I reclaimed a useless storage room and turned it into a studio at the @nelsonanddistrictyouthcentre in #nelsonbc
It took about 6 months of wall repair, junk removal, and painting to get this room ready. We mostly do light paintings but it'll change as the kids want to try new things. Hearing 7 kids all go "wooooaaaaa" when they see a light painting on the back of the camera is priceless.
We are making a mockumentary as well but it's stalled at the moment. This is my legacy room in this building. I'm glad I work with people who back me on big ideas like this.
Happy birthday Empty Cup Media!
A little life update for everyone. I'm still doing videos and taking photos, but performing has become my new creative outlet. Wander over to @colinrburwell on IG if you're curious about the new side of me that started in spring. Well, in January, if you want to get technical.
#nelsonbc #lifeisgood
The Nelson International Mural Festival is back! #nelsonbc really knows how to activate an event. I'll be at Unicorn Music Festival that weekend though. Here's my highlight from last years Muralfest.
#kootenaylife #kootenay #festival #festivals #festivalseason #art #mural #muralfestival #publicart
I went 0/2 for my Hot Docs submissions for 2024. Of course, I'm bummed about it. They are great films. But I understand the process. This doesn't mean the films aren't good. They just weren't right for this festival. Thanks for believing in me everyone!
#filmmaking #films #filmfestival #cinematographer #cinematography #documentary #Docs #hotdocs