Contractors are working hard with and for me to get me and my books into our new home!
Update on the new home for Deana Driver and DriverWorks Ink. The flooring is on its way!
I'm taking a break from work to do some work of a different kind. Stay cool!
Nanotech in north Regina solved my computer connection conundrum! #computerrepair #grateful
My books and I are moving! Wild and crazy times for DriverWorks Ink!
April is Cancer Awareness Month. Please consider donating to the @cancersociety if you can. Let's find more treatment options, and help more people survive this devastating disease.
#cancersucks #cancer #findacure #cancerawareness
When my granddaughters visit, I have a tendency to do silly things. And these little ones love writing about those silly things! Presenting the latest adventure, "Silly Grandma Book #4" by Zoey, Autumn, and Grandma. Enjoy. ❤️
At least someone or some thing is enjoying the springtime potholes in residential Regina! I enjoyed watching these cedar waxwings take turns at their makeshift birdbath.
Today's Gratitude is to you for buying our books and supporting our work!
Last day of January. The 86th, I believe. Enjoy the weather!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year... From author/publisher Deana J Driver and author Mary Harelkin Bishop!
Come see me in Moose Jaw today and tomorrow at the Whistlestop Christmas Craft Sale! Lisa Driver will be here tomorrow afternoon for a couple hours too!
Woke up with the birds and decided to go for a bike ride before the heat of the day. Breakfast, anyone?
Happy Earth Day! We had fun on the farm in the springtime as kids, when Mother Nature melted the winter snow and gave us a fast-flowing creek and numerous sticks, stones, and mud to play with. Here's an excerpt from our Fun On The Farm 3 book called The Creek and the Culvert - a short story about my sister Leanne Pacholok's childhood games. Enjoy!
All it took was one silly action and I was immortalized in a children's book handmade by my two oldest granddaughters, who thought they should write a book too, following in the footsteps of their Grandma Deana (me) and their mom Lisa Driver. That was last year. We have already created three of these beauties and I am sure there will be more to come because, let's face it, I keep doing silly things when I'm around my grandkids! Or anyone, actually. So Zoey, Autumn, and I present to you "Silly Grandma Book #3", created in November 2022. Enjoy!
The way I read has changed in a big way!
I'm in the business of publishing books, written by various authors including myself. My two oldest granddaughters decided to become co-authors too and write a few books with me, based on some of the silly things I tend to do when I'm around them. So Zoey, Autumn, and I present to you "Silly Grandma Book #2". Enjoy!
That's a wrap for our 2022 Craft shows! Thank you to our show hosts, customers, and Creative Saskatchewan for marketing support! See you out there again in 2023!