This page is here to help the community. Hopefully the information we share is useful and relevant to you. The best way to make sure that happens is if you help out. Everybody is welcome to submit content as long as it is intended to encourage resident awareness and enjoyment of the community. Keep in mind that while supporting local businesses (including home-based) service providers is something
we are happy to do and consider endorsing this is not the right place for advertorials and straight up ads unless you are hosting a special event outside of your typical day-to-day operations, offering special promotion or have some other newsy message to share. If you are part of a non-profit or community volunteer led initiative you are welcome to promote related events, activities and information. If you are a local artist or artisan you are welcome to promote your related events, activities and information. If you want to celebrate something or somebody in Nobleton and surrounding area, you are welcome to do so as long as it is an arms' length relationship. Otherwise, the same thing applies as for private businesses (including home-based service providers).