Ate is being Good girl Helping her Dad . Love you ate. Adelaida Mier CostunaDanny Friesen
Curiousness of this little kids. And first time seeing the Solar Eclipse 2024.
Nice kuya keep up of whats makes you happy anak. Love@you always.@followers
Matthew is Singing. Hahah. Mommy is doing video. Love lots mat mat.
It fits me right. My moms clothes when shes was Single. Love it.Lyn Mier Friesen Danny Friesen@
She is the best thing. Friends to lain on. So lucky to have a friends.❤️❤️❤️😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏Lyn Mier FriesenKOREAnang HILASTeamhilas - Koreanang HILASKa 59Marites LuminogDanny FriesenAdelaida Mier Costuna
I love you ate hailey baby Girl.Marites LuminogLyn Mier FriesenAdelaida Mier CostunaKOREAnang HILASKa 59Teamhilas - Koreanang HILASnb Marco Costuna
Our Loving kuya is testy his new electric guitar.🎸 Danny FriesenMarites LuminogAdelaida Mier CostunaKa 59KOREAnang HILASLyn Mier FriesenTeamhilas - Koreanang HILAS@
So much fun with her bestie. Love you ate. God bless you always anak.
My Beautiful baby Girl Hailey. @followersLyn Mier FriesenMarites LuminogAdelaida Mier CostunaDanny FriesenKOREAnang HILASKa 59Teamhilas - Koreanang HILASnb
Hahaha. Harotan with my baby Girl Hailey. Love you always anak..@followersLyn Mier FriesenMarites LuminogAdelaida Mier CostunaKa 59Danny Friesen
They have a lots of fun. Game time for kids..
Dancing 🕺 with friends is so much fun. @followers @highlight KOREAnang HILAS Lyn Mier Friesen Marites Luminog Danny Friesen
Its so cute my kods how they make the video. Don’t own the audio. It belonged to their rightful Owner. @followers @highlightKOREAnang HILAS
A crying boy. Daddy trying to help him but went wrong.@followers @highlight Lyn Mier Friesen KOREAnang HILASDanny Friesen
Christmas is always the thing of the Years2023
Sure andre love it so much.