The Witch from the North

The Witch from the North Lifestyle Blog for the busy Witch. Focused on Wellness through Conscious Living, Growing your Craft,

I've seen many creators burn out over the course of the past few years and it really comes down to being seen as a sourc...

I've seen many creators burn out over the course of the past few years and it really comes down to being seen as a source to take from without respect for the person on the other end of the screen.

*Please read the entire post before commenting. Of course I'm aware there is nuances present and yes we as creators make the choice to actively be here, but that doesn't dismiss the truth in these statements.*

Returning to practice after a hiatus.As I am sure you've noticed, I've been absent here for an extended period of time.L...

Returning to practice after a hiatus.

As I am sure you've noticed, I've been absent here for an extended period of time.

Life happened and I found myself with only enough energy and motivation to make it through my days; and so my page and practice took a back seat.

I was having a conversation with a friends and .the.island.witch about breaks in practice and posting and it made me realize that I'm not alone- which I feel is important, and why we have this community in the first place.

Am I right?

Being perpetually online can sometimes skew our expectations of what real life and all it's components looks like. I can't speak for anyone else, but I find I often "should" myself and compare what I'm doing to what I see - even as someone who has been practicing for a while.

I catch myself saying things like, "I should be doing this in my practice" or "I should be practicing this often or this way" and that kills ALL my connection and motivation. The more demands I place on myself and practice, the less I feel connected to it.

Can you relate? What do you find helps with this?

P.S, I'm back and I have some content planned for the upcoming weeks. Also, Lancel and I are planning a return for our podcast so stay tuned for updates.

And to my friends and followers: Thanks for sticking around! I appreciate you.

Saw this and thought it was worth the share. Photo credit unknown.

Saw this and thought it was worth the share.

Photo credit unknown.

๐Ÿ’€ Using Bones in our Craft ๐Ÿ’€When working with bones in your craft it is important to know that bones create a direct lin...

๐Ÿ’€ Using Bones in our Craft ๐Ÿ’€

When working with bones in your craft it is important to know that bones create a direct link to the spirit energy of the creature. It is a link that extends through all time and is a conduit to the archetype of that species.

It is also important to remember that they bring all the qualities, mythology, personality traits, and history into any working you include them in. This is where research, meditation and divinatory work comes in handy.

But before deciding to use bones in your practice I am of the belief that it is important to establish a connection with the spirit first and then ask permission.

*Do not skip cultivating a relationship with the spirit and do not assume that they are there to serve you or that they would be willing to help you.*

So how do you cultivate a relationship?

When working with any remains, it should go without saying to be respectful to the spirit who resides there.

Some people like to make offerings of food or drink to their bones, particularly with special items the spirit may have enjoyed in life.

Aside from giving offerings to the spirit you can establish connections through your own meditation and divinatory work to figure out if they are willing to work with you and what the bones can be used for.

Be sure to remain open to receiving communication from the spirit and document anything that you feel is of importance for your relationship and practice. Eventually you will know if your answer is yes or no and at this point you can begin working with the bones if you feel you've been granted permission.

One thing I'd like to mention, spirit can rescind their permission if they feel disrespected or that your relationship has become one sided. So please be mindful of that and continue to work on your connection with the spirit. Again, they are not there to serve you.

If you're looking for a good resource, check out Of Blood and Bones by

The newest addition to my garden is Bittersweet Nightshade,  also known as Woody or Climbing Nightshade here in Canada.C...

The newest addition to my garden is Bittersweet Nightshade, also known as Woody or Climbing Nightshade here in Canada.

Climbing Nightshade is a species of vine in the potato genus Solanum, family Solanaceae. It is native to Europe and Asia, and widely naturalised elsewhere, including North America, where it is seen as an invasive w**d.

These beautiful allies happen to serendipitously find their way into my garden. Last year I was cleaning behind my shed, where an old large pine tree resides, and racked a stack of things from behind the structure. I happen to leave the pile in my yard over the fall, winter and spring ๐Ÿ˜… thanks to my ADHD. The next thing I know I see these beauties blooming through the pile of sticks and soil this summer.

