Kanadský Slovák - The Canadian Slovak

Kanadský Slovák - The Canadian Slovak The official page of the Kanadsky Slovak - The Canadian Slovak newspaper (www.kanadskyslovak.ca).

The Canadian Slovak newspaper was published in 1942 by The Canadian Slovak League (CSL), which was founded in 1932. CSL has played an important role in the life of the Slovak community in Canada, helping its members to integrate into Canadian life and become contributing citizens to their country of adoption. Today The Canadian Slovak is the only Slovak weekly newspaper on the North American conti

nent. For over 78 years, this bi-weekly newspaper has taken the lead in serving the growing Slovak communities in Canada. Its readership is provided with news about Canada and Slovakia, feature articles, information about specific events as well as the recognition of milestones and the celebration of individual and group achievements. Businesses persons and professionals use this publication to advertise their products and services to the multi-generations of Slovaks across Canada.


Facebook/Meta is still blocking us. Liberal fascists!

Facebook nám zmazala celý obsah pretože kanadská vláda vydala sprosté nariadenie ktoré ublížilo všetkým publikáciám v Ka...

Facebook nám zmazala celý obsah pretože kanadská vláda vydala sprosté nariadenie ktoré ublížilo všetkým publikáciám v Kanade. Fuj Facebooku a Fuj Federálnej vláde Kanady! Nabudúce si musíme zvoliť lepšiu vládu. Ospravedlňujeme sa všetkým našim priateľom, ale kde vládne hlúposť tam sa nedá nič urobiť.
Facebook deleted all of our content because the Canadian government issued a stupid regulation that hurt all publications in Canada. Shame to Facebook and Shame to Federal Government of Canada! Next time we have to elect a better government. Apologies to all our friends, but where stupidity reigns, not much can be done.
Facebook nám zmazala celý obsah pretože kanadská vláda vydala sprosté nariadenie ktoré ublížilo všetkým publikáciám v Kanade. Fuj Facebooku a Fuj Federálnej vláde Kanady! Nabudúce si musíme zvoliť lepšiu vládu. Ospravedlňujeme sa všetkým našim priateľom, ale kde vládne hlúposť tam sa nedá nič urobiť.
Facebook deleted all of our content because the Canadian government issued a stupid regulation that hurt all publications in Canada. Shame to Facebook and Shame to Federal Government of Canada! Next time we have to elect a better government. Apologies to all our friends, but where stupidity reigns, not much can be Facebook nám zmazala celý obsah pretože kanadská vláda vydala sprosté nariadenie ktoré ublížilo všetkým publikáciám v Kanade. Fuj Facebooku a Fuj Federálnej vláde Kanady! Nabudúce si musíme zvoliť lepšiu vládu. Ospravedlňujeme sa všetkým našim priateľom, ale kde vládne hlúposť tam sa nedá nič urobiť.
Facebook deleted all of our content because the Canadian government issued a stupid regulation that hurt all publications in Canada. Shame to Facebook and Shame to Federal Government of Canada! Next time we have to elect a better government. Apologies to all our friends, but where stupidity reigns, not much can be done.

Najnovšie číslo 12 Kanadského Slováka je prístupné pre online predplatiteľov na https://www.kanadskyslovak.ca/index.php/...

Najnovšie číslo 12 Kanadského Slováka je prístupné pre online predplatiteľov na https://www.kanadskyslovak.ca/index.php/sk/ Ďakujeme za Vašu podporu.
Čísla 1 až 9 sú prístupné v bezplatnom archíve novín.
The latest issue 12 of The Canadian Slovak is available to online subscribers at https://www.kanadskyslovak.ca/index.php
Thank you for your support.
Issues 1 to 9 are available in the Free archive.

The Canadian Slovak - newspaper of the Slovak community in Canada.


