The Living Lantern by @neonstudio_uk and @frankie_boyle_studio glows gently at night, its petals dancing with every breeze. Experience its magic at Shopper’s Plaza until March 30, as part of Winteractive by @downtownbostonalliance
📸Credit: Samantha Barracca @sambarracca
✨️Living Lantern de NEON Studio et Frankie Boyle éclaire doucement la nuit, ses pétales dansant au rythme du vent. Vivez sa magie à Shopper’s Plaza jusqu’au 30 mars, dans le cadre de Winteractive par @downtownbostonalliance.
📸Crédit : Samantha Barracca
#LivingLantern #WINTERACTIVE #boston #massachusetts #photography #publicart #BostonArt
✨️Happy New Year! ✨️
Looking back on a 2024 filled with creativity and inspiring projects, we extend our heartfelt thanks to our partners, artists, and communities for making it all possible.
As we step into 2025, we’re excited to continue transforming your public spaces into dynamic destinations. Stay tuned for what’s to come! ✨️
✨️Bonne Année ! ✨️
En revenant sur une année 2024 riche en créativité et en projets inspirants, nous adressons nos sincères remerciements à nos partenaires, artistes et communautés qui ont rendu tout cela possible.
Alors que nous entamons 2025, nous sommes impatients de continuer à transformer vos espaces publics en destinations dynamiques et attactives!
Restez à l’affût de nos prochains projets!✨️
#publicart #2025 #newyear #wireframe
✨️Throwback to Lightholders by @jonasvorwerk in Athens! ✨️
This stunning installation featured 3 silos, including a massive 21-meter diameter structure and two 15-meter diameter ones. What made LightHolders special was its custom-made audio and light design, tailored specifically for this exhibition. Audio loops synced perfectly with the light, making the sound visible to the public.
One of the silos even included an interactive element, where visitors could take control of the sound and lights, creating an unforgettable immersive experience.
👉🏼Interested in learning more about this installation? Get in touch with us!
#ArtInstallation #publicart #DistributedByWireframe
EXPosure by @lucion_media is still lighting up Aurora @cityofaurorail l at LUMENAURA until November 1st! ✨️
Draw lines by moving your phone’s flashlight over the main 5m sphere. Shine the light on your face to create a glowing selfie that will be projected on the sphere!
#EXPosure #publicart
#interactiveart #artinstallation #DistributedByWireframe
📸 Victor Padilla
EXPosure by @lucion_media exhibited in @cityofaurorail as part of the LUMENAURA Festival until November 1st! ✨️
📸 @a.n.creator
#EXPosure #Aurora #PublicArt #LightArtInstallation
✨ La saison hivernale 2023/24 USA s’est achevée avec de nombreuses activations se places publiques et participations à des festivals de lumière.
Une saison pleine de découvertes artistiques, de collaborations inspirantes et de nouveaux horizons. Wireframe souhaite remercier particulièrement @patrimoine.cdn Heritage pour son soutien financier significatif dans notre développement du marché américain. Grâce au volet Prêt à l’Export, Wireframe a multiplié les partenariats aux USA cette année: Caroline du Nord, Pennsylvanie, et Illinois ; développé de nouvelles routes de distribution et initié plusieurs collaborations dont certaines bénéficient déjà au rayonnement des artistes canadiens de notre écosystème. Moongarden et EXPosure de Lucion Media ont notamment pu illuminer les centres-villes de El Paso (TX) et Oakland (PA). D’autres annonces seront prochainement dévoilées!
L’engagement sans faille de @patrimoine.cdn pour la promotion de l’art et la culture canadienne à travers le monde et son soutien envers les entreprises d’ici est un atout majeur dans notre développement à l’étranger!
✨ The 2023/24 USA winter season has wrapped up with numerous activations in public places and participation in light festivals. A season full of artistic discoveries, inspiring collaborations and new exciting opportunities.
Wireframe would like to extend special thanks to Heritage Canada for its significant financial support in our expansion into the U.S. market. Thanks to the Export Ready program, we were able to build significant new partnerships in the U.S. this year such as North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Illinois to name a few, develop new distribution networks and initiate several collaborations, some of which Canadian artists are already benefiting from in our ecosystem.
Lucion Media's Moongarden and EXPosure, for example, illuminated downtown El Paso (TX) and Oakland (PA). More exciting announcements to come.
Canadian Herita
✨Shadowing, created by @jonathan.chomko and @mfprosier, is an award-winning public artwork that gives memory to a city’s street lamps, echoing the presence of those who pass underneath to create moments of performance and play in public space.
Shadowing tours internationally, and has been presented in Paris, Tokyo, Austin, and London.
The project has won multiple awards, including the 2014 Playable City Award and the 2016 Active Public Space Award, and was nominated as Design of the Year in 2014 by the London Design Museum.
For more information e-mail us: [email protected]
✨Shadowing, créée par Jonathan Chomko et Matthew Rosier, est une œuvre d'art public primée qui donne une mémoire aux lampadaires d'une ville, faisant écho à la présence de ceux qui passent en dessous pour créer des moments de performance et de jeu dans l'espace public.
Shadowing est en tournée internationale et a été présenté à Paris, Tokyo, Austin et Londres.
Le projet a remporté de nombreux prix, notamment le Playable City Award 2014 et l'Active Public Space Award 2016, et a été nommé Design of the Year en 2014 par le London Design Museum.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez nous écrire à l'adresse suivante : [email protected]
#PublicSpace #ArtinPublic #ArtInstallation #PublicArt
✨️Throwback to Loops by @jonasvorwerk at @snfcc last December!
Loops is an installation that pays tribute to the music lab of the 50s and 60s. It allows anyone to create loop-based compositions using five circular sound machines with a kinetic and manual interface.
👉🏼For more information about this installation, feel free to reach out to us at us at [email protected]
Video credits: View Master Events for SNCC
#Loops #artinstallation #publicart #activation #placemaking