Beautiful evening to spend some time by the water
If you're ever wondering how I find places to go... this about sums it up ⬇️⬇️
Headed out for a morning stroll on the beach in Tofino. Said to my friend "I think there's a lookout up there" .. then proceeded into the woods at the end of the beach in my slippers because hey we're adventurous.
Did we plan to go for a 8am hike, in our winter jackets and slippers (ok she at least had blundetones on) NOPE... but was it worth it.. YES!
Know your limits and know when to turn around. It's ok to decided it's not the best decision and be safe rather than pushing on and getting into an uncomfortable situation.
So yeah, maybe *not recommended* in slippers but also don't let other people's expectations keep you from going and exploring (again in a safe way!).
Whats some of the best unplanned hikes/adventures you've been on??
I was heading to find a birthday present when I looked over at the Sunshine mountains and I HAD to pull over to take a video.
I feel so blessed everyday to call this area my home.
For those of you who feel stuck in a place you don't love, or you feel like something is missing. Take a chance. Make the move. Start over somewhere new. Im here to tell you, it won't be easy, you'll miss the people you left behind. BUT it will be so damn worth it if you can feel that spark in your heart everytime you go outside.
This is 4 🥳
Happy Birthday sweet Adalaide ♥️
#happybirthday #thisis4
Day 1 of our Across Canada Road Trip!
We woke up at 3:30 am to catch the first ferry to the mainland and really start our across Canada Road trip 🇨🇦🚗.
Once getting off the ferry at Tsawwassen we headed EAST! We stopped in Hope for some brunch, then Kamloops to get a few things we forgot and hit the road again.
We made it to Revelstoke, BC and set up our tent for the night at lamplighter campground. After setup we had a nice campfire, smores, lots of dirt playing and then seeing the spectacular Northern Lights was a huge bonus!
#acrosscanadaroadtrip #compassroseadventurers #familyof5 #familyroadtrip #westcoasttoeastcoast #canadianroadtrip #Canada #explorecanada #britishcolumbia #newbrunswick #roadtrip #sienna #toyotasienna #3kids #roadtrippinfamily
3 stroller friendly trails on
📍 Vancouver Island
1. Heritage Forest
2. Lighthouse Country Regional Trail (South)
3. Cathedral Grove
For more details, you can find these trails on the @trailcollectiv app!
#trailcollectivambassador #trailcollective #vancouverislandtrails #hikingwithkids #walkswithkids
#discovervancouverisland #mypqb #cathedralgrove #lighthousecountry
The sun will shine
The flowers will bloom
The dark days are gone so soon
For spring is here
And summer is near
So grab your gear
And let's all cheer
As spring is finally here
-Compass Rose Adventurers
Did you get outside today?
#springequinox #springisintheair🌸 #lifewithkids #kidswhoexplore #looplifestyle #mountainwearhouse #vancouverislandbc #columbiasweater #springpoem #1000hoursoutside #exploreoutside #getoutside #Sunnydays
Do NOT wait!
Don't wait until the perfect time
Don't wait until the kids are older
Don't wait until everything is perfect
Don't wait until you have it all figured out
The time is NOW!
#adventurefamily #tofino #westcoastliving #tofinobc #roadtripvancouverisland #roadtripfamily #Toyota #toyotasienna #tuffomuddybuddy #patagoniajacket #carhartt #crocs #birkenstocks #vancouverisland #chestermanbeach #exploretofino #modestmaverick #deuter #kidsbackpack #explorewithkids #roadtripswithkids #lifewithkids #kidswhoexplore #familythattravelstogether #familythatplaystogetherstaystogether
Hi, anyone else? 🙋♀️🙋♀️🙋♀️
#motherhoodhumor #parenthoodhumor #lifewithkids #3kids #3andunder #3under5 #motherhoodunfiltered #unfilteredmotherhood #parenthumor #Rollin #funnyvideomemes #ᴄᴀᴘᴄᴜᴛ