wisers red letter 2020 release
the problem with grocery stores: chippawa and punishment
i guess strange things never really take a break in the news and heres a recent example: in the early summer a lobster fisherman was coming up to the surface when suddenly, his vision went black. he took a moment to wonder if he had died in the water, then realized that not only was he still alive, but swallowed by a humpback whale.
he was not injured, but he was about to be swallowed and dissolved by the whales stomach acid, so he held on and thrashed about, causing the whale to surface and spit him out, surviving the whole incident with a cool story to tell the grandkids.
and whenever near tragedy strikes our news in a humorous way, we often hear that the producers of p**nographic movies tend to approach these survivors and try to make a few bucks making a skin flick parodying the event and giving it some stupid title. although ‘the man that was swallowed whole’ was flattered, he turned down his opportunity in p**n because he was so loyal to his lovely wife. the same producer ran the idea passed some of his female cast that he might introduce a whale into the film and four of them quit on the spot, one turned to the catholic church and another went mad, burned her hair off and s**t naked in the streets.
and speaking of giant dicks nobody has any use for, connor mc gregor did something very unusual for an irishmen; he punched an innocent person over a shot of whisky in a pub.
one night a man was in a pub, enjoying a drink with a friend when mr mc gregor came in and offered the bar a round of shots from his whisky brand, proper 12. one person declined and was subsequently punched by conor. the man left with a swollen head and is also banned from re entering the bar, for life, because conor mc gregor then bought the pub and banished the man he punched.
speaking of getting kicked out of places for being harassed and assaulted, i'm still waiting for my official restraining order (wrongfully)barring me from entering the only grocery store in chippawa after publicly threatening to decapitate one of their employees. further, i had posted an experience i had in the grocery store and shared it on one of our chippawa pages to defend my stance. as you're about to see, i am an innocent man, just trying to buy jello to make edible drugs that are attractive to children when a couple of guys were up to no good and started making trouble in my neighborhood grocery store. so please read our local chippawa news delivered by the eyewitness, victim and chippawas top freelance journalist, me.
i was in foodland just a couple days ago. i walked down an aisle fairly quickly, because i'm still young, able, and incredibly fit. i arrived at the checkout just before a couple beside me and i offered that they go ahead of me.
as they sauntered ahead, the man in the couple turned and pointed at my shirt. now, what i have in common with most of the fine, beautiful citizens of chippawa is that i, just like you, wear shirts. we all wear shirts. it's what bonds us as chippawanians. shirts. i happen to be wearing my hartford whalers shirt. it's grey and has a green W on it.
the man stretched his arm toward me and pointed a crusty, arthritic finger at my shirt and said something derogatory about how i shouldn't be allowed in the store wearing a grey shirt with a green W on it. without addressing his aggression, i smiled and said 'as long as i don't have a shirt with a blue leaf on it, i'm sure we can all get along just fine, right?' and i reassured my friendliness with a quiet chuckle.
well, apparently he happens to like shirts with giant blue leaves on the front of them as this man started telling me about how in his day he would've beaten the snot out of me because he likes shirts with blue leaves and i like shirts with green W's. the man's female company pulled him by the shirt into their aisle so they could quickly go home and eat cold ravioli out of the can and drink cheap gin until the night ends in a police officer breaking up a domestic dispute on the front lawn of their hovel, adorned with recycling boxes left out for four days.
naturally, with my god given upper body strength and massive quads i could have pulled myself on top of the ice machine left handed and jumped on top of his head until he stood 2 and a half feet tall. instead, i selected the aisle adjacent to them and spent my last three minutes in the store speaking to the friendly blonde cashier about how kit-kats are the superior snacking candy compared to rolos. she disagreed and i could have effortlessly decapitated her with a bag of ice, but i was raised to accept that people have diverse opinions and i should respect their choices. i wouldn't even care if she liked shirts with blue leaves on the front.
now, just to conclude, i'm very sorry i can't post a feel good story about how the guy ahead of me paid for my coffee, or how i donated empties to the legion, but this actually happened and i found it strange for chippawa. i'm usually overwhelmed by the kindness of strangers in my lovely village and i was slightly shocked that a four-nippled, french-canadian, half-measure of a man with a stupid hair cut wanted to exchange punches about a tall, physically exceptional, kinda stoned, fantastically good looking man wearing a grey shirt with a green W on it. but, i turn the other cheek and i gobbless him.
and happy new year to you all. gobbless.
and that’s the story. to keep you guys up to date, I have walked into the foodland quite belligerent and inebriated in order to purchase more alcohol, so im guessing ill be ok to go in and avoid being arrested, but it doesn’t excuse the fact that the lcbo wont be carrying the newest version of red letter from wisers. Besides, red letter is only available to buy from the distillery.
alc. 45%
this is the definition of a creamy vanilla nose. creamy corn, corn cob, mint leaves and gummy mint drops. egg nog. this is clean, round, heavy and thick with honey, yellow corn and a vanilla bomb. cigar to***co, vanilla frosting, and rye all cased in with the right amount of charred wood. honeycomb and roasted nuts. the liquid itself has weight and thickness. it has presence in the glass.
the entry is corn and vanilla, then comes darker brown notes, root beer, cola, molasses, baking spice, honey. big corn, vanilla and spice, a touch of dill. mint gummies, bright red berries, sweet tarts and a prickly, tannic oak finish that hangs on. the oak is appropriate throughout until the end where it turns up to a hot/sweet ginger. the texture is perfect. the flavour is heavy, creamy and soft on the edges, cohesive until the spicy end, which stops before it becomes too hot.
overall: 96
very familiar to the big corn whiskies of canadian legend: canadian rockies, cc 40, ninety 20, but this is very well done. dialed in and honed to a very deliberate point.
this is what a 100$ bottle is. this is the satisfaction a bottle should bring a rye lover.
please note:
a distillery only release, only available to ontario residents.
as opposed to earlier versions of red letter, this is a 15 year old blend, finished in virgin barrels for 150 days.