The Salt Spring Vortex

The Salt Spring Vortex Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from The Salt Spring Vortex, Salt Spring Island, BC.

Saltspring is in decline. The base reason is the disfunction and stagnation of our local government. We really can't address a major challenge to Saltspring with a diluted, bureaucratically obtuse form of representation that dilutes local authority to provincial employees who have no mandate and regard for the health and resilience of our community. The principal issue of this election is selecting candidates that support referral of the islands Trust Act to the provincial government. Free Saltspring from the Islands Trust! Pass it on.

Mission creep is already pervasive within the Trust and part of what is locally known as “getting to no.”

While we play by the rules; others ignore all of our perils...Can you imagine the level of obtuse privilege an...

While we play by the rules; others ignore all of our perils...Can you imagine the level of obtuse privilege and entitlement needed to park a camper on a public road at a public beach and starting an AirBnB. Well here it is, at Hamilton Beach, Isabella Point Road this crap camper has been parked all summer, blocking access and parking and creating garbage, beach fires, and the false sense of security for those brave enough to live on a roadside where locals know what's happening and are not happy about it. In a nutshell this issue epitomizes the challenges we face as a community when our government is fragmented and uncooperative by design. It is far past time for Saltspringers to demand equal representation under the law--Trustees that are locals and voted into office by locals, by-law enforcement by locals, not off-island quasi-cops, and government that serves the interests of our community, not a nebulous province that cares little for the island but the tax base. If you demand action on any single issue facing Saltspring--the climate change and the environment, water, housing, income inequality--that action begins with restructuring local government to put the power into the hands of locals. Believe it.


We are pleased to report that the Vortex Development Permit application was approved yesterday during the Local Trust Committee hearing. With the Architectural Impact Assessment complete, we were able to identify an area suitable for the septic field that was outside the 30m SPEA setback, and also outside the Heritage Architectural Zone (DeRu-18). This was a compelling change to the plan, addressing concerns of Staff and Trustees, but also First Nations and interested locals. We were gratified to have received a positive outcome over the 4 LTC hearings and 2 APC hearing the project has required for approval. We remain committed to working with Tsawout First Nation as the project continues, and look forward to the next step, working with the CRD and the Fulford Water Service Area to enhance water infastructure in Fulford Harbour. We wish to thank all those supporters, loud and silent alike, who have expressed their desire to see the South End brought back to life. And to those who appeared yesterday in objection to the proposal, we remain dedicated to preserving the natural habitat of the Estuary...our stewardship will continue...we would be happy to engage with you to hear your vision for the harbour and ideas you have for the site. We are looking for the best possible outcome. Assuring that the zoning and the use of the property are established fact was essential to our journey, but now that that work has been complete, we are more than willing to listen and consider other ideas and concepts in cooperation and good faith. Thank you


Hi All: It is very difficult to ask supporters to register their support for the Vortex project after a 5 year entitlement process which is continually tasked with further and further requirements. But if the signs portend, my friends, this will be the last dance for the Vortex. We have met or exceeded every possible requirement the Trust staff have asked of us. While the NIMBY gatekeepers use "fear-mongering" over half-baked environmentalism to kill every effort at creating a sustainable, inclusive and thriving Saltspring community, they remain small, vocal and engaged and in fact appear set to protest this well-considered project. We recognize that the vast majority support the Vortex but have lives to live and challenges that occupy their minds. Meanwhile our community is now living with the consequences of this short sited protectionism with a baffling array of crisis' around housing, employment, infrastructure and economic opportunity for all. In addition to the existential impacts of lack of housing to our essential service providers, BC Ferris, the hospital; did you know that the islands Trust itself has been impaired by its own management of our island, having lost or soon to lose virtually all of its planning staff. Is this really the world that we all wanted for Saltspring? The Vortex is important, not just because of the project vision itself, but because it represents innovation and change in how we manage our island for the future. Please help us overcome the gate keepers, write an email to the islands trust today. Send a message of support...this matters. Write an email to [email protected]

Tsawout First Nations delivers powerful letter of support for Vortex project to Islands Trust..."Through critical review...

Tsawout First Nations delivers powerful letter of support for Vortex project to Islands Trust...

