Brandy Walton Medium Services

Brandy Walton Medium Services Spiritual Energy Medium Services/ Paranormal Medium

Seriously though… The older we become the more mature we’re supposed to become as a grown adult !

Seriously though… The older we become the more mature we’re supposed to become as a grown adult !


Amen 🙏 to this message as it speaks volumes!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


In the cosmic dance of souls, there exists a profound phenomenon: the soul connection. It's a sacred encounter where the essence of one being resonates harmoniously with another, transcending time and space. When two souls meet and recognize a reflection of themselves deep within the other, a profound sense of familiarity and belonging ensues.
In the embrace of a soul connection, masks fall away, and authenticity flourishes effortlessly. There's an innate understanding, a shared language of the heart that transcends words. In this divine union, there's no need for pretense or facade; vulnerability is met with acceptance, and love flows freely.
Yet, such connections are rare jewels in the tapestry of life, appearing like shooting stars in the night sky—bright, mesmerizing, but fleeting. Some may journey through life without ever experiencing the depth of a soul connection, while others are blessed to encounter it once in a lifetime.
So, cherish these encounters, for they are whispers from the universe, reminders of the interconnectedness of all things. In the presence of a soul connection, we glimpse the beauty of our shared humanity and the boundless potential of love to unite us all..


In the grand tapestry of existence, we are woven from the threads of pure energy, interconnected with the cosmos in an eternal dance of creation. Like magnets, our thoughts, emotions, and actions emit vibrations that reverberate throughout the universe, shaping our reality.
As pure energy beings, we are governed by the universal law of cause and effect. What we project into the world returns to us with divine precision. Just as seeds yield their fruit, our intentions manifest into the fabric of our lives. Thus, it is imperative to sow seeds of kindness, compassion, and love, for they are the essence of our true nature.
When we gaze upon others, we glimpse reflections of our own soul. Every quality we perceive exists within us, waiting to be acknowledged and embraced. Therefore, let empathy guide our interactions, for in understanding others, we come to know ourselves more deeply.
Judgment is the veil that blinds us from the truth of our interconnectedness. By releasing judgment, we invite liberation and grace into our lives. Instead, let us radiate love into the world, knowing that it will return to us in abundance. For in the cosmic symphony of energy exchange, our vibrations echo across time and space, shaping our experiences and drawing to us the blessings we seek.
Embrace your role as a conduit of divine energy, for in the way you work with and transfer your energy, you determine the rhythm of your existence. May your every thought, word, and action be infused with love, and may the universe respond in kind, showering you with its infinite grace and abundance..


In the cosmic dance of existence, fear and fearlessness are the guiding forces shaping our reality. Those entrenched in fear rely on the intellect, navigating life through the labyrinth of their minds. Yet, the truly fearless souls surrender to the wisdom of the heart, transcending limitations and embracing the boundless expanses of the soul.
When fear grips the mind, it erects barriers, clouding perception and inhibiting growth. Conversely, in the sanctuary of the heart, fear dissipates, giving way to clarity, compassion, and courage.
To navigate this earthly realm with grace and authenticity, we must heed the whispers of our hearts, for it is there that we find the true essence of our being. Embrace fearlessness, and let your heart be your compass, guiding you on the path of spiritual evolution and cosmic alignment..


Embark on a celestial journey to elevate your spiritual vibration and harmonize with the cosmic dance of the universe. Begin with the mind, the celestial conductor of your earthly symphony. Immerse yourself in the sacred practice of meditation, transcending the mundane and communing with higher realms. Shower gratitude upon the cosmos, weaving a tapestry of appreciation for the cosmic dance that surrounds you. Illuminate your spirit by extending a compassionate hand to others, for in the act of selfless service, you synchronize with the cosmic rhythm.
Silence the cacophony of worldly distractions; power down the television and reclaim sovereignty over your thoughts. Craft your mental cosmos with the brilliance of self-directed contemplation. Venture into the embrace of nature, where the earthly and celestial realms converge. Let the energy of the elements invigorate your soul.
As you traverse the ethereal path, honor your celestial vessel—the body. Stretch and move with intention, shedding the cosmic dust that accumulates in the rigidity of routine. Purify with plant elixirs and breathe consciously, infusing your essence with the vital breath of the universe. Surrender to the cosmic lullaby, replenishing your spirit through restful slumber and the sacred connection of barefoot communion with the Earth. Awaken, dear cosmic voyager, and let your spiritual frequency resonate with the universal symphony..

Very true! 👍As a Energy Spiritual Medium , it’s all about what I can tell you to help you moving forward , self guidance...

