To help with inspiration. My story involves my father drinking and making our home a living hell. I left at age 15 during a winter blizzard. He had urinated through the kitchen window which had the screen on, so of course p*e was dripping down the inside. I said “ohh dad” and turned around. My mother came home a half hour later and when she opened the door, all hell broke loose. He went crazy on us both. Eventually he came after me with a 12 inch blade and held it to my throat. I disarmed him, got my coat, hat and boots on.
I circled the house to make sure my mom was ok. When I saw him go after her, by mistake I ripped the door handle off the front door and warned him “to leave her alone.”
I walked 7 miles on dark country roads to town. Arriving I had a dollar to my name. I purchased an x large coffee and held onto it, trying to figure out “what next”.
This was my introduction to adulthood.
I wrote the song because I wished that he had the strength to say no to the booze and yes to the family. He passed in 2015 and never addressed his alcoholism, gambling and womanizing.
I needed to do some healing because, I wished that he was available to be my father, to do normal things with. It was horrific for us.
I want to encourage others with my story about the side affects of alcoholism and families.
You know the slogan “drinking and driving doesn’t mix”… well I developed it further… “drinking and families doesn’t mix”.
God bless anyone struggling with alcohol and yet having the courage to fight for sobriety. I pray that my God given talents can help people over come with the strength and courage it takes to break the cycle!
Alcoholics Anonymous Support Group
Alcoholic Anonymous ( For Non-recovering Alcoholics)
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery (Narcotics Anonymous)Alcohol is Not My Problem, Anymore - Public Groupouphol
Second Chances Feat. Stoney Cash ©2024