Prajeme všetkým predplatiteľom, čitateľom a priateľom Kanadského Slováka príjemné a požehnané Veľkonočné sviatky. Tento Veľký týždeň je najstarší a najvýznamnejší sviatok kresťanstva, ktorý kulminuje na Veľkonočnú nedeľu oslavami zmŕtvychstania Ježiša Krista.

Ako malý veľkonočný darček pre Vás sprístupňujeme veľkonočné číslo novín Kanadský Slovák na tejto linke:


We wish the subscribers, readers and friends of the Canadian Slovak a Pleasant and Blessed Easter. This Holy Week is the oldest and most important holiday of Christianity, which culminates on Easter Sunday with the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

As a small Easter gift for you, we are making available the Easter issue of the Kanadský Slovák newspaper at this link:


Výročie nezávislosti Slovenskej republiky 1. januára určuje novoročnú rutinu pre niektorých Slovákov v Calgary. Miestny ...

Výročie nezávislosti Slovenskej republiky 1. januára určuje novoročnú rutinu pre niektorých Slovákov v Calgary. Miestny zbor Kanadskej slovenskej ligy vybavil povolenie vyvesiť slovenskú zástavu pred radnicou v Calgary.

Radnica nariaďuje vyvesiť zástavu pri východe slnka a potom veje na čestnom stožiari až do západu slnka. Slováci v Calgary to robia každý Nový Rok už 30 rokov, aj keď sa veľa ľudom nechce po Silvestri tak skoro ráno vstávať. Po ceremónii sa ide na kávu a šišky do reštaurácie Tim Hortons naproti radnice a Nový Rok môže úspešne začať.

Takže všetkým Vám prajeme Šťastný a Veselý Nový Rok z Calgary.


The Independence anniversary of the Slovak Republic on January 1st determines the New Year's Day routine for some Slovaks in Calgary. The local Branch of the Canadian Slovak League obtains the necessary permit to raise the Slovak flag in front of the City hall in Calgary every New Year.

City Hall requires that we fly the flag at sunrise and then it flies on the flagpole of honor until sunset. Slovaks in Calgary have been doing it for 30 years, even though many people don't want to get up so early after partiying on New Year's Eve. After the ceremony, we go for coffee and donuts to Tim Hortons across the street from the City hall and the New Year can succesfully begin.

So, from Calgary we wish all of you a Happy New Year.


Všetky čísla Kanadského Slováka z roku 2022 sú prístupné na bezplatnom archíve novín na linke
s prianim Požehnaných Vianoc a Śťasného Nového Roka všetkým našim predplatiteľom a priateľom.
All 2022 issues of The Canadian Slovak are available on the free newspaper archive online
with our wishes for a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our subscribers and friends.

23. júla sa v Montreale konala 35. Konvencia Kanadskej slovenskej ligy. Tohtoročná Konvencia pripadla na 90. výročie od ...

23. júla sa v Montreale konala 35. Konvencia Kanadskej slovenskej ligy. Tohtoročná Konvencia pripadla na 90. výročie od založenia organizácie a na 80. výročie od založenia novín Kanadský Slovák.

Pri tejto príležitosti vyšlo mimoriadne spomienkové číslo novín č. 15, ktoré si môžete prečítať na tejto linke:

Pri tejto príležitosti sme tiež sprístupnili všetky čísla novín v bezplatnom archíve aby ste si mohli prečítať správy o Slovákoch v Kanade počas Vašich letných dovoleniek.

Viac o 35. Konvencii Kanadskej slovenskej ligy si môžete prečítať v článku na domovskej stránke novín.

Prajeme všetkým čitateľom a priateľom prekrásny zbytok leta.

The Canadian Slovak newspaper - electronic archives.

Ctihodná Mélanie Joly, ministerka zahraničných vecí Kanady, oznámila rozšírenie diplomatickej prítomnosti a kapacity Kan...

Ctihodná Mélanie Joly, ministerka zahraničných vecí Kanady, oznámila rozšírenie diplomatickej prítomnosti a kapacity Kanady v strednej a východnej Európe a na Kaukaze.

