
Copy&Co Content and Copywriter for artists and educators✨✨✨Social Media à la carte services 📍Paris

Hey there. It’s me Emily. Did you need me to write you something? Below is a list of services I provide for my clients.A...

Hey there. It’s me Emily. Did you need me to write you something? Below is a list of services I provide for my clients.

Anything you might need written, I can do that. Even if you have written it already, I can proof it and edit it.

✔︎Proofreading (starting at $190)

✔︎Editing (starting at $190)

✔︎Email marketing (starting at $350)

✔︎Social media captions (starting at $50)

✔︎Social media management⚡️(starting at $750)

✔︎Proposals (starting at $350)

✔︎Brand and sales messaging (starting at $650)

✔︎Abstracts (starting at $350)

✔︎Case studies (starting at $350)

✔︎Websites (starting at $2500)

⚡️”Light” social media management: Let me create the graphics, write the captions, and post your content.

⚡️Prices valid as of March 2024 and are subject to change.

DM for exact pricing on your project, as each client’s needs are unique.

Copywriting is that service you didn't know your business needed.Hiring a copywriter isn't a huge obligation. You don't ...

Copywriting is that service you didn't know your business needed.

Hiring a copywriter isn't a huge obligation. You don't have to commit to a monthly retainer. Instead, you can begin with a small project to see if having a copywriter is a good fit for you.

What's on your to-do list right now that a copywriter can do for you?

Are you struggling with your About Me page?
Do you need to write a caption for that post you've been putting off?
Do you think your brand messaging is off because you aren't connecting with your ideal audience?

A copywriter can help you with all this.

DM me to ask any questions you might have about working with me.

I started showing up in stories more this week. I'm an introvert so this isn't the most natural outlet for me but I'm pa...

I started showing up in stories more this week. I'm an introvert so this isn't the most natural outlet for me but I'm participating in the challenge to show up more consistently and more authentically on stories for the month of February.

Stories are a really important part of your Instagram strategy. I know it's not easy, but it's the place where your followers get to know you, and if you're in business that is really important because people buy from those they know, like, and trust.

Think of your Instagram like a storefront, the stories are where people take it all in and do a little window shopping. And if your end goal is to sell something, then that is a really important factor to take notice of.

Please join me on IG stories this month and let's get to know each other better.

Caption templates vs. Writing your ownThere are a few reasons why buying caption templates might suit your needs, but ty...

Caption templates vs. Writing your own

There are a few reasons why buying caption templates might suit your needs, but typically simple captions written in your own voice convert better.

One size does not fit all when you are trying to connect with your clients and customers. However, we all have to start somewhere and when starting out on this platform, I also bought caption templates. In the end, even though they were engaging, those captions didn't convert because they didn't sound like me and there was a definite disconnect.

Buy a template if
✔︎ You sell a common generic product
✔︎ You plan to use it as a guide and rework it for your own brand voice
✔︎ You don't need to speak directly to your ideal client

Write your own captions or get someone to write them for you if
➕ You want to highlight a unique position in your industry
➕ You want to develop a unique brand voice
➕ You want your personality to shine

There is no right or wrong answer. Let me know below if you've used caption templates and what your experience was with them.

Have you ever taken an enneagram personality test?I felt personally attacked when I found out I was an enneagram type on...

Have you ever taken an enneagram personality test?
I felt personally attacked when I found out I was an enneagram type one and I'm gonna take that test again to make sure🥴 aaaaaaand I'm pretty sure that is soooooo ennegram one of me to do 🤷🏼‍♀️

But here is why my personality type benefits you when we work together.

I'm a natural-born advocate who genuinely wants your business ideas to succeed.
I'm rational which means I will help you build strategies for your business that work.
I'm conscientious, ethical, and detail-oriented which means you'll get high-quality work.

Whether we work together writing your new website or a set of Instagram captions that tell your story, I'm excited to be in your corner as your own business cheerleader.

So while I sit over here and take that test again, why don't you head over to my website and find a service that's right for you.

Shhhhh, don't tell anyone but the secret to an engaging caption is to be engaging.We might be tempted not to spend too m...

Shhhhh, don't tell anyone but the secret to an engaging caption is to be engaging.

We might be tempted not to spend too much on our captions because we think no one is reading them and no one is commenting. But let me assure you, people are reading them. The reason they aren't commenting or engaging with your post might be because of the caption.

Here are three things to think of next time you sit down to write your captions:

💭A thought-provoking headline
💭A sentence or two to explain your headline
💭A strong, simple call to action

It doesn't have to be a long caption and it doesn't have to be complicated.

Tell me below if you like to read captions or are you all about the visual?

Before you start writing your website, here is what to do.Start with market research to see where you fit and how to app...

Before you start writing your website, here is what to do.

