6/6 Liz Benneian - Experiences at Regional Council Meetings
6/6 Community Activist Liz Benneian at WTBI on March 5, 2020. Liz talks about some of her experiences being at Niagara Regional Council meetings.
5/6 Liz Benneian - Becoming A Community Activist
5/6 Community Activist from A Better Niagara, Liz Benneian, talks about her views on the challenges of becoming a community activist.
4/6 Dave Meslin - All Good Things Start Local
4/6 dave meslin at WTBI on March 5, 2020, talking about how national political change usually starts at a municipal level, so we need to start there.
3/6 Dave Meslin - Ranked Ballots vs. First Past the Post
3/6 Author and activist dave meslin talks about his views on why we should use ranked ballots vs. First Past the Post.
2/6 Dave Meslin - We Elect People to Conversate; Do They?
Author and activist dave meslin speaking at WTBI on March 5, 2020. Here Dave talks about why we elect people and what tends to unfold.
Dave Meslin Pt. 1: Democracy and Voter Turnout
At What's The Big Idea on March 5, author and activist dave meslin sparked an inspiring conversation on democracy. Here's a clip where he talks about his theory on low voter turnout.
TOMORROW: Join the conversation on Niagara politics with dave meslin at #WhatsTheBigIdea from 7-9pm at @HenryofPelham w/ Liz Benneian from @ABetterNiagara. Meslin’s book “Teardown” is a must-read for anyone interested in politics + democracy. Only a few tickets left ➡️ bit.ly/2VHWizs
Have you read “Teardown” yet? What did you think?
Teardown: Rebuilding Democracy
Elizabeth May, of Canada’s Green Party says this about Teardown: “dave meslin has written the (long-overdue) Owners and Operators Guide to a Healthy Democracy. Brimming with creative strategies, it is a down to earth, do-able manual to get ourselves out of the toxic, non-user-friendly morass we call Canadian politics.”
📖 Have you read Teardown yet?
Hear Meslin at our event on March 5th at Henry of Pelham Estate Winery with Liz Benneian of A Better Niagara. Tickets on sale at armstrongstrategy.com/whats-the-big-idea
What's the Big Idea excerpt with Kathy English
Kathy English, Public Editor for the Toronto Star talks about breaking the Rob Ford video story.
What's the Big Idea? with Grant LaFleche
Investigative journalist Grant LaFleche talks about finding and protecting sources when breaking a big story.#grantlafleche#kathyenglish#torontostar#stcatharinesstandard#allthechairsmen#armstrongstrategygroup#henryofpelham#johnarmstrong#investigativejournalism
An excerpt from "What's the Big Idea" with Grant Lafleche and Kathy English.
The influence of Trump's attack on media on Canadian journalists
Laurie Brown from What's the Big Idea?
What's the Big Idea? excerpt from event with Laurie Brown