McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution

McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution Elle est consacrée à la présentation et la promotion des études poussées dans les domaines de l’arbitrage, de la médiation et de la négociation.

The McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution is a bilingual peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the presentation and promotion of scholarship in the fields of arbitration, mediation, negotiation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution. The McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution (MJDR) is a bilingual peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the presentation and promotion of high qual

ity scholarship in the fields of arbitration, mediation, facilitation, negotiation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution. It promotes discourse and the exchange of ideas between scholars, practitioners, students and the public at large through the provision of free high quality peer reviewed scholarship.

La R***e de règlement des différends de McGill (RRDM) est un périodique bilingue évalué par des pairs. La R***e cherche à crée un discours et un échange d’idées entre académiciens, praticiens, étudiants en droit, et le public en général à travers la mise à disposition gratuite d’études de haute qualité préparées par les plus grands spécialistes, sélectionnées suite à un processus rigoureux d’évaluation par des pairs.

We’d like to thank everyone who participated in our annual symposium, which was a tremendous success. We were thrilled t...

We’d like to thank everyone who participated in our annual symposium, which was a tremendous success. We were thrilled to have partnered with our hosts, Dentons, to engage in a meaningful discussion on construction dispute resolution for the evening.

Thank you to our wonderful panelists, Ms Rosanna Eugeni, Me Normand D’Amour, and Me Pierre Grenier for their insight and expertise! Merci également à Me Baltaji et à toute l’équipe de Dentons pour leur générosité et leur soutien, ainsi qu’à tous les participants pour leur présence.

À l’année prochaine !

The McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution is pleased to present our Volume 9 Editorial Board and Team.La R***e de règleme...

The McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution is pleased to present our Volume 9 Editorial Board and Team.

La R***e de règlement des différends de McGill est heureuse de présenter son comité de rédaction et son équipe pour le volume 9.

Eric Laurin (Editor-in-Chief), Nora Delahaye (Managing Editor), David Nyarko (Coordinating Editor), Nathaniel Saad (Media Editor)

Dexter Deveau (Executive Editor), Lily Schricker (Executive Editor), Tianyuan Henry Li (Executive Editor)

Anne Lin Arghirescu (Senior Editor), Laura Ashwood (Senior Editor), Elyse Mitchell (Senior Editor)

Zoe Aikman (Associate Editor), Sarah Bangash (Associate Editor), Hiba Saji Eddine (Associate Editor), Marie Annie Edouard Guillemette (Associate Editor), Connor MacDonald (Associate Editor), Anna Prykhodko (Associate Editor), Adam Schoene (Associate Editor), Paul Ye (Associate Editor), Jiayin Zhou (Associate Editor)

Nick Lee (Podcast Editor), Célestine Poirier (Podcast Editor)

Join the McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution on January 30 for our annual coffeehouse! Our hockey theme is sure to be a...

Join the McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution on January 30 for our annual coffeehouse! Our hockey theme is sure to be a blast, so bring your sticks, jerseys, and helmets, and see you there!
Joignez-vous au R***e de règlements des différends de McGill le 30 janvier pour notre coffeehouse annuel ! Apportez vos bâtons, vos chandails et vos casques, et on se voit là-bas !

The MJDR is extremely excited to present our Annual Symposium in partnership with Dentons. Click the link below to regis...

The MJDR is extremely excited to present our Annual Symposium in partnership with Dentons. Click the link below to register now on 12Twenty! #/events/1300110119306/registration

The MJDR is pleased to publish the third article of volume 9! Click the link in our bio to read the full version, and ha...

The MJDR is pleased to publish the third article of volume 9! Click the link in our bio to read the full version, and have a great Winter break!


La RRDM a le plaisir de publier son troisième article du volume 9 ! Cliquez sur le lien pour lire la version complète, et passez une bonne pause d’hiver !

Vote on Friday morning in the LSA referendum! Check your emails to access the SimplyVoting platform and voice your suppo...

Vote on Friday morning in the LSA referendum! Check your emails to access the SimplyVoting platform and voice your support for the MJDR!


Votez vendredi matin au référendum LSA ! Vérifiez vos courriels pour accéder à la plateforme SimplyVoting et exprimez votre appui au MJDR !

Volume 9 Number 2 is out: "Jurisdiction and Admissibility: Never the Twain Shall Meet?" by Lakshana R.Click the link to ...

Volume 9 Number 2 is out: "Jurisdiction and Admissibility: Never the Twain Shall Meet?" by Lakshana R.

Click the link to read the full article!