Start with market research to see where you fit and how to approach your sales messaging.

✔️Survey your existing clients
✔️Interview your clients and colleagues about your services and products
✔️Create a focus group to give feedback on prototypes
✔️Use beta testers for any new services
✔️Research competing websites to see what you like and what you don't

Without research, you won't have a good understanding of what your message should be, who your audience is, and how you should approach that audience.

Research is the foundation of everything you need to do for your business.

But not everyone likes to research, nor do they have the time.

That's where I come in; research is my life. In other words, I live for research😉
(I still can't part with my old set of burgundy Encyclopedia Brittanica volumes because that was the beginning of it all!)

I've been developing my brand messaging guide for months, and I can confidently say it's the perfect starting point for every business ready to grow.

It will give you
⚡️Clarity in your vision
⚡️Motivation to promote
⚡️Inspiration to create new products and services
⚡️A clear message to effectively communicate with your audience

As in, it'll make it easier to write your
💥Social media captions

Let's get started on that research
DM me to set up a time

What is brand messaging and why is it important for your business?Solopreneurs, artisans, and small business owners typi...

What is brand messaging and why is it important for your business?

Solopreneurs, artisans, and small business owners typically run their business on intuition.
Usually, a new small business doesn't have everything mapped out from the beginning, which is ok.

However, if your small business was forced to pivot or re-invent itself over this past year, you undoubtedly found it challenging. You couldn't rely on your intuition because the business climate had changed to unfamiliar territory.

This is where having a solid plan comes in — business plans and strategies aside. Having a brand messaging guide for your business will center your message and help you talk to your clients through social media, blogs, and ads from a solid place.

What is a brand message, you may ask?
It's a combination of strategically written statements for your business that act as a starting place for the rest of your copy and content.

It's where you come from when you explain what your company does for people. Think 💭 elevator pitch.

If you find it hard to answer questions like, what makes me different from my competitors? Or what's my mission statement? Then creating a brand messaging guide will help address that challenge. In addition, a guide will help you, your VA, your copywriter, and your content writer all sound like one person because everyone will be on the same page, literally.

I'm opening up 2 spots for a brand messaging session in August.
Go to and fill out the contact form to get started.

Five Ways to Show Social Proof on Your Website1. Display visual proof of your product in action2. Create surveys and sha...

Five Ways to Show Social Proof on Your Website

1. Display visual proof of your product in action
2. Create surveys and share results
3. Case studies
4. Media mentions, think "as seen in"
5. Display customer testimonials

Social proof of your services or products is a psychological and social phenomenon. People automatically are drawn to something someone else has or has used, especially if they have something good to say about it.

So make sure to display social proof on every page of your website in one of the five ways mentioned above.
Don't worry you're allowed to brag about this😉

My post today is a lovely testimonial from one of my clients.

If you need some guidance as to how to assemble the kind of social proof you need for your website, email me at [email protected]

I see you with the unfinished website.It's more common than you might think.Having a professionally written website is a...

I see you with the unfinished website.

It's more common than you might think.

Having a professionally written website is a key factor in positioning your business for success.
Your website is open 24/7, communicating with potential clients from all over the world, even when you are asleep.

If you don’t have a website yet, it’s time to get one.

If your website isn’t attracting clients and closing the sale, it might be time to get a copy audit to reinfuse some energy into your website.

I'm currently booking for July and have 2 spots open for a copy audit.

Follow the link in bio to fill out the contact form on my website or email me at [email protected]

Let’s get started.

Aaaaaaaaaand we are live!Building and writing your own website is a huge task, and my website launch today wouldn't have...

Aaaaaaaaaand we are live!

Building and writing your own website is a huge task, and my website launch today wouldn't have been possible without some major support.

I'm so excited to finally have a place that you can go to learn more about my services and get to know Copy&Co better.

Are you dreaming of getting your website ready to welcome your new clients?

I invite you to visit the site now, take a look around, and let me know what you think of the services. Then, if you see something you like, book a call, and let's get started.

Words have power, some more than others.Language is alive. Language is fluid.  It changes as you use it, so choosing the...

Words have power, some more than others.

Language is alive. Language is fluid. It changes as you use it, so choosing the right words to communicate is one of the most important things we do.

In the context of copywriting, this matters for two reasons:
01. The words you use on your website to sell your product or service can attract or repel your customers.
02. Language affects others. Words can encourage or they can be damaging, so be careful how you use those words.

There are different styles of copywriting, some aggressively persuasive, preying on your insecurities and fears.
Then there is a more ethical kind of copywriting, a concise type of copy that tells a positive story and educates.

Are you having trouble choosing the right words for your brand story?
Then click the link in bio to inquire about my copywriting services.

I can't wait to tell your story.

It's time for a round of introductions! 🎉Hey there, I’m Emily and I’m the CEO, copywriter, and content creator here at C...

