My wife doesn't want you to play with her. I am not writing all these to make it look I am a victim here. But all these are my experiences. I have to pour it out. I NEED SOME ADVICE.
There were many times, we agreed on separating. But we have already children and we used to think about these because the qûarrels and the disrespect, s3x and everything is causing a whole lot on us.
We do not have any form of healthy discussion very well. Before you know it, we are quarrelling over the place, she's shouting. There was a time we quarrelled that after thr0wing a Gotv rem0te at her, she faînted. She woke up before we got to the hospital. She almost diéd. I told her, she needs to stop her anger and control herself and enjoy her marriage. She just won't listen. She's an Edo woman.
I have tried many times to leave the marriage because it's affecting my mental health. Sometimes I regret about getting married to her. Sometimes, I just feel, maybe I CAN TRY MORE and give her a chance. When you call her to discuss our s3x life, about her anger and bîtterness, she doesn't apologise. She hardly apologise. Even when I get to explain her part on why she was wrong, she claims she's right until maybe someone hears us arguing before she would reluctantly apologise.
I have been battling a really starved s3x life, full of a woman with bìtterness, anger and pride who never apologise. She's quick to advice other women on Facebook, She would video call friends, give them advice and her family how they need to maintain peace with their relationship. But she never seem to give me respect in anyway in her own own. Hmmmm.
Recently, my wife brought out another timetable that she cannot cope making out with me the way she does. Which is 3 times a week. That she can only be available to make love 2 times a week. This 2 times is just 1 round each. This is how she wants it. I immediately responded to her that I feel her pain. I understand. She cannot be pressured just to make it look like she wants to please me that I would rather get a side chic. Yes, i know this was wrong to tell her, but i am frustrated. She disrespects me and starve me of s3x and she's even bending the rules again. She responded that 'ok that I am free to do what i LIKE'.
i decided to bring this here to know the comments from people. I would like to get advice from persons who are going through similar things like this and advice me on what to do.
Some of you might say, call her and talk to her. I have done that several times since in the last 5years. I did it last night and twice today. I have spoken to her. She promised she would change, she would not only repeat the same thing but make things worst the next time.
She disrespects me a lot. I have sometimes left the house but come back after families get to call me. She would change for a week and return to her old self.
What do I DO? Please make your responses constructive enough.