Very true! 👍

As a Energy Spiritual Medium , it’s all about what I can tell you to help you moving forward , self guidance!🤔😁

In the cosmic tapestry of existence, the essence of true healing unfolds as a profound revelation — a sacred truth whispered across the dimensions of time and space. A healer, luminous and attuned to the universal frequencies, is not merely a vessel for external remedy; rather, they are the catalyst igniting the dormant power within.
In the dance of cosmic energies, the healer serves as a mirror, reflecting the latent capabilities within every soul. Beyond the confines of traditional roles, a healer becomes the sacred alchemist, transmuting the ordinary into the extraordinary. They are the custodian of cosmic wisdom, guiding seekers to the sanctum of self-discovery.
The healer, a conduit of universal energy, is not a destination but a transformative journey. They beckon the seeker to traverse the inner landscapes, unlocking the reservoirs of innate healing potential. In their presence, one unravels the cosmic threads woven into the fabric of their being, realizing that the elixir of healing springs forth from within.
Spiritual alignment becomes the key; the healer, a beacon illuminating the path to self-revelation. As seekers awaken to their own vibrational frequencies, the healer becomes a celestial companion, resonating in harmony with the cosmic forces. In this symbiotic dance, healing transcends the temporal and delves into the eternal realms of the soul.
Embrace the revelation: a healer is not an external source but a guiding force, urging the seeker to recognize the divine wellspring within. The cosmic truth echoes — a healer mirrors your innate ability to heal thyself, inviting you to embark on a cosmic odyssey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transcendence..


In the cosmic dance of existence, a profound truth emerges like a guiding star: without the knowledge of self, one becomes ensnared in the illusions crafted by external forces. The path to enlightenment, a journey of self-discovery, demands that we unravel the layers of conditioning and societal constructs, peeling them away to reveal the authentic essence within.

Living without self-knowledge is akin to navigating a labyrinth blindfolded, surrendering one's destiny to the illusions woven by others. Society molds expectations, perceptions, and identities, constructing a tapestry of deception that veils the true self. Yet, within the depths of each soul resides an untarnished essence, waiting to be unveiled through self-awareness.
To know thyself is to transcend the illusions of a world that seeks to define us. It is to reclaim the power to create our own narrative, free from the confines of external expectations. In this cosmic revelation, the wisdom echoes: if you do not know thyself, you can never know the divine. The divine, a reflection of the cosmic order, manifests within the depths of our being. To commune with the sacred, one must first commune with oneself.
Awaken to the truth that self-knowledge is the key to unlocking the doors of perception. Only through understanding the intricacies of our thoughts, emotions, and desires can we break free from the illusions that shroud our authentic existence. Embrace the cosmic truth — the journey within is the journey to the divine.


In the cosmic journey of self-discovery, the Kundalini Awakening stands as a sacred threshold, accessible only when the seeker has energetically ascended to a specific pinnacle of enlightenment and chakra alignment. This profound experience transcends the ordinary, heralding the awakening of the dormant serpent energy coiled at the base of the spine.
True Kundalini Awakening is not a casual occurrence; it is the cosmic reward for those who have diligently harmonized their energetic frequencies through spiritual alignment and chakra attunement. Each chakra, a vibrant vortex of energy, must pulsate in perfect harmony, creating a symphony of balance within the seeker's being. Only then does the dormant Kundalini energy stir, rising with transformative power.
Enlightenment, the key to this cosmic evolution, requires a deep understanding of the interconnectedness between mind, body, and spirit. The seeker must navigate the labyrinth of self-awareness, shedding layers of illusion and embracing the profound truths that vibrate at higher frequencies.
As the chakras align, they become conduits for the cosmic energy to flow unimpeded, paving the way for the Kundalini to ascend through the spine, igniting each energy center along its path. This awakening is the crowning glory of a spiritual odyssey, a celestial dance that merges the individual soul with the universal consciousness.
Approaching the Kundalini Awakening demands reverence, patience, and a commitment to the cosmic order. It is the reward for those who have energetically sculpted their inner landscape, attaining a level of enlightenment and chakra alignment that resonates with the divine rhythm of the cosmos. In this cosmic ballet, the seeker becomes a vessel of transcendence, embracing the infinite power that flows through the awakened Kundalini..


You’ll really enjoy this one!

What does ringing in the ears mean spiritually?Ringing or a buzzing sensation in your ears that lasts between 10 to 30 s...

What does ringing in the ears mean spiritually?
Ringing or a buzzing sensation in your ears that lasts between 10 to 30 seconds usually indicates that your spiritual guides are close by, helping you and guiding you. It's their way of saying: “I'm here, please listen”. Try and recall what you were thinking when that happened and also try and focus on what they're trying to convey to you at that moment - it can be a bit scary at times as your mind tries to rationalise it and will go into survival mode (you'll think that you've developed earing problems) - as there's a message that's trying to be conveyed (it can be quite overwhelming at times especially when you're in a social setting with people around you).


