It's been a long time since I hopped in a shopping cart!!! but it was the only way I could get the new AUDIOBOOK to work. Must be the reception... the cart acts like a big antenna. ☺️🛒📖🎧
Narrated by yours truly, the audiobook of GROCERY STORY: THE PROMISE OF FOOD CO-OPS IN THE AGE OF GROCERY GIANTS is now available on iTunes, Audible and direct from New Society Publishers -
Jon Steinman, Deconstructing Dinner
#whoownsyourgrocerystore #foodcoops #eatlocal #localfood #cooperatives
Audiobook clip from Grocery Story (Chapter 5 - Enter the Co-op)
“Co-ops are like the “pioneer plants” that first appear on the landscape following a forest fire — society’s fireweed and morel mushrooms.”
[from the NEW audiobook, Chapter 5, Grocery Story: The Promise of Food Co-ops in the Age of Grocery Giants written and narrated by @Jon Steinman] 🛒📖🌈
Sailing Grain (Deconstructing Dinner: Reconstructing Our Food System)
Flashback to the future! Canada’s first community supported agriculture (CSA) for grain was established in the mountains of British Columbia in 2008. To transport the grain from farm to plate, members of the project chose a unique method of transportation – sailboats!
#localfood #eatlocal #localwheat #localgrain #csas #communitysupportedagriculture #futurefood
WATER & POWER: A California Heist @ the 2017 Deconstructing Di...
To understand the future of food across North America is to understand the status of California water and the private interests seeking to control it. WATER & POWER screens November 9 @ the Capitol Theatre in Nelson, BC as part of a double-bill evening with BUGS at the Deconstructing Dinner Film Festival.
AN ACQUIRED TASTE @ the Deconstructing Dinner Film Fest
Panel Discussion to follow:
Dean Wall – Dean is an avid yogi, gatherer, and hunter. He endeavors to treat all life and the earth with reverence and gratitude. In his spare time he mentors people by using a heart-based approach to hunting and gathering, connecting people with the earth through their food and medicine.
Ben Carson – Ben is continuing the tradition of animal ethics, with a passion for education, sustainability & compassion. He is the co-owner of Legendary Meats with over 15 years experience in the industry.
Bob Yetter – Worked as the Assistant Director of the University of Montana’s Wilderness Institute, (1989–1999), overseeing their interdisciplinary outdoor program, “Wilderness and Civilization.” He moved to the north Kootenay Lake area in 1999 and now teaches “Holistic Hunting” – a 16-hour course exploring the practical and philosophical aspects of hunting, with an emphasis on the spiritual responsibilities of taking life to sustain life.
Grocery Story Kickstarter Update - Final Week!
The ONE WEEK TO GO video update on the Kickstarter campaign for GROCERY STORY: The Promise of Food Co-ops in the Age of Grocery Giants.
Kickstarter campaign page:
Deconstructing Dinner: Food Cooperatives and Garlic
Why food co-ops? Food economist Ken Meter explains. Join me on Kickstarter in helping tell more of this story