Nature has a way of bringing things to us at the right time. I've been reading more about the poison path and traditional witchcraft and then I discover nightshade growing wild in my garden. Who could have predicted that?! It's blooming along side my loosestrife which I discovered a few years back.

Climbing Nightshade's entangling and twining growing habits make it great for binding and setting boundaries. Magically, you can hang bundles of it over your entryways and in areas where you need protection. To create a powerful protective talisman, cut the stems and bundle them together with rosewood and iron nails.

And If you choose to harvest the Nightshade it can be kept as a plant spirit fe**sh and placed on your altar to obscure your workings from prying eyes.

This recent discovery has me feeling very connected to my path and I'm very excited to continue to develop a relationship with this new plant ally.

I'm curious, what are your current plant allies?

-The Poison Path Herbal by Coby Michael

What are you reading?Currently reading this gem. Although I am a folk practitioner I'm also drawn to many aspects of tra...

What are you reading?

Currently reading this gem. Although I am a folk practitioner I'm also drawn to many aspects of traditional witchcraft.

This has been on my bookshelf for some time. I picked it up with the intention to read it but never got further than a few pages in. So this is my second attempt.

Over the last while I've been struggling immensely with my executive dysfunction and haven't been able to sit down and read a book or finish one in a while.

Now that I'm feeling better with my new ADHD medication, I want to get back to reading because I do love it so much. So I have made myself a promise to get back to that by reading for just 10-15 minutes everyday. If I feel like I can do more I'll do more but if not, I'm trying to give myself grace.

I think part of the problem was that I was constantly on my computer or phone reading other things, like social media and it burnt me out. But now that I've taken a step back I feel refreshed and not as mentally drained and I'm excited. There are many books on my TBR list calling my name from my bookshelf ๐Ÿ˜

So tell me, what are you currently reading? Have you read this book? If so, what were your thoughts?

โ€ผ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘‡โ€ผ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘‡โ€ผ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘‡โ€ผ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘‡โ€ผ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘‡โ€ผ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘‡โ€ผ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘‡โ€ผ๏ธToo many awful things have been done in the name of Christ by his followers for THEIR agendas. Th...


Too many awful things have been done in the name of Christ by his followers for THEIR agendas. These people cherry pick (misinterpreted) bible verses as a way to harass and control others. That is not what Christianity is or what Jesus stood for.

It is because of this that so many have religious trauma- because people have used the Christian God and their faith as a weapon of bigotry and discrimination. So many have lost time, loved ones, culture and history in the name of Christ and it is not okay.

The newer generations are speaking up because they realize that spirituality isn't confined to one religion, but that religion is a tool, not the end all be all to spirituality. There are thousands of religions in the world, all beautiful and unique in their own way. All with a similar purpose- to connect to their higher power and their spirituality.

True spirituality isn't about the bells and whistles. True spirituality is about you and your relationship with the Divine. You don't need a church or congregation to worship. At the end of the day your relationship is personal, no amount of church attendance will strengthen your relationship with the Divine if it's all for show.

Also, please don't believe the religious dogma and propaganda that tells you there is only one truth and one way to spirituality. There are many turths and we can acknowledge that and respect that without it changing our truth.

The Christianity you know today is (mostly) an amalgamation of many beautiful older religions and spiritual beliefs. Centuries ago followers of Christianity took from Pagan beliefs as a way to entice and ease the conversion of Pagans. FYI, Pagan is an umbrella term that was used as a slur for anyone who wasn't Christian in a time when Christianity was new and being used to control the people. Not unlike today if you ask me.

I am a Polytheist. I believe in many Gods and Goddesses. This doesn't mean I am "right" and that monotheism, such as the Abrahamic religion of Christianity, is "wrong". It means our world views are different and our path to enlightenment/spirituality is different. Not better or worse, not right or wrong- just different.

Please respect that. I am not some Devil worshipper because I don't follow your religion or believe in your God or Devil. Therefore my life will not be dictated by your threats of eternal damnation and I will not be coerced by the promise of redemption in the eyes of your God. Which means I will not live my life based on how your Bible tells you I should.