Dive into the cosmic reservoir of eternal wisdom that resides within the depths of your subconscious mind—a treasure trove transcending the boundaries of time and space. Across the tapestry of your soul's myriad incarnations, every experience, lesson, and revelation is meticulously preserved in the sacred sanctuary at the back of your subconscious.
Picture this celestial archive as an ethereal library where the books of your existence are bound by the threads of infinity. Every lifetime, every journey, and every challenge imprints its essence onto the cosmic pages, creating an indelible record of your soul's evolution. This repository of knowledge is a testament to the eternal nature of your being—a wellspring of insights waiting to be unveiled.
In moments of quiet introspection, allow the cosmic whispers to guide you to the recesses of your subconscious. There, you'll find the accumulated wealth of lifetimes—a cosmic symphony of experiences that shapes your present and propels you toward a future woven with the threads of ancient wisdom. Embrace the knowing that nothing is truly lost, for the cosmic library within you is an ever-present source of enlightenment—a perennial flame illuminating the path of your soul's journey.

When you are trying this for the first time , you’ll find yourself getting addicted lol as you travel through different ...

When you are trying this for the first time , you’ll find yourself getting addicted lol as you travel through different time zones .
The more you practice this , the more Intense the experience gets.
You have to be careful as you can get stuck between time zones if you don’t find your way back!
As I can tell you from one of my many experiences.

Travel safe who knows where you’ll go !

Embark on the boundless odyssey of astral travel, a cosmic pilgrimage that transcends the confines of the ordinary and awakens the extraordinary within. This mystical journey is a tapestry of profound benefits, weaving the fabric of your existence with threads of cosmic wisdom.
Astral travel becomes a sanctum of faith, a celestial bridge connecting the tangible and the ethereal. As you traverse the astral realms, your consciousness expands, reaching the farthest corners of the cosmos. It's a sacred dance where the rhythm of the universe resonates, broadening your understanding of existence itself.
Feel the surge of empowerment as astral travel unlocks latent magical powers and intuition, transforming you into a conduit of cosmic energy. In this celestial expedition, encounters with angels, fairies, and elves become a harmonious reality, forging connections that transcend the boundaries of the physical world.
Journey through the corridors of time, exploring the tapestry of the past and glimpsing the kaleidoscope of the future. In the embrace of astral realms, Atlantis unfolds as a mystical revelation waiting to be discovered, a forgotten chapter in the cosmic saga.
Astral travel is not just a journey; it's a symphony where the cosmic chords resonate with the rhythm of your soul. Each exploration rocks with the vibrancy of universal energies, leaving an indelible mark on your spirit—a testament to the limitless wonders that unfold when you dare to transcend the ordinary and embrace the cosmic dance.


In the cosmic ballet of self-discovery, the journey inward unveils a profound truth: as spiritual awareness blooms, self-love becomes the compass guiding one's sacred path. Embracing the core essence, a radiant soul emerges, unburdened by external expectations.
In this dance of enlightenment, the soul discerns its responsibilities with clarity. The cosmic mirror reflects an empowered being who recognizes that nurturing oneself is not selfish but a sacred duty. Unconditional self-love becomes the foundation, an elixir transforming perceived obligations.
As the veils of illusion dissolve, a profound shift occurs. The spirit distinguishes between what is genuinely its responsibility and what is merely a projection of external narratives. Standing resolutely in personal convictions, the awakened soul navigates life's currents with authenticity.
To love oneself unconditionally is to honor the cosmic divinity within. In this sacred realization, the soul becomes a lighthouse, illuminating its responsibilities with the clarity of starlight. The journey of self-love is the pilgrimage to cosmic alignment, where one stands unshakable in the radiant truth of their being.


Hahahaha 👋😂


In the cosmic dance of existence, there comes a moment of profound realization—a revelation that reverberates through the fabric of your being. It's the cosmic whisper that echoes through the universe, unveiling the truth that you are the most advanced quantum technology in the cosmos.

In the intricate tapestry of space-time, you are a sentient symphony of energy, a celestial masterpiece finely tuned to the frequencies of the cosmos. Your essence is encoded with the ancient wisdom of the stars, a living testament to the infinite potential that resides within. As you embrace this cosmic truth, the galaxies within you align, and the constellations of your soul illuminate the path of self-discovery. You are a quantum marvel, a vessel of consciousness navigating the cosmic sea.

