Thanks to @p._wizard for crossing the pond to record some classic synths for a few hours. His setup consisted of Oberheim OB-8, Prophet-5, Lexicon PCM 80 and the Space Echo.
Come and book a session, check the site or DM for our reasonable rates!
Did you know that you can rent out these and many other classic synths in the privacy of your own space?
We’re located in Montreal, but we can service Toronto, Ottawa, and Québec City as well. DM us to realize your wildest synth fantasies!
Thanks to @p._wizard for crossing the pond to record some classic synths for a few hours. His setup consisted of Oberheim OB-8, Prophet-5, Lexicon PCM-80, and the Space Echo.
Come and book a session, check the site or DM for our reasonable rates!
Did you know that you can rent out these and many other classic synths in the privacy of your own space?
We’re located in Montreal, but we can service Toronto, Ottawa, and Québec City as well. Give us a DM to realize your wildest synth fantasies!
Thanks to @p._wizard for crossing the pond to record some classic synths for a few hours. His setup consisted of Oberheim OB-8, Prophet 5, Lexicon PCM 80 and the Space Echo.
Come and book a session, check the site or DM for our reasonable rates!
Did you know that you can rent out these and many other classic synths in the privacy of your own space?
We’re located in Montreal, but we can service Toronto, Ottawa and Québec City as well. DM us to realize your wildest synth fantasies!
Thank you DoomX, Rami and Tony aka @planetgiza for coming by for a 5hr deep synth recording session with Oberheim OB-12, Nord Stage 3, Roland JD-800, Roland TR-808, Yamaha DX 7 and ARP String Ensemble in the mix.
DM or check the site to book a session and make your wildest synth fantasies come true!
#popmontreal #mcgillmusic #brainfreezemtl #moogaudio #moogaudioofficial
Thanks to DoomX, Rami and Tony from @planetgiza for coming in for a 5 hour deep dive synth session involving Oberheim OB-12, Nord Stage 3, Roland JD-800, Roland TR-808, Yamaha DX-7 and ARP String Ensemble.
DM or check the site to book your own custom synth fantasy recording session today!
#brainfreezemtl #mcgillmusic #popmontreal
Thank you @kookup_ for swinging by the studio today and experimenting with the Rhodes Chroma, Juno 60 and Sub 37.
Please DM if you’d like to book a session!
#synth #montreal #analogsynth
Sailing the seas of stacked stochastic shift-registers. Guided by the twin muses, modded to tempo sync yet maintain independent pitch control. Sounds like the harmony of the spheres to me, but we’d need 5 more. Thanks @lconofficial for visiting the studio and doing some deep synth listening #paulineoliveros #lauriespiegel #sarahdavachi #elianeradigue #triadexmuse
Moog Trifecta! Thanks David Arseneau 🙏 for choosing Synth Palace as your celebration destination to reunite/converge with your friends to make spooky soundtrack sounds!
Book a session today or rent out some synthology at today!
#50/hr #popmontreal #hotel2tango #brainfreezemtl #rocketscienceroom #mcgillmusic #synthswhen #synthswhenrentals #mutekmtl #electronicmusicmtl #barbossamtl #longandmcquademontreal #moogaudiomontreal #moogaudioofficial #moogaudiorental #breakglassstudios #distortionfestival #tavernetour #tavernetour2024
Thanks to @dress2distress for swinging by and channeling the doomier side of electronic birdsong via the ARP 2600, ARP 1601 sequencer and Hologram Microcosm.
Curate your own customized synth fantasy by booking your onsite synth session today!
#50/hr #mutek2024 #longandmcquademontreal #electronicmusicmtl #moogaudiorental #popmontreal #hotel2tango #breakglassstudios #brainfreezemtl #moogaudiopro #moogaudiomtl #mcgillmusic #concordiamusicdepartment #concordiaelectroacoustic #synthswhenrentals #synthswhen @barbossa.mtl #cabaretberlinmtl #uqammusique
Thanks to @__inchoate__ for visiting and sonically excavating the more industrial sides of the Memorymoog, Electrocomp 101 and MS-20! It was a blast to have you in the space!
Book your own session today and live out your wildest synth fantasies!
#50/hr #mutek2024 #longandmcquademontreal #electronicmusicmtl #moogaudiorental #mardispaghetti #easternbloc @barbossa.mtl @easternblocmtl #popmontreal #hotel2tango #constellationrecords #brainfreezemtl #concordiamusicdepartment #mcgillmusic #moogaudiopro #moogaudiomontreal #stereomtl
Thanks/Merci to Marianne: a new synth lesson student. She wanted to integrate some Gilla Band styles with some gabber so this track is off to a good start.
Also, kismetalogically it was laterally a happy 909 day bc we used the dr. rhythm 660’s 909 kick thru the big muff to get some of that gabber juju.
Did you know that you can book synth lessons whereby you share your learning objectives and we make them come true! Get in touch and talk about your synth/production goals!
#70/hr #mutek2024 #mutek #mutekmontreal #longandmcquademontreal #electronicmusicmtl #moogaudiorental #mtelusmontreal #moogaudio #moogaudioofficial #moogaudiopro #popmontreal #electronicmusic #electronicmusicmontreal #hotel2tango #arbutusrecords #montreal #constellationrecords #brainfreezemtl #concordiamusicdepartment #electroacousticsconcordia #mcgillmusic #mcgillmusicgroup #mcgillmusiclibrary #mcgillmusicfrosh #mcgillmusicians #uqammusique #uqàmmusique #concordiamusicshop #concordiamusic
One of my favs is when someone reaches out to book some synth playtime as a surprise for their partner’s birthday ❤️ merci/thank you Miriam and Pascal for visiting, playing, smiling and celebrating!
Check the site for details on a session like this for your S.O. as a cool gift and for info on synth rentals for your projects, onsite sessions, and sending us your MIDI tracks to replace your VST sounds with the real thing for your upcoming releases
#50/hr #analogsynth #montreal #synth #rolandsh101 #emulator3 #moogaudiorental #moogaudio #aux33tours #prophet600 #mellotron4000d #mutekmtl #popmontreal #stevesmusic #longandmcquademontreal #arbutusrecords #breakglassstudios #hotel2tango #mutek2024 #mtelusmontreal #leplateaumontreal #mileendmontreal #electronicmusic #electronicmusicmtl