Also, please note that I respect your religion and freedom to choose your spiritual path. If you are Christian, I respect your beliefs. However, I am not okay with what has been done in the name of the religion and I am not okay with proselytization.

Blessed Be ๐Ÿ™


Do you have your own Witch's Garden?This is the time of year when I am able to begin planting for my garden.I live in At...

Do you have your own Witch's Garden?

This is the time of year when I am able to begin planting for my garden.

I live in Atlantic Canada and we usually have to wait until the first week of May before we begin our outdoor planting. It's often too cold for anything to survive before this.

I'm still new to tending to my own garden but I love to forage so I thought the best way to go about it would be to plant more native plants that are native, low maintenance perennials.

I already have wild rose, lilac, forget-me-nots, loosestrife and milk thistle (I'm not including the dandelion ๐Ÿ˜…). I want to add chamomile to my garden this year and a few other special plants. Stay tuned for that.

I want to know, what do you like to grow in your garden and how do you use it in your craft?

Housekeeping: I've been quiet here for a few reasons. Mainly I've been trying to step back and be with my family more but also I'm recovering from burnout. I'm getting better at balance but it's something I've always struggled with, thanks to my ADHD, lol. Anyways, I wanted to thank those of you who are still here and who understand. I appreciate you. I will still be posting but it won't be as often. I want to continue to build up my Patreon so that I can share more there.

[Image description: Pictured is a I got last year. In the image is Ellen Dugan's book, Garden Witch's Herbal. Bags of herbs, chamomile and orange peel. A trowel with the phrase, sacred earth roots unseen bless and help this growing green, burned into its wood handle is sitting on top of the book. A clay pot and a few small knick knacks are placed around the items on the table.]

Had the privilege of being a special guest on the podcast Round the Cauldron with my friend Megan. We discuss commodific...

Had the privilege of being a special guest on the podcast Round the Cauldron with my friend Megan. We discuss commodification in witchcraft and it's implications. You can listen anywhere you enjoy your podcasts or on YouTube via the link below.

I saw something recently that really got under my skin and I wanted to talk about it but I didn't want to do it alone. So I did the next best thing! I invite...


Working my Money Altar ๐Ÿ’ฐ

Three Lessons I've Learned Working Money Magic.I started incorporating prosperity and money magic more actively into my ...

Three Lessons I've Learned Working Money Magic.

I started incorporating prosperity and money magic more actively into my practice about two years ago (you can see my prosperity sachet further down my page) and over those two years I've learned some important lessons that I wanted to share with you.

1) Specificity is VERY important: take your time and get super clear on what it is you want. Understand why you want it and how you want to achieve that. Ask yourself why over and over until you cannot go any further.

I've created my bowl with the intention to help my creative business flourish and bring in financial stability specifically from my creative business. I got really clear on my why and want I wanted my money for and why that was important to me. Make those connections, they will help you.

2) Like everything, you get out of it what you put in. Do not let you work go stagnant. Consistency is key here. Pick a day and/or time you want to work with your spell and do this consistently until you achieve what you've set out to or realize that things need adjusting. If you let your working go stagnant it can also cause your finances in this realm to also go stagnant.

3) Personal symbolism holds more value. Choosing some common items based on their correspondence is a great starting point but the more personal you can make it the more energy it holds for you and the more powerful your working becomes.

For me, oranges were something that I used to get as a treat when I was young and I looked forward to getting them on paydays. It just so happens that they also have correspondence associated with prosperity. You can use whatever makes you think of abundance, prosperity, wealth and money but again the more personal the item is to you the better the result.

I recently redid my money bowl which was inspired by videos. I'll leave a link for those in my stories if you're interested in watching.

Tell me, do you work money magic in your practice? I invite you to share your tips below.

This March in my book club on Patreon, we will be reading and discussing "The Dabbler's Guide to Witchcraft" by the auth...

This March in my book club on Patreon, we will be reading and discussing "The Dabbler's Guide to Witchcraft" by the author formerly known as Fire Lyte.