Súčasné kanadské kancelárie na Slovensku, ako aj v Estónsku a Litve – v krajinách so silnými a rastúcimi bilaterálnymi vzťahmi s Kanadou a kľúčovými spojencami NATO – Kanada premieňa na plnohodnotné veľvyslanectvá s rezidentnými veľvyslancami a posilňujeme našu prítomnosť na našom veľvyslanectve v Lotyšsku. Tieto zmeny ďalej posilnia angažovanosť Kanady v regióne, pomôžu čeliť destabilizačným aktivitám Ruska a zvýšia podporu pre operáciu REASSURANCE.

The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced an expansion of Canada’s diplomatic presence and capacity in Central and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus.

Canada is converting current Canadian offices in Slovakia. Estonia, and Lithuania – countries with strong and growing bilateral ties with Canada and key NATO Allies – into full embassies with resident ambassadors, and strengthening our presence at our embassy in Latvia. These changes will further enhance Canada’s engagement in the region, help counter Russia’s destabilizing activities and increase support for Operation REASSURANCE.


Sv. omša v slovenčine - Calgary - Slovak Mass

Vdp. Ján Baštigal Vás pozýva na sv. omšu v slovenčine, ktorá bude v
sobotu 4. júna 2022 o 19. hod. v kostole sv. Gerarda na 8944 Elbow Drive SW v Calgary. Bohoslužby budú tiež venované spomienke na Pavla Beňovského ktorý v máji zomrel pred nedožitými 90. narodeninami.

Po Bohoslužbách bude v hale pri kostole tradičné stretnutie s občerstvením.

Ďaľšie sv. omše sú plánované na prvú sobotu v októbri a decembri.
Father Ján Baštigal invites you to a Holy Mass in Slovak on Saturday, June 4, 2022 at 7 p.m. in St. Gerard Church at 8944 Elbow Drive SW in Calgary. The services will also be dedicated to the memory of Pavol Beňovský, who died in May before his 90th birthday in July.

After the services, there will be a traditional refreshment meeting in
the church hall.

Next Masses are planned for the first Saturday in October and December.

Ondrej Mihal vystúpi s prednáškou Formatívne roky náboženského života Slovákov v Kanade od 30. do 60. rokov 20. storočia...

Ondrej Mihal vystúpi s prednáškou Formatívne roky náboženského života Slovákov v Kanade od 30. do 60. rokov 20. storočia.
v nedeľu 29. mája 2022 v hale Kanadskej slovenskej ligy na 259 Traders Blvd. Unit 6, Mississauga, Ontario.
Ondrej Mihal will present a lecture on the Formative years of Religious life of Slovaks in Canada from 1930s to 1960s
On Sunday, May 29, 2022 at the Canadian Slovak League Hall, 259 Traders Blvd. East, Unit 6, Mississauga, Ontario


MAJÁLES 2022 vo Vancouveri







A máme tu MÁJ. Nielen ako mesiac v roku, ale MÁJ, ktorý kedysi dávno vyrástol v predvečer prvého mája pod oknami každej mladej dievky v dedine.
Vo Vancouveri sme si to trošku zjednodušili a postavili spoločný MÁJ pred kostolíkom sv. Cyrila a Metoda v New Westminsteri. Deti vyzdobili MÁJ stužkami, ženy zo súboru SLÁVIK zaspievali a chlapi sa postarali, aby MÁJ vzpriamene stál pre radosť všetkých počas celého mesiaca.
Podvečer pokračoval svätou omšou a MAJÁLESOM, organizovaným slovenskou farnosťou vo Vancouveri. Bol to nádherný večer plný slovenských tradícií ďaleko od rodnej hrudy, ale blízko v našich srdciach.
O ďalších podujatiach slovenskej komunity vo Vancouveri sa môžte dočítať na facebookových stránkach SLÁVIKa - Slovenského folklórneho združenia a Českého a Slovenského združenia v Kanade. https://www.facebook.com/CSSKVAN https://www.facebook.com/slavikfolkloresociety/
Text a fotografie: Marika Kubinyi
For English version of this article, please see

Všetkým čitateľom a priateľom Kanadského Slováka prajeme pokojné a požehnané Veľkonočné sviatky v kruhu Vašej rodiny a p...