It's time for a round of introductions! 🎉

Hey there, I’m Emily and I’m the CEO, copywriter, and content creator here at Copy&Co. My company started last year as a team of two and is now a one-woman copywriting production, which means my process is very streamlined and I only take on a dedicated amount of clients each month.

I have been an entrepreneur for over 20 years and know firsthand how hard it is to write about your own business. My background is in journalism, education, hospitality, administration, retail, and corporate sales. You might say I’ve been training for this all my life because the one thing those experiences had in common was, you guessed it, content and copywriting.

I truly am so thankful for all of you on this platform. I'm so happy you are here, whether you just discovered my page or you have been here since the beginning (👋🏻 Mom).

🖥️ If you are getting ready to grow and scale your business, then you need a copywriter.

✏️ I am currently booking one more client for July so DM me to get started!

Please introduce yourself in the comments (or DMs), I'm looking forward to getting to know you better and seeing how I can serve you and your business.


Unpopular opinion, coming right up.Copywriting is part of the equation; it isn’t the only thing that converts. Somewhere...

Unpopular opinion, coming right up.

Copywriting is part of the equation; it isn’t the only thing that converts.

Somewhere along the line, a more complex sentence was boiled down to “copy that converts,” and that phrase right there sets clients up for disappointment. Especially if they believe that’s all it takes and lack the other necessary components.

Now that that’s off my chest.

Let me say this, it is essential to have well-written copy because you can have all the other pieces in place, like a fast site, SEO, social proof, and excellent UX, but when all eyes land on your site, you better have a well-curated set of words to close the deal.

There are countless DIY copy courses and programs out there, and if you prefer to write the copy yourself, over time, you will probably do an excellent job of it. But it will take time and lots of research.

If that doesn’t sound like something you’d like to do, if you don’t have the time or mental bandwidth to get it done, DM me. I’m booking clients for June.

They say Monday is a state of mind.What state is your Monday in?I alternate between taking Mondays easy and powering thr...

They say Monday is a state of mind.

What state is your Monday in?

I alternate between taking Mondays easy and powering through to-do lists.

Let me know below what's on the agenda for you today?

# #

Sometimes I’m staring at a blank page for hours with no idea what to write. Especially when it’s me or my business that ...

Sometimes I’m staring at a blank page for hours with no idea what to write.

Especially when it’s me or my business that I have to write about. Why is that? I bet it happens to you too, doesn’t it?

Writing “About Me” pages is quickly becoming one of my favourite things to write. I think I’m in a groove.

Telling the story behind a business and humanizing it is incredibly rewarding.

One of my clients told me today that when she read the bio for her website, she got a bit teary-eyed. And that made my day, possibly even my week.

Encapsulating your story and touching hearts and minds with your “About Me” page is kinda my goal these days.

If you’re feeling stuck or your rough draft needs some finessing, DM me now. I’d like to offer a free copy edit for the first person who messages me.

I’ll take a look at your bio and suggest ways you could optimize it.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

I'm not talking about giving extra services away for free.⁠ Because we all know that’s not good for business.⁠⁠However, ...

I'm not talking about giving extra services away for free.⁠ Because we all know that’s not good for business.⁠

However, this quote really resonates with me because it speaks to one of my core values, under promise and over deliver.⁠ ⁠

Perhaps, it’s because I’m a people pleaser, or perhaps it’s my many years in corporate sales and entrepreneurship.⁠

I’ve learned that customer service is integral to growing your business. Word of mouth is always your best advertisement. ⁠

So, when I say deliver more than expected, I mean that if a project is due on Friday, try to send it off a little earlier. When someone direct messages you, reply with a voice text. ⁠

It may not seem like a lot but it adds up and your clients trust in you will grow.

One of the best things about working with small business owners is learning about their business.⁠⁠When I start to work ...

One of the best things about working with small business owners is learning about their business.⁠

When I start to work with a new client, there is a “getting to know you” period that helps us understand each other. ⁠

During this client onboarding, I love finding out why they started their business and the passion they have for helping others with the services they offer.

This is a critical step when hiring someone to write your website because your copywriter is speaking for you.

This initial step takes time. There are questionnaires, Zoom calls, and an exchange of emails. It’s crucial to spend time at this stage to ensure the final product suits you and your brand.

Are you thinking of starting a business? Or maybe you are thinking about getting your business online?

DM me today and lets get to know each other better.⁠

Did you know you don't have to pick a niche?⁠⁠Not sure who is up to talk business on a Sunday morning but I have a few t...