I'm reading the Kindle version and am about 30% done. So far I am enjoying the authors perspective. They discuss some important topics that should be addressed when one starts out on their spiritual and magical journey. I would say this book is geared towards beginners BUT there is something, even if "only" a new perspective, for more advanced practitioners and individuals further along their spiritual journey.

Come join me over on Patreon, it's a $10/month subscription that you can opt out of at any time. With your subscription you will get so many perks as well as a community of like-minded individuals who are looking to learn and grow along with you. I'll be offering exclusive content, such as blog posts and videos, behind the scenes stuff, a book club, Q&As with the opportunity to talk to others in the community and more.

Six Things to Consider Before Casting a Love Spell.Being that Valentine's Day and the full moon just happened, I thought...

Six Things to Consider Before Casting a Love Spell.

Being that Valentine's Day and the full moon just happened, I thought it was a perfect time to put this out there.

I feel like this is for beginners but even more advanced practitioners can use a reminder from time to time. Also, I would like to note that the use of "beginner" here is not referencing a brand new practitioner but rather a newer one who has some working knowledge of correspondence and spell casting.

I do not recommend a brand new practitioner attempt to cast a love spell without basic knowledge of what you're doing. However, if you're set on doing love magic, try a self love spell or a road opener to attract a healthy and genuine relationship.

โœจLove magic 101, a thread.โœจ

1) No amount of love magic can make someone genuinely fall in love with you.

2) It's generally not recommended to cast a love spell on a particular person.

3) Performing a spell from a place of insecurity and desperation can negatively impact the outcome.

4) Sometimes spells fail because we don't have all the information or we're not being honest with ourselves.

5) Love magic is potent and it will expose all to reveal the true story.

6) Are you prepared to accept the consequences of your magic?

These are some things you should consider before you attempt to cast a love spell. As always, these are my opinions based on research and experience. Please do your own research and make sure to cross reference.

๐Ÿ”ฅ Blessed Imbolc everyone ๐Ÿ”ฅFor those of you who are unaware Imbolc (or Imbolg) is a Gaelic traditional festival which ma...

๐Ÿ”ฅ Blessed Imbolc everyone ๐Ÿ”ฅ

For those of you who are unaware Imbolc (or Imbolg) is a Gaelic traditional festival which marks the beginning of Spring and is celebrated on February 1st-2nd, which marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the Spring Equinox, known to some as Ostara.

Imbolc is also known as St. Brigid's Day for Christians. St. Bridgid is matron saint in the Christian faith, however it is unclear whether Bridgid was an actual person or if the Christian faith renamed the Goddess Bridgid to help with conversion.

Imbolc is mentioned in early Irish literature, and there is evidence suggesting it was also an important date in ancient times. The festivities on the feast of St Bridgid did not begin to be recorded in detail until the early modern era. In recent centuries it was marked by the making of Bridgid's crosses and a doll-like figure of Bridgid would be paraded from house-to-house by girls, sometimes accompanied by 'strawboys'.

Bridgid was said to visit one's home on the eve of the festival. To receive her blessings, people would make a bed for Bridgid and leave her food and drink, and items of clothing would be left outside for her to bless. Bridgid was also evoked to protect homes and livestock. Special feasts were had, holy Wells were visited, and it was a time for divination.

In pagan traditions and mythology the Goddess Bridgid is commonly known as the Goddess of hearth & home. Imagery will sometimes show three figures or a 'triple deity' with each figure displaying an item that the Goddess rules over, such as blacksmithing. However, she is also associated with wisdom, poetry, healing, protection and domesticated animals.

Historically, Imbolc traditions were widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. It is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals along with Beltane, Lughnasadh (also known as Lammas) and Samhain.

Imbolc is a fertility Sabbath on the wheel of the year; and this doesn't always mean literal fertility. The origin and meaning behind the word Imbolc is debated, however the two most popular meanings are, "in the belly" and "ewe's milk" as this is a time of year where lambs are being born and in some places signs of spring are beginning to show.