"Through critical review we have determined that the proponent meets and exceeds the environmental standards for the project. The proponent has satisfied our initial request to have our cultural monitors present for archeological work within the project area, and we no longer have concerns of the projects impact to archeological sites and local water ways."...

"The proponent meaningfully acknowledges Tsawout’s ties to W̱EN,NÁ¸NEC and has proposed a working relationship with Tsawout First Nation which has the potential to revitalize the spiritual relationship of the community with the traditional territories of W̱EN,NÁ¸NEC, while also supporting the nations right of self-determination to pursue economic development."

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VORTEX GOING BACK TO THE ISLANDS TRUST--AUG 9In February the Local Trust Committee directed Staff to refer the developme...

In February the Local Trust Committee directed Staff to refer the development permit application for the Vortex to local First Nations, with particular attention to the siting of the historic septic field.

We have learned over the lengthy process of this application, that consultation with First Nations is not a direct path. Although the LTC allowed 60 days for the referral, 150 days are quickly gone. It is perhaps too much to expect that the land use decisions of the Islands Trust may command the time and attention of First Nations when there are so many other critical priorities before their governments. It is really our responsibility as the project advocate to initiate these discussions, as we have done throughout the process. In February of 2020 the Islands Trust received a conditional letter of support for the Vortex by Tsaout First Nations (see:

The path has not been a direct one, the outcome is not known, but we have continued to walk the path, initiating conversation with patience, expressing a desire for shared understanding and to simply make our case for this project. It is with humility and appreciation that we have shared our vision for this uniquely important site with local First Nations. It is with a committment to reconciliation, shared prosperity and rejuvination of the land and relationship that we have listened and endevoured to understand the history, legacy, concerns and desires of local First Nations.

The time has arrived for the LTC to make a decision on the application for a development permit for the Vortex. The date has been set--Tuesday August 9.

The Vortex needs your support--we are so close. Please refer to our website ( for more information, and please, please email the trustees and express your support ([email protected] or [email protected]) for this important project for our South Island community. More to come...Kuḱwustum̓ckacw

Over the last three days we have completed the Archeological site investigation of the Vortex, in cooperation with local...

Over the last three days we have completed the Archeological site investigation of the Vortex, in cooperation with local First Nations from Tsawout and Cowichan. The work to date has included installation of 14 test pits across the site, targeting areas of likely deposits and areas with likely construction impact. The work seeks to identify undisturbed areas of cultural significant (specifically pre-1857) deposits in an effort to mitigate potential impacts from construction. This is not a Grace Islet situation by any means, but we will defer comments until the report is filed and available. We have already created a best practises approach to archeological impacts by building with pilings instead of foundations and building in previously disturbed areas.


Over the last several nights, people have illegally entered the property at the old Fulford Inn and cut down heritage trees. I cannot express how shameful and outrageous these actions are. These old trees are all that is left of the heritage farm house which suspiciously burned down in the dark of a winter night in February 2021. The development plan always included the retention of the heritage trees and the heritage farm house. It is a contant battle to protect his special place from squatters, dumpers, and vagrants, but in truth the best way to protect this land is to approve it development and make it part of our community again. If you see something suspicious on the site, please say something.

Keeping busy while waiting for the Islands Trust...

Keeping busy while waiting for the Islands Trust...

Merchant House Capital is pleased to announce closing on the acquisition of Waterfront, a 50-unit mixed use residential/commercial community next to the Sidney Pier Hotel in downtown Sidney, BC. This rare strata-titled luxury apartment building benefits from a 7.5 acre view covenant over the Sidney foreshore which presents compelling future development opportunity with strong in-place cash flow. We are excited to add Sidney to our expanding portfolio, and hopefully we'll see you there on the patio this summer!

What is not in this article is that the LTC advanced the Vortex to the Advisory Planning Committee for consultation sche...

What is not in this article is that the LTC advanced the Vortex to the Advisory Planning Committee for consultation scheduled for Thursday, March 3. There is a desire to move this application forward to a decision, promptly.