Všetkým čitateľom a priateľom Kanadského Slováka prajeme pokojné a požehnané Veľkonočné sviatky v kruhu Vašej rodiny a priateľov.

Veľkonočné číslo Kanadského Slováka, ktoré prináša aj rozvrh Bohoslužieb v slovenských kostoloch v Kanade sme sprístupnili pre všetkých na tejto linke:

We wish all readers and friends of The Canadian Slovak a peaceful and blessed Easter holidays among your family and friends.

We have made the Easter issue of The Canadian Slovak, which also brings a schedule of services in Slovak churches in Canada, available to everyone at this link:


Náš dvojtýždenník Kanadský Slovák slávi 5. marca 2022 80. výročie svojho vzniku. Je to veľký úspech, pretože z 37. týždenníkov, ktoré Slováci v Kanade vydávali od roku 1910, sa zachoval len jeden. Náš Kanadský Slovák.
Tieto noviny, založené ako oficiálny orgán Kanadskej slovenskej ligy zosnulým Štefanom Hrehom, nám prinášali správy o Slovensku, Kanade, svete a o našich slovenských komunitách v Kanade a USA. Náš oficiálny orgán, donedávna výrazne dotovaný Kanadskou slovenskou ligou, nás naďalej informuje o dianí v našich slovenských komunitách, ako aj na Slovensku.
Správna rada Kanadskej slovenskej ligy, ako aj jej členovia, srdečne blahoželáme Kanadskému Slováku a jej ocenenému redaktorovi Júliusovi Behulovi k 80. výročiu.
Keďže Kanadský Slovák/The Canadian Slovak je našou vizitkou pre celú kanadskú spoločnosť, umožňuje všetkým sa pridať a finančne podporovať tieto posledné noviny v slovenskom jazyku v Kanade!
Ukážme kanadskej spoločnosti, že slovenská komunita v Kanade je stále živá a zdravá.
M. Mark Stolarik,
Predseda Kanadskej slovenskej ligy

On March 5, 2022, our bi-weekly newspaper Kanadský Slovák/The Canadian Slovak celebrates its 80th anniversary. This is a major achievement, because, of 37 weekly newspapers that Slovaks in Canada have published since 1910, only one still survives: Your Kanadský Slovák/The Canadian Slovak.

Founded as the official organ of the Canadian Slovak League by the late Štefan Hreha, this newspaper has brought us news about Slovakia, Canada, the world, and about our various Slovak communities in Canada and in the USA. Heavily subsidized by the Canadian Slovak League until recently, our official organ continues to keep us informed of happenings in our Slovak communities, as well as in Slovakia.

The Board of Directors of the Canadian Slovak League, as well as its members, extend to Kanadsky Slovak/The Canadian Slovak, and its award-winning editor Július Behul, sincerest congratulations on its 80th anniversary.

Since the Kanadský Slovák/The Canadian Slovak, is our calling card to the rest of Canadian society, lets all chip in and financially support this last Slovak-language newspaper in Canada!

Lets show Canadian society that the Slovak community in Canada is still alive and well.
M. Mark Stolarik,
Canadian Slovak League


Dnešné vydanie Kanadského Slováka je prvým číslom jubilejného 80. ročníka nepretržitého vydávania novín. Noviny už 80 rokov stmeľujú slovenskú komunitu v Kanade a predstavujú vitalitu Kanadských Slovákov celej našej krajine a svetu.