There are many ways to celebrate Imbolc. At this time, one may think about what it is that we want to plant. That might be actual plants, or that might be about planting ideas or projects both in the physical and spiritual realms. You may want to think about symbols of light, because this is the time when we notice how much longer the days are getting as winter begins to end. You can decorate for Imbolc with Bridgid's cross, red candles, and cinnamon. As I said, Bridgid is associated with Imbolc because Bridgid is a Goddess of the fire of creativity, the fire of the hearth, and the fire of the forge.

Some pagans also do magic, divination, or rituals on Imbolc. Many pangans clean their home physically and magically. Imbolc is a great time to bless your home or bedroom. It is also a good holiday for cleansing / ritual baths. I like to take this time to plan for the coming months and rest of the year. I also use this time to reflect on what has and has not been working this far and adjust accordingly.

I hope that you all learned something and I hope that you all have a blessed Imbolc.

Pictured is Bridgid Crosses we made from pipe cleaners, the kids new habit trackers they designed and my cleansing spray.

*Sources: , The Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden, &

Imbolc is a time to prepare.Happy Eve of Imbolc everyone! In the spirit of spring cleaning I decided to revamp my Magica...

Imbolc is a time to prepare.

Happy Eve of Imbolc everyone! In the spirit of spring cleaning I decided to revamp my Magical Cleansing Spray in preparation for tomorrow.

Imbolc is a celebration of the approach of spring. It's focus for me is to bring light into the darker months. Not to say that darkness is a bad thing but to say that sometimes my space both physical and spiritual needs a good refresh.

Aside from cleaning my spaces, I always take time to think about what it is that I want to do in the coming months and rest of the year. Seeds I want to plant now, again both physically and spiritually.

I plan out my habits and goals and also reflect on what has and hasn't been working this far. I'm far from perfect but I persist and I think that's what matters.

That's a lesson this time of year can remind us of. Halfway through winter, in the darkest and coldest months of the year, we persist in anticipation of the Sun and warmer months.

Imbolc reminds us to think ahead to the fruits of our labors when we persist.

โœจ Cleansing Spray โœจ
โ€ข4 parts Moon Water.
ยฐ1 part Vinegar.
ยฐ1/3 part Lemon Juice.
ยฐ6:2 Ratio of Rosemary & Frankincense Essential Oils.

Keep in cool dark space and stores for up to 1 month but please check regularly.

Intention is important but it is NOT everything.We've talked about this before but I wanted to come back to this because...

Intention is important but it is NOT everything.

We've talked about this before but I wanted to come back to this because I was inspired by a recent post did.

This is obviously a discussion that has nuance so please keep that in mind.

Many things contribute to this concept of intention is everything, in my opinion. Pop culture influences, new age spirituality, even the attempt to reject a capitalist mindset can and does play a role- which I've mentioned in a previous post.

As magical practitioners we must understand that magic also requires physical action and/or internal work. It's meant to tip the scales in your favor, to open or expose a pathway, to enhance or amplify our influence, but magic has its limits.

It ๐Ÿ‘ Is ๐Ÿ‘ Not ๐Ÿ‘ A ๐Ÿ‘ Substitute ๐Ÿ‘ For ๐Ÿ‘ Work. ๐Ÿ‘

Maic a tool in our toolbox but it isn't the only one we should be using. You wouldn't go to bake cookies without a binding or rising agent and then blame the recipe when your cookies turn out bad.

Magic needs the right atmosphere and your intention is meant to act as springboard in creating that atmosphere.

With the new year comes reflection.I been thinking a lot about life lately, so let's talk about it.I've been thinking sp...

With the new year comes reflection.

I been thinking a lot about life lately, so let's talk about it.

I've been thinking specifically about what my purpose is during my time here on earth and the legacy I want to leave behind.

I know I still have so much learning & unlearning to do. Part of that unlearning is connecting to myself first instead of seeking answers, validation and approval from external sources.

In and effort to do so I've been asking myself questions like:

Is our idea of a life's purpose a social construct?
Can we still have a meaningful life and have impact if we choose to live a simple life?
Why are we so driven by the need to have meaning outside of just experiencing life as we live it?

Truth be told, I don't have the answers to these questions yet, not really.