The developer behind plans to revamp the site of the former Fulford Inn will have to wait as the Islands Trust asks First Nations for feedback on variance and development permits they are considering.The Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee (LTC)


At the LTC hearing today, Peter Luckham, Chair of the Local Trust Committee, just said that the Vortex doesn't have Community Support based on the letters received. He said our application is an "uphill battle". Have we really lost community support?

It's true we have not petitioned for Communty Support from our Friends and Neighbors in the South End. How can you propose a project that purports to be about community, while asking people to pick sides? Is that really what has become of local government, that they require controversy and contention to drive their decision making? I get that the Driftwood needs to create an on-line "bun-fight" petition to sell newspapers, but is that same division what compels leadership and action at the LTC?

Okay, I'll bite... please send your email of support for the Vortex to:

[email protected]
[email protected]

And please share with a friend or neighbor or see for more information.

Please tell the Trust to stop listening to the NIMBY's that have held this island hostage for too long. How can we contend with climate change, lack of housing, and deteriorating infrastructure and services with a local government led by someone who doesn't understand the communty he legislates over.

As Arvid said, "The Islands Trust. We aren't happy until you aren't happy."

The Saltspring Vortex will be in front of the Local Trust Committee on Tuesday February 15. We await publication of the ...

The Saltspring Vortex will be in front of the Local Trust Committee on Tuesday February 15. We await publication of the Staff Report, which is scheduled to occur sometime today. We will send a link when the information is available. If you havent done so, please take a moment to review the website (

Reimagining Reimagining the former Fulford Inn site as a new destination for visitors and islanders alike.Restoring Restoring the natural landscape through ecologically-sensitive and responsible development on just 11.5% of the property, leaving the balance as open space and natural habitat.  Re...

We recently activated a website,, to provide information on our current Development Permit appl...

We recently activated a website,, to provide information on our current Development Permit application before the Local Trust Committee. While the path toward restoration of the Fulford Inn property has been a long one, we are gratified that the decision will soon be in the hands of the LTC. It is our hope that the information provided, including access to projects reports and studies, will help calm fears and correct misperceptions, will bring attention to the balance of island-values and positive objectives the plan achieves, while meeting and/or exceeding the objectives of the Official Community Plan and requirements of the Development Permit Areas.🙂

Reimagining Reimagining the former Fulford Inn site as a new destination for visitors and islanders alike.Restoring Restoring the natural landscape through ecologically-sensitive  and responsible development on just 11.5% of the property, leaving the balance  as open space and natural habitat.  ...

For some, what is obvious and inconvenient, that the Fulford Inn site is a brownfield site in need of revitalization, is...

For some, what is obvious and inconvenient, that the Fulford Inn site is a brownfield site in need of revitalization, is ignored...

Well this is just plain sad. The hows and whys of how this came to pass seem to be a bit muddy, but there it is nonetheless. The old inn at the end of the Fulford Harbour, one of the main ga...

It has been quite a ride for our friends at Mountainview Brewing Company in beautiful Hope BC. First they open during co...

It has been quite a ride for our friends at Mountainview Brewing Company in beautiful Hope BC. First they open during covid, enduring constantly changing conditions, while managing a fledgling brewer and building a foollowing with live music, music bingo night, and any other excuse to have a good time. Ready for their one year anniversary party, the party plans are on hold to serve their community in a time on need. The truth is, once you create a business around gathering and celebration, the dedication to your community becomes bigger than the business.

🥣SOUPS ON♥️ At 5PM we’ll be serving up turkey soup & veggie chilli by donation. Hopefully we’ll have some biscuits & buns ready by then too. Come by for a hot shower and laundry if you need it. Charge your stuff up, play a round of pool, have some water. No purchase necessary. 🍻

We are excited to announce that the Vortex will be applying for Green Shores certification...The Stewardship Centre for ...

We are excited to announce that the Vortex will be applying for Green Shores certification...The Stewardship Centre for BC – along with its funding partners – started the Green Shores program in 2005. The initiative promotes healthy shore environments that provide significant environmental, economic, and social values to coastal communities.

Green Shores provides options and tools for a wide range of planning, design and construction professionals and landowners who are interested in minimizing the environmental impacts of their projects in a cost-effective manner. For homeowners and communities, the stories, resources and examples pres...


Salt Spring Island, BC


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