https://gofund.me/bd099f29 I need your help, its one of the most vile things native people walk through, is landlord racism. Nothing more degrading than a landlord, who looks at you like your "nothing" and you have to be as quiet as mice, and listen to their orders, and be ghosts in your own building. Please help!!! every bit counts right now, the landlord tried to expediate the order of eviction, it was halted by the adjudicator. I actually campaign hard for the homeless and affordable housing, this is the treatment, of pure racism toward me, the landlord working hard to push me out! Your in-kind donations are needed, to get through this difficult time, I am the one usually helping, now I need helping hands. I have excellent references, and I am walking through this as an Elder. Racism on Vancouver Island is horrific. Its like walking backwards in time, with lack of support from my band. There is no life living under racism. I need your help. Love & light, many blessings,
I never thought I would experience a shelter crisis and being pushed out of my re… C. Tsouhalim needs your support for ALMOST HOMELESS IN COWICHAN FROM RACISM