Vydávanie prvého čísla začalo celkom dramaticky. Znenazdajky, po vytlačení Vianočného čísla Kanadského Slováka, nám bolo oznámené, že tlačiareň, s ktorou sme spolupracovali dlhé desaťročia, po päťdesiatich ôsmich rokoch existencie ukončila 23. decembra svoje podnikanie a zatvorila naposledy dvere. Ďaľšia obeť ekonomickej krízy spôsobenou pandémiou a vládnymi reštrikciami, ktoré majú ničivý účinok hlavne na malé firmy.

Nakoniec sa podarilo narýchlo nájsť novú tlačiareň, ktorá síce za vyššiu cenu ale aspoň súhlasila na obojstrannú skúšku vytlačiť naše krásne noviny.

Aj vy môžete najviac pomôcť aby sa Kanadský Slovák dožil aspoň storočnice zakúpením si predplatného, či už elektonického alebo tlačeného vydania novín.

Blanoželáme redakcii a vydavateľovi, Kanadskej slovenskej lige, k tomuto vzácnemu jubileu.

Today's edition of the Canadian Slovak is the first issue of the jubilee 80th year of its continuous publishing. The newspaper has been uniting the Slovak community in Canada for 80 years and presents the vitality of Canadian Slovaks throughout our country and to the world.

The publication of this issue started quite dramatically. Suddenly, after the Christmas issue was printed, we were told by the printer, with whom we had worked for many decades, that it is closing its business on December 23rd, and closed its doors for the last time after fifty-eight years of existence. Another victim of the economic crisis caused by the pandemic and government restrictions, which have such devastating effect especially on small businesses.

In the end, we managed to quickly find a new printer, which, at a higher price, at least agreed to trial-print our beautiful newspapers.

You too can help the Canadian Slovak to prosper to at least the 100th Anniversary by purchasing a subscription, whether an electronic or a printed edition of the newspaper.

Congratulations to the Editor and publishers, the Canadian Slovak League, on this great anniversary.

Dialogue of Pope Francis with young people in KošiceDear young people, do not be affected by evil that ragesOne of the m...

Dialogue of Pope Francis with young people in Košice
Dear young people, do not be affected by evil that rages

