WCFGA Update on Fraser Chinook Options
We anticipate a decision from Fisheries Minister Wilkinson in a matter of days. In the recent weeks many within the Recreational Community and BC Chamber of Commerce have been working collaboratively to ensure the Minister receives detailed science-based data.
The BC Chamber of Commerce, whom we have had the great pleasure of working closely with our Thriving Orcas, Thriving Communities Coalition has published an Op-Ed article in the the Victoria TC Newspaper. When the Chamber speaks out in support of the Public Fishery by raising issues and questions - that gets noticed.
The SFI has been working hard behind the scenes to provide the Minister with other additional information, particularly calling out the economic consequences of a Scenario A decision. In addition to that, they are carefully pointing out that the juice just isn’t worth the squeeze. For example, in 2017 the Exploitation Rate (ER) with no new fishing restrictions on any sector ensured that 85.4% of returning adults to the Fraser indicator stream (Nicola) made it home to spawn. Under Scenario B, that would ensure 90% return successfully - a difference of 4.6%, amounting to a few hundred at best additional spawners, and certainly not enough to lead to recovery. Instead we advocate that fishing restrictions are simply political icing on the cake to make the appearance of doing something, when what is really needed is wise investment in habitat improvement and hatchery enhancement to help address the core issues of climate change. We also need a science-based plan to address pinniped predation. These are the real causal factors (predation and climate change in Fresh Water) impeding Fraser Chinook from recovering.
The fact that Minister Wilkinson and his staff are recently asking for further clarification demonstrates the Minister is seeking advice to be guided by his promise to make a science-based decision, not a political one. Time will tell if Minister Wilkinson is able to honour this promise. Meanwhile, the fact the Minister is taking care to get facts and is engaged is a good thing. We would rather have a thoughtful balanced decision, than a quick decision. Take all the time you need Minister Wilkinson.
ENGO Groups Take Aim To Advocate Closing Public Fishery
As many members know, there are several ENGO groups aiming to close the public fishery. They are being effective utilizing social media to apply their narrative of fishery closures as the best solution to recover Fraser Chinook and SRKW. Its time for the Public Fishery to stand up and be counted.
We remind members that on April 18, Raincoast Conservation Foundation will host a forum in Victoria - the purpose of which is to advance their agenda to close recreational, commercial and whale watching marine based activities. We are calling on members to make plans to attend the event. If you were unable to obtain tickets to attend the actual event, we still encourage members to show up and stand in solidarity and speak for the Public Fishery. We are working to have T-Shirts available for supporters to wear that carry our message to Save Our Public Fishery. Details of the event location, timing etc are below:
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Panel: the future of killer whale recovery
Join us this April, in Victoria or online, for an expert panel and discussion.
Published on 2019 · 03 · 12 by RaincoastKiller Whales in the foreground and text: Victoria April 18 Panel
Join us this April, either in person or on online, as we discuss the challenges ahead in the recovery of the endangered Southern Resident killer whales.
With the Southern Resident population now at only 75 individuals, their survival is clearly threatened under current conditions. Additional noise from vessel traffic, further reductions in food availability, or random events such as disease and oil spills would significantly increase their risk of extinction. Our research has helped to outline the viability of this population, given existing threats and those on the horizon. The same research also outlines that we can put them on a path to recovery if we take necessary action.
Expert panel discussion, April 18th
7pm to 9pm Pacific
Sunset Labs, 400 Herald Street, Victoria
Marine First Aid Course
If you need to renew your Marine First Aid, there will be a course in Port Alberni on April 17 & 18. If interested, contact Paul Dore at 250-720-7870 for further information
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