Our History
In the year of 2013, Hand Crafted SEO was born. Hand Crafted was created because of the void that existed for non-automated, manual, search engine optimization services. The notion was that, as search engines became more intelligent, the automated search engine optimization service providers would be eliminated and Handcrafted SEO would be leading the way. As Google continued to relea
se new version updates and crack down on websites that use, or previously used SEO services from companies that use automation software and spam tools, handcrafted SEO became more and more relevant for its fully authentic and handcrafted service that kept our clients ranking high, even after the Google updates. Our Present
In many respects, today, we are leading the SEO landscape but we do not take that for granted. We are continually focused on better improving our handcrafted service and results for our clientele. Since our client base is steadily growing, we are working to better improve their experience, always being on-time, and making sure we are providing them with the best-in-class service in the industry. We are also continuing our efforts to give back to our team members to ensure that they know they are valued and that without them we, as a whole, wouldn’t exist.