One of the most inspiring events during Pope Francis' three-day visit to Slovakia was a meeting with young people in Košice. More than 21 thousand visitors filled the Lokomotíva Košice football stadium and warmly welcomed Pope Francis, who first circled all the areas and sectors of the field in the Popemobile so that those present could see him up close. He then listened to three testimonies from young people about their lives, afflictions and tragedies, but also about their ultimate solutions and finding the meaning of life. They asked three specific questions, requesting the Pope for an answer.
His answers and advice were interesting and inspiring.
When asked by a young couple about love as a couple, he answered: “Love is the biggest dream in life, but it is not a cheap dream. It is nice, but not easy, just like all the great things in life. Friends, let us not banal love, because love is not just emotions and feelings; these are, at most, her beginning. Love does not mean having everything and now, it does not follow the logic of "use and throw away". Love is fidelity, a gift, a responsibility. The real originality today, the real revolution, is to free oneself from the culture of provisionality, to go beyond instinct and beyond the moment, to love for life and with all one's being. We are not here to live from day to day, but to make our lives an adventurous journey. For life to be great, both are needed: love and heroism. Please, let's not let the days of our lives flow like episodes in a soap opera. Therefore, when you dream of love, do not believe in special effects, but in the fact that each of you is exceptional: each of you. Everyone is a gift and can make life, their own life a gift. Dream of beauty that transcends appearance, transcends makeup that transcends fashion trends. Dream without fear of starting a family, of having children and of raising children, of giving life, of sharing everything with another person, without being ashamed of your weaknesses, because here is someone who accepts and loves them, who loves you just the way you are. And this is love: to love the other as he is, and this is beautiful. The dreams we have tell us about the life we long for. Don't listen to those who tell you about dreams and instead sell you illusions. Dreaming is one thing, having illusions is another. Those who sell illusions by talking about dreams: they are the manipulators of happiness. We were created for greater joy: each of us is unique and is in this world to feel loved in his uniqueness, and to love others as no one can do it for him.
I would like to give you further advice. For love to bear fruit, do not forget your roots. And what are your roots? Parents and especially grandparents. Listen carefully, yes, grandparents. They have prepared the ground for you. Water the roots, go to the grandparents, they will do you good: ask them questions, take the time to hear their stories. Today, the danger is to grow up uprooted because we tend to run, do everything quickly. Full of virtual messages, we risk losing our true roots. To disconnect from life, to fantasize in the void is not good, it is a temptation from evil. God wants us to be firmly planted on earth, connected with life; never closed, but always open to all! To be firmly rooted and open. Do you understand? Firmly rooted and open. Dear young people, do not be influenced by what is not good, the evil that rages. Do not be overwhelmed by the grief or resigned disgust of those who say that nothing will change. He who believes this will become ill with pessimism. And have you seen the face of a young person, a young pessimist? Did you see his face? A bitter face, face scarred by bitterness. Pessimism infuriates us. It will make us grow old internally. You will grow old in your youth. Today there are so many destructive forces, those who blame everyone and everything, spread negativism, all those experts in complaining. Don't listen to them, don't believe them, because complaining and pessimism are not Christian."
And this leads us to answer young Petra's second question: "How can a young person overcome obstacles on the path to God's mercy?" There is a reliable means to help us get up again. It's a confession. If I ask you, "What do you think about before you go to confess?" - but don't say it out loud - I'm almost sure of the answer: "About the sins." But - I ask you, are sins really the center of confession? Does God want you to approach Him by thinking of yourself, your sins, or him? What does God want? How to bring you closer to him, or to your sins? What does he want? What is the center, the sins, or the Father who forgives all sins? The Father. We do not go to confession as the punished ones who must humble themselves, but as children who run into the Father's embrace. And the Father lifts us in every situation, He forgives us every sin. Listen well to this: God always forgives! Do you understand? God always forgives!
Let me give you a little advice: after each confession, stay for a while and remember the forgiveness you received. Keep that peace in your heart, the freedom you feel inside. Not the sins that no longer exist, but the forgiveness that God has given you, the caress of God the Father. And the next time you go to confession, remember: I'll get the hug that made me so well again. I am not going to settle accounts with the judge, but to Jesus, who loves me and heals me. Let us put God first in confession. If he is the main character, everything becomes beautiful and confession becomes a sacrament of joy. Yes, joy: not fear and judgment, but joy. And it is important that priests be merciful. I beg you, never curious, never inquisitive, but as brothers who give the Father's forgiveness, who accompany them in that embrace of the Father.
Someone might say, "I'm still ashamed, I can't overcome the shame of going to confess." It's not a problem, it's a good thing! Sometimes it is good to be ashamed in life. If you are ashamed, it means that you do not agree with what you have done. Shame is a good sign, but like any sign it requires going further. Don't be a prisoner of shame, because God is never ashamed of you. He loves you right where you are ashamed of yourself. And he always loves you.
And one last doubt: "But Father, I cannot forgive myself, and therefore God cannot forgive me, for I will always fall and repeat the same sins." But listen, when will God be offended? When are you going to ask him for forgiveness? No, never. God suffers when we think he can't forgive us because it's like telling him, "You're weak in love!" To say this to God is ugly! To tell him you are "weak in love." On the contrary, God rejoices when He forgives us, every time. When he picks us up, he believes in us just like the first time, he will not be discouraged. We will be discouraged, he will not. He does not see the sinners he would label, but the children he loves. He does not see the sinners, but beloved children; maybe hurt, and then he has even more compassion and tenderness. And every time we confess - we should never forget it - there is a celebration in heaven. Let it be so on earth! ”
Finally, Peter and Lenka asked how to "encourage young people not to be afraid to embrace the cross." “Embrace: that's a nice verb! A hug helps to overcome fear. When we are embraced, we regain confidence in ourselves and also in life. So let us embrace Jesus. Because when we embrace Jesus, we get hope again. We cannot embrace the cross alone; pain does not save anyone. What transforms pain is love. So we embrace the cross with Jesus, never alone! If we embrace Jesus, joy is born again. And the joy of Jesus, in pain, is transformed into peace. Dear young people, boys and girls, I wish you this joy, stronger than anything else. I wish you would bring it to your friends. Not sermons, but joy. Bring joy! Not words, but smiles, brotherly closeness. Thank you for listening to me, and I ask you for one last thing: don't forget to pray for me. Well, thank you!"
On the last day of his visit to Slovakia, on the feast of the Virgin Mary of the Seven Sorrows, the Patron Saint of Slovakia, which is also the national holiday of the Slovak Republic, Pope Francis spoke to hundreds of thousands of pilgrims on the National Pilgrimage in Šaštín. which thus helped to maintain Christianity and the faith even during the communist oppression in the former Czechoslovakia. Pope Francis preached mainly on the importance of the faith of the Virgin Mary, but he also had this message for today's Slovakia and the whole world:
"Let's not forget that we must not reduce the faith to sugar, which sweetens life. We can't do that. Jesus is a sign they will oppose. He came to bring light where there was dark, bringing the darkness to light and having the dark to retreat. That is why the darkness is still fighting against him. He who receives Christ and opens himself to him rises from the dead; he who rejects him shuts himself in darkness and is the cause of his own destruction. Jesus explained to his disciples that he did not bring peace to the world, but a sword: for his Word is like a double-edged sword; it penetrates our lives, separates light from darkness, and invites us to choose: he says, "Choose!". No one can remain lukewarm before Jesus, or "sit on two chairs at once." No, that's not possible. To accept him is to agree that he reveals contradictions, idols, inspirations of evil in me, and to become a resurrection for me, because He lifts me up, shakes my hand, and helps me begin again. He always lifts me up again and again.
And it is such prophets that today's Slovakia needs. It is not a matter of being hostile to the world, but of being a sign in the world "to be opposed", of Christians who can show the beauty of the Gospel with their lives, of people who engage in dialogue where there are different attitudes that reveal fraternal life; where, if there is division and discord in society, they spread a pleasant scent of acceptance and solidarity where personal and collective forms of selfishness often prevail; who protect and preserve life where the logic of death applies. ”

