Met a number of Next Generation journalists this week at Algonquin College. Their professor is Jon Willing, who, for years, covered municipal politics for the Ottawa Citizen. One of the topics we discussed is life after broadcasting.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 641 sponsored Remembrance Day ceremonies at John McRae High School. Always a moving tribute those those who sacrificed so much for our freedom.
Remembrance Day 2022 in Barrhaven. I was proud to represent my Ward and the City of Ottawa one last time. Here are some thoughts from some who attended.
Another Ward 22 park has been adopted! Residents around Gus Este Park on Brookstone are known for keeping their park litter free, now the Barrhaven Lions have signed up to ensure it's the cleanest in the city. It's another way for the service organization to honour the Korean war veteran and local hero.
Saturday's storm knocked out power in a strange way.
Large parts of Chapman Mills, Havenlea, Stonebridge and Winding Way in Barrhaven East were not been affected, or not for long, while neighbours, the next street over, have BEEN WITHOUT POWER since last Saturday. Hydro is promising to get everyone back up by Friday evening. Fingers crossed.
Businesses at The Spratt Road Plaza, especially the pizza shops and Dairy Queen get visited by hundreds of STFX students each day. Their business is welcome, but there are issues with the garbage left behind. I had a chat with many of the kids this week and for the most part they were receptive to my request to pick up after themselves. I find sometimes, they just need reminding. They are kids after all. I’ll keep reminding them it takes little effort to respect the owners and other customers.
Many of you will be planting new trees this weekend. You don't need to dig a big hole. I asked Mary Louise Sturman and Alicia Howse of the South Nation Conservation Authority for the best way to plant a new sapling.
Students at St. FX High School in Riverside South are creating a community garden behind their school. Urbandale, which eventually will build on the land, is loaning the students a parcel and will get it tilled and topsoiled. The students checked out the location this week.
Spring Cleaning the capital Continues until the end of the month. You don't have to officially register to pick up the litter when you see it. I encourage everyone to do their part!
Taking pride in where we live helps build community. This is the Stonebridge event last Saturday.
The communities in Ward 22 are looking so much cleaner thanks to all the volunteers who are participating in our Spring Clean campaign.
Last Saturday we rolled up our sleeves in Riverside South and Findlay Creek and this Saturday, Apr. 30th East Barrhaven residents are hunting for trash.
I urge you to join us at WC Levesque Park at 10 am in Stonebridge where we will gather then spread out throughout the community garbage bags in hand.
Please enjoy this video I put together to show how much fun it can be when residents in a community work together.
This Saturday, Apr. 23rd our ward is getting its spring cleaning.
Please join us in picking up garage along roadsides, on streets and in the parks. 8.30 in Findlay Creek at Diamond Jubilee Park, and 9 at Riverview Park in Riverside South.
I'm bringing along some treats! Hope to see you ready to clean.