Le volume 9 numéro 2 est sorti : « Jurisdiction and Admissibility: Never the Twain Shall Meet? » par Lakshana R.

Cliquez sur le lien pour lire l'article complet !

The MJDR is happy to showcase the Nappert Prize in International Arbitration Symposium 2024 on 7 October from 5 PM onwar...

The MJDR is happy to showcase the Nappert Prize in International Arbitration Symposium 2024 on 7 October from 5 PM onwards at the McGill Faculty Club.

The Nappert Prize is a biannual essay contest that invites participants to submit unpublished papers on commercial and investment arbitration. The symposium brings together the three competition winners to present their papers and compete for the best presentation prize.

To attend the symposium, you can register here: For more information, see

Application deadline: Tuesday, September 25 at 5pm.Date de limite de candidature: 25 septembre, 17h00.

Application deadline: Tuesday, September 25 at 5pm.
Date de limite de candidature: 25 septembre, 17h00.

Come meet the MJDR at Clubs’ Day tomorrow afternoon!Venez rencontrer la RRDM demain à Clubs’ Day!

Come meet the MJDR at Clubs’ Day tomorrow afternoon!
Venez rencontrer la RRDM demain à Clubs’ Day!

We’re happy to kick off volume 9 with our first article of the academic year: “Third-Party Funding and its Impact on Mod...

We’re happy to kick off volume 9 with our first article of the academic year: “Third-Party Funding and its Impact on Modern Commercial Mediation” by Angela Ray T. Abala.

Click the link below to read the full article.


Nous sommes heureux de lancer le volume 9 avec notre premier article de l'année académique : « Third-Party Funding and its Impact on Modern Commercial Mediation » par Angela Ray T. Abala.

Cliquez sur le lien suivant pour lire l'article complet.

The MJDR is proud to present our final article for volume 8, The Convergence of the Doctrine of “Unclean Hands” and the ...

The MJDR is proud to present our final article for volume 8, The Convergence of the Doctrine of “Unclean Hands” and the “In Accordance with the Law” Requirement in International Investment Law, by Thomas G. Roussel! To read the full article, please see the link below.


La RRDM est fier de présenter son dernier article pour le volume 8 intitulé « The Convergence of the Doctrine of “Unclean Hands” and the “In Accordance with the Law” Requirement in International Investment Law » par Thomas G. Roussel. Pour lire l’article complet, veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant.

The MJDR is proud to present our newest article for volume 8, Escaped Attention, by Michael A. Mulroney! To read the ful...

The MJDR is proud to present our newest article for volume 8, Escaped Attention, by Michael A. Mulroney! To read the full article, please see the link below.


La RRDM est fier de présenter son nouvel article dans le volume 8 intitulé « Escaped Attention » par Michael A. Mulroney. Pour lire l’article complet, veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant.

Thank you to everyone who attended our annual symposium earlier this semester. Titled “International Arbitration in 2024...

Thank you to everyone who attended our annual symposium earlier this semester. Titled “International Arbitration in 2024 – Rising Issues and Trends”, we had the pleasure of hosting, alongside the McGill Arbitration Student Society, our wonderful speakers:

Taylor Gillespie and Efat Elsherif of the International Arbitration group at White & Case LLP New York.

Professor Andrea Bjorklund, L. Yves Fortier, Chair in International Arbitration and International Commercial Law at the McGill Faculty of Law.

The event was a great success, with an extremely interesting discussion accompanied by delicious food. We’re looking forward to more in the future!

The MJDR is recruiting, check out the details below and apply before April 5!

The MJDR is recruiting, check out the details below and apply before April 5!


Montreal, QC


Soyez le premier à savoir et laissez-nous vous envoyer un courriel lorsque McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution publie des nouvelles et des promotions. Votre adresse e-mail ne sera pas utilisée à d'autres fins, et vous pouvez vous désabonner à tout moment.

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Our Story

The McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution (MJDR) is a bilingual and peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the presentation of scholarship in the fields of arbitration, mediation, facilitation, negotiation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution. It promotes discourse and the exchange of ideas between scholars, practitioners, students and the public at large through the provision of free high quality peer reviewed scholarship. ... La R***e de règlement des différends de McGill (RRDM) est un périodique bilingue évalué par des pairs. Elle est consacrée à la présentation des études poussées dans les domaines de l’arbitrage, de la médiation et de la négociation. La R***e cherche à crée un discours et un échange d’idées entre académiciens, praticiens, étudiants en droit, et le public en général à travers la mise à disposition gratuite d’études de haute qualité préparées par les plus grands spécialistes, sélectionnées suite à un processus rigoureux d’évaluation par des pairs.