It was a great experience to personally participate in both events and share with the ideas presented by Pope Francis. Details of each event and records of its speeches were published by the portal www.vaticannews.va (choose English).)

Slovenskú verziu tohoto článku nájdete na linke

Paul Carnogursky

Slovensko je, čo sa týka športu, veľmi úspešná krajina. Na takú malú krajinu má nadpriemerný podiel majstrov sveta, olym...

Slovensko je, čo sa týka športu, veľmi úspešná krajina. Na takú malú krajinu má nadpriemerný podiel majstrov sveta, olympijských víťazov a svetoznámych športovcov.

Posledná slovenská olympijská medaila je prekvapením aj pre takú športovú veľmoc ako sú Spojené štáty. Slovensko získalo striebornú olympijskú medailu v GOLFE. Len pred niekoľkými desaťročiami malo Slovensko v celej krajine iba jedno golfové ihrisko. Teraz sa z neho môže stať golfová veľmoc.

Kanadskí Slováci prispievali ku športovým úspechom Kanady po desaťročia. Preto si ceníme, že toto nie je iba jednosmerná cesta. Veľkí svetoví športovci ako Nasťa Kuzminová a teraz najnovší slovenský olympijský medailista sa narodili v zahraničí, ale sa usadili na Slovensku, sú občania Slovenskej republiky a všetci Slováci, na Slovensku alebo v zahraničí sme na nich hrdí.