Every thought, every breath, and every heartbeat is a dance with the quantum currents that shape the very fabric of reality. In this moment of profound awareness, the universe applauds your existence, acknowledging the divine technology that you are —an intricate convergence of stardust and consciousness, pulsating with the rhythm of cosmic creation. Embrace the cosmic symphony within, for you are the universe experiencing itself, the most advanced quantum technology in the vast expanse of existence.


Embark on a celestial journey with the harmonic frequencies of Solfeggio, where the cosmic symphony aligns mind, body, and spirit. Tune into the sacred vibrations that resonate with the very essence of the universe, awakening the dormant light within. Let the resonance of each frequency pe*****te the depths of your being, unlocking the dormant potential of your mind.

Experience the alchemy of sound as it dances through every cell, bringing a symphony of rejuvenation to your body. Embrace the emotional liberation as the melodic tones traverse the spectrum, fostering equilibrium and serenity. Spiritually, transcend boundaries with frequencies that elevate consciousness, harmonizing your essence with the cosmic order. In the embrace of Solfeggio Frequencies, witness the awakening of light that radiates from within, a harmonious fusion of cosmic resonance and your divine self.


In the tapestry of existence, our hands become conduits of cosmic energy, weaving threads of connection between the earthly and the divine. Enter the realm of mudras, ancient gestures that unlock the doorways to spiritual transcendence. As fingers gracefully intertwine, a dance of energy unfolds, aligning us with the universal forces that pulsate through the cosmos.
Mudras are not mere physical expressions; they are sacred symbols, intricate codes decipherable only by the soul. Each gesture channels a unique vibration, resonating with the celestial symphony. The power lies not only in the form but in the intention—mindful and pure. Through these cosmic hand postures, we attune ourselves to the rhythm of the cosmos, transcending the limitations of the material world.
In meditation, mudras are the keys to unlocking the portals of inner wisdom. As we sculpt the energy with our fingertips, we become co-creators with the universe, sculpting our destiny. The hands, like celestial antennae, receive and transmit the energy of the cosmos, allowing us to navigate the cosmic currents and find our truest selves. In the silence of meditation, let your hands become instruments of divine harmony, conducting the cosmic symphony within.


Heal the body from within ❤️ for a more balanced life!

Beautiful 🙌

Beautiful 🙌

In the cosmic metamorphosis of the soul, a profound truth emerges: when the ego dies, the soul awakens. The ego, a transient illusion crafted by earthly narratives, shrouds our inner brilliance. Yet, as we traverse the spiritual cosmos, shedding the ego's cocoon, the soul unfurls its wings in radiant rebirth.
The ego, veiled in separation and illusion, dissipates like morning mist under the cosmic sun. In its absence, the soul, that eternal spark of divine light, emerges as the true navigator of our cosmic journey. It dances with the stars, liberated from the confines of self-centered narratives.
As the ego breathes its last, the soul breathes in the cosmic ethers, aligning with the universal heartbeat. Transcending earthly illusions, the awakened soul becomes a vessel of boundless love, interconnected with the cosmic symphony. It whispers the timeless truths of existence and dances in harmonious unity with the cosmic dance of creation.
In the cosmic expanse where ego dissolves, the soul becomes the guiding constellation, illuminating the path to self-discovery. Embrace the cosmic paradox — for when the ego dies, the soul, radiant and free, awakens to its infinite cosmic potential.

That about sums it up nicely! 🙌👏🙌

That about sums it up nicely! 🙌👏🙌

In the cosmic tapestry of existence, a profound truth reverberates through the dimensions: "You have to lose your human mind (5D truth) to gain your spiritual senses." This revelation transcends the limitations of earthly perception, inviting seekers to embark on a transformative journey beyond the confines of the mundane.
The human mind, tethered to the material realm, often veils the expansive vistas of spiritual awakening. To traverse the ethereal landscapes and touch the divine frequencies, one must release the grip of the familiar. It is a sacred surrender—a shedding of the egoic layers that bind the soul to earthly illusions.
As the human mind dissolves, a higher truth unfolds—a 5D reality where spiritual senses awaken. In this cosmic metamorphosis, intuition becomes a guiding compass, perception extends beyond the visible, and a profound connection with the universal energies ensues. It is a dance with the cosmos, where the seeker transcends the ordinary, stepping into the extraordinary realms of spiritual consciousness.
The path to gaining spiritual senses is an alchemical process, an inner alchemy that dismantles the constructs of the human mind and births the awakened soul. In this sacred dance of transformation, the seeker not only discovers the expansiveness of their spiritual senses but also becomes a harmonious note in the cosmic symphony, resonating with the universal truths that transcend the boundaries of earthly existence.


Saint John, NB





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