Hello my friends!
So I had hoped for this to be a video update, but the base Wifi is not letting me upload at this time.
So here is what has been going on.
Since our last video was published, I have had some mental health issues that necessitated medication on my end. I have been burning the candle at both ends as the saying goes, trying to keep on top of my full time IRL job, being a good and present father, while also still trying to make regular content. As you can imagine, that has taken a toll on my health both physical and mentally, so I needed a small break.
Shortly after this point, we were blessed to find out Bree was pregnant again and were eagerly awaiting the arrival of our second child to bless us. Unfortunately this was not mean to be (Yet) and Bree had a miscarriage that left us understandably devastated.
And at the same time as that, I was sent to 4 CDTC Meaford about 4 hours North West of home to do a 6 month temporary duty here.
As you can imagine, this has not left us much time for ourselves, much less to devote to the channel.
Now the positives.
This temp duty will be done in September, or become a permanent posting as I honestly love it here, the coworkers and CoC are super supportive and helpful, and has proven to be a much healthier work environment then my current unit. If it becomes permanent then we are moving up here and will have regular access to our filming studio again.
Second, my mental health has mostly stabilized and I am getting to a much healthier point, so awesome on that end to!
Thirdly, iv been having regular game nights with the amazing Miniature Landscape Hobbies and am working on some colabs with the team there for some more content soon! Alongside that we do have some videos waiting to be edited once I have the energy or find an editor. As well Bree is hoping to resume some painting video/crafting corner ideas soon!
So all and all, a mixed bag, and as always I am sorry for letting you all down. We truly and hugely appreciate your patience and support! Being a service member is not always conducive to running a youtube channel, much less to family life, but we are trying to make it work as best as we can for you all as we love bringing you our content and chatting with you.
So again, thank you for your patience, and as always, keep your sticks on the ice mes ami!
I shall leave you with some photos from some of the stuff we have done lately, and Old World tournament (il have a vid about that I hope as an AAR) and some of the games iv played with Joe from Miniature Landscape Hobbies