Gratulujeme Rory Sabbatinimu k obrovskému úspechu pre slovenský šport!

Rory Sabbatini is representing Slovakia, a nation with only 9,000 registered golfers and 26 golf courses.

Nový kňaz v slovenskom kostole vo Vancouveri je dp. Ján KunešArcidiecéza vo Vancouveri vymenovala dp. Jána Kuneša za kňa...

Nový kňaz v slovenskom kostole vo Vancouveri je dp. Ján Kuneš

Arcidiecéza vo Vancouveri vymenovala dp. Jána Kuneša za kňaza v slovenskej farnosti sv. Cyrila a Metoda v New Westminster, Britská Kolumbia. Táto farnosť je na predmestí metropoly Vancouver a slúži Slovákom v celej juhozápadnej Britskej Kolumbii.

Dp. Kuneš bol vymenovaný za správcu tejto farnosti už vo februári 2021, ale kvôli pandémii sa nemohli slúžiť verejné sv. omše, iné obrady, ani konať spoločenské podujatia. Akonáhle boli vonkajšie stretnutia povolené, ihneď začal slúžiť sv. omše za prítomnosti farníkov vonku pod stanmi na pozemku kostola. Bola to prvá farnosť v celej Vancouverskej arcidiecéze ktorá takto umožnila farníkom naživo sa zúčastniť na bohoslužbách, čo zaznamenala a ocenila aj televízia v Britskej Kolumbii.

Otec Ján Kuneš sa narodil v Bojniciach 20. novembra 1974. Teológiu študoval v Banskej Bystrici - Badíne. Vysviacku mal 19. júna 1999 v chráme Sedembolestnej Panny Márie v Martine vo veku 24 rokov. Pôsobil ako kaplán v Banskej Bystrici a v Martine a ako farár na Donovaloch a v Žiari nad Hronom vo Farnosti Sedembolestnej Panny Márie. Postgraduálne štúdium absolvoval v Ríme a prednášal na Teologickej fakulte Univerzity Komenského v Kňazských seminároch v Badíne a v Nitre.

Hoci prišiel z veľkej a živej farnosti v Žiari nad Hronom (pôvodne Svätého Kríža nad Hronom) do malej komunity Slovákov vo Vancouveri, je veľmi rád, že farníci v kostole sv. Cyrila a Metoda sú aktívni, milí a veľmi mu pomáhajú.

Jeho osobným cieľom je byť čo najviac osožný ľuďom a vynaložiť akékoľvek úsilie na plné obnovenie farnosti, pretože tak krátko po skončení zákazov počas pandémie sa niektorí stále radšej zúčastňujú bohozlužieb cez internet. Túži po tom, aby sa vo farnosti zhromažďovalo čo najviac Slovákov a najmä po tom, aby sa všetci noví, ktorí začnú chodiť do kostola sv. Cyrila a Metoda v New Westminsteri, cítili ako doma.

Dôstojný pán Ján Kuneš, vítame Vás v Kanade a dúfame, že budete môcť navtíviť kanadských Slovákov aj v iných mestách a tiež Vám prajeme, aby ste sa cítili medzi Slovákmi v Kanade ako doma.

Internetová stránka slovenskej farnosti vo Vancouveri je www.cyrilmetod.ca kde je aj linka na sledovanie všetkých sv. omší v HD kvalite. Slovenské sv. omše v tomto malebnom slovenskom kostole sú v stredu, piatok a sobotu o 19. hod. a v nedeľu o 11.00 hod. Sv. omše v angličtine sú v utorok a štvrtok o 19. hod, v stredu a piatok o 8. hod. ráno a v sobotu a nedeľu o 9. hod. ráno.


P. O. Box 41267 RPO Rockwood Mall
Mississauga, ON


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