Did you know you don't have to pick a niche?⁠

Not sure who is up to talk business on a Sunday morning but I have a few things to get off my chest about "niching down" as they say.⁠

I was chatting to a client about the feedback they've been getting on their visuals and brand messaging. ⁠
One of their beta testers mentioned their brand message is too narrowly targeted at women. He thought perhaps men like him would be very interested in their product. And just like that their customer base grew.⁠

I know they say, when you speak to everyone, you speak to no one. However, if you narrow your target audience too much, you may only be speaking to one, lonely person.⁠

When you chose a niche, remember you can go vertically or horizontally. So pick a specific audience to target or pick a single service to offer to a wider audience.⁠

To niche or not to niche, that is the question?


The saying goes, facts tell, stories sell.⁠

Your clients want to see themselves in your storytelling and ⁠your website is one of the best places to be telling your brand story.⁠

Here are four unconventional ways to help you tell your stories better.⁠

🏃🏼‍♀️Get Outside:⁠ There is something about working through your thoughts as you explore in nature or simply rhythmically pound the pavement. ⁠

📚Read More:⁠ Get off of social media and read a good old fashioned book about anything, your brain will thank you.⁠

🗣Talk it Out:⁠ Phone a friend and talk through your story with them. The process will help you to notice what resonates with your audience.⁠

🔎Observe Others:⁠ This one is connected to reading. Observe how other people tell their stories. Notice especially the ones that you enjoy listening to.⁠

Now get out there and write a story. ⁠
Whether it be your next instagram caption, or your 'about me' page for that new website of yours.⁠

If you found this helpful please like, share and save for later. ⁠

Let’s address the elephant in the room, shall we?My website is mostly unfinished. And no, the irony isn’t lost on me. I’...

Let’s address the elephant in the room, shall we?

My website is mostly unfinished. And no, the irony isn’t lost on me. I’m a website writer and I don’t have a website up and running.
Kinda like the cobbler’s kids having no shoes or something like that.

So, when you are staring at that blank screen know that I’m right there with you 👩🏼‍💻

I’m almost there. So close I can taste it.

In the meantime, if you click through to my website, there is a nice little freebie in there with a list of 5 things NOT to do when you finally get around to your website.

Click follow in my bio to see how my website ends up.

Don Draper knew what he was talking about.⁠⁠There is nothing more significant than simple copy. ⁠⁠Short simple sentences...

Don Draper knew what he was talking about.⁠

There is nothing more significant than simple copy. ⁠

Short simple sentences that only use the most significant words.⁠

This is what will tell your brand story the best.⁠

I read recently that copy length or word count shouldn't dictate effectiveness. ⁠

Sometimes a short caption, email, or sales page can outperform a long one, but not always.⁠

My university English professor made us write summaries for a month in my third year English Literature class. Presumably, most of us could already write a decent paper. However, after reducing short stories to mere sentences, our writing significantly improved.⁠

Today's busy world doesn't leave us much time to get things done.⁠
I promise your website visitors will thank you for simplifying your copy and respecting their time.⁠

Follow .co for more ideas for improving your website copy.

Did you know that in addition to writing blogs for our clients we also have our own blog on You will find ...

Did you know that in addition to writing blogs for our clients we also have our own blog on
You will find tips to help you improve your own copy, what to do before hiring a copywriter, and branding tips. ⁠

If you are looking for help with your blog writing, our blog is a good place to start.⁠

Visit the link in bio ☞︎

6 things about us that might surprise you!⁠⁠1. One of us can play Chopin on the piano, but you won't catch us posting th...

6 things about us that might surprise you!⁠

1. One of us can play Chopin on the piano, but you won't catch us posting that here!⁠

2. One speaks fluent Russian but isn't from Russia ⁠

3. One of us has been on safari in Kenya and Tanzania ⁠

4. One of us hiked the Sólheimajökul glacier in Iceland (try saying that one time fast)⁠

5. One of us painted 100 paintings of 100 of their photographs for 100 days in a row⁠

6. One of us has two Yorkshire Terriers, a dog-ter and a dog-son. Obsession might be a good term to describe the love.⁠

Now we'd love to know; do we have something in common?⁠

Anyone else like classical music, dogs, hiking glaciers or going on safaris? ⁠

Website copy is one of our most popular services.⁠Early on, we realized that we wanted to focus on website copy. The wor...

Website copy is one of our most popular services.

Early on, we realized that we wanted to focus on website copy. The words you use on your website will shape your brand’s voice.

Are you looking to get your business online with a new website?
Or maybe your current website needs some rewrites and refining.

We'd love to answer any questions you might have about working with us.

There's a lot of moving pieces when putting together a website and and we love playing an active role in helping our clients make the best decision for their needs.⁠

If you're ready to get started
👩🏻‍💻email us at [email protected]!

If you have some questions for us...
📥DM us today

If you know someone who is looking
for a website copywriter then make sure to
📬pass this along or tag them below.⁠


PO Box 73018 Evergreen PO
Surrey, BC


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