These are things I know for sure:
Live is meant to be experienced.
Community makes life richer.
Our value is intrinsic.
Time is a construct & all we truly have is this moment.
And lastly, having impact is living- we can't exist without impacting something or someone.

I grew up thinking that I was going to change the world in these HUGE ways and I still struggle with this concept; because what if I don't?

I had to ask myself things like;
By whose measure is something considered huge?
Are we any less meaningful if our contributions to this world are only experienced by a few?

I think this mindset comes down to conditioning. Conditioning from a society that tells us our value & worth come from what we contribute & our productivity. A society that says we can't have meaningful impact if we only want to live a slow & peaceful life.

So because of these reflections, my goals for 2022 are simple.

1) Be more grounded in the present moments.
2) Do things simply because they bring me joy.
3) Cultivate more authentic and meaningful relationships.
4) Spend more time connecting to nature.
5) Continue to nurture and develop my practice and relationships to the Divine.

Have you made any goals for this year? I'd love to hear about them below.

The Rowan Tree in Folk Magic and Mythology.Rowan has had a wide range of popular folk names, the most well-known being m...

The Rowan Tree in Folk Magic and Mythology.

Rowan has had a wide range of popular folk names, the most well-known being mountain ash. It is seen as a tree of protection and the tiny pentagram on each berries likely contributes to this reputation.

In Celtic mythology the Rowan tree is referred to as the tree of life and is associated with Brighid, the Celtic goddess of hearth and home. Honored on February 1, at Imbolc, Brighid is a fire goddess who offers protection to mothers and families, as well as watching over the hearthfires.

People would carry pieces of the tree to ward off witchcraft. They even used rowan sprigs to protect cows and their produce from enchantment. The tree itself was said to afford protection to the dwelling by which it grew. To this day rowan trees can be seen growing beside rural dwellings in the Scottish Highlands and Ireland.

Druids used the bark and berries to dye the garments worn during lunar ceremonies black. The bark was also used in the tanning process, and people used rowan twigs for divining, particularly for metals. Druids were also known to use Rowan in funeral pyres and the Seers used the wood in most likely a form of incense for divination & invocation of spirits.

Rowan tigs can be used to create charms and hung within your home or carried on your person for protection. Rowan is also used to increase oneโ€™s psychic powers and to enhance powers of healing & success.

The berries may be dried and used in herbal magic, such as charm bags or, used to make oils and dyes/inks for Sigils and petitions as one example.

There's an abundance of uses and folklore surrounding Rowan and this depends on what mythology you look at. As always I recommend doing your own research.

1) Scott Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.
2) Wikipedia
5) TreesForLife.Org.UK

Blessed Solstice and Merry Yuletide to all of you.Wishing you all health, abundance and happiness over the holidays and ...

Blessed Solstice and Merry Yuletide to all of you.

Wishing you all health, abundance and happiness over the holidays and year to come.

Thank you for being here with me, I appreciate it more than you know and I'm thankful for all the new friends and connections I've made ๐Ÿ’“.

โœจA simple banishing spell.โœจGrab yourself a candle, one you can burn straight through. If you are able, and called to, us...

โœจA simple banishing spell.โœจ

Grab yourself a candle, one you can burn straight through. If you are able, and called to, use color correspondence for your intention. I carved my intentions onto the candle and anointed it with my banishing oil while speaking words to it. I then dressed my candle in herbs corresponding to my desired outcome and attached the candle to a fire safe container. Before lighting the candle I meditated for a few minutes and when I had my intention clear in my mind I lit the candle and let it burn straight down.

****Please remember to not leave candles burning unattended, especially when they are dressed in oils and herbs****

I've been using this banishing oil from The Wicked Path on Etsy for a while now and I am in love- it is extremely effective and powerful. I haven't perfected the art of making more complex oils just yet, and so I always like to outsource when necessary.

is the creator and they have some great products in their shop if you're looking for gifts for yourself or another in your life.

I'll be honest, I am friends with them on IG and they are lovely but I am in no way sponsored or getting anything.

This is just an appreciation post.

If you get the chance, I highly recommend supporting small businesses this holiday season.


Saint John, NB


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