Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal-WakilKeep reciting this, with your heart & with your tongue, say it often, especially when the heart aches, filled with worries. Just like Ibrahim when he was thrown in the fire, & there's seemingly no way, call out to your Lord, for He will make a way.Ya Allah, we believe in your divine justice. Please Ya Rabb stop the oppression and bring Your justice.#islamicdailyreminders #islamicquotes #islamic #quran #allah #reels #islamposts #explorepage
إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ, surely, we belong to Him + to Him we shall return.there aren’t any words to capture the deep sorrow left in the aftermath of earthquake in Türkiye + Syria.Time is running out for the earthquake victims 😞 After the 5th day, chances of being found and chances of survival are low. But we believe in miracles 🙏🏾 Please make dua on this blessed day of jumah that more people are saved, more people find their family members, and that we can help more people survive 🙏🏾Please donate generously to a reliable charity for their aid and support the cause as much as possible. May Allah help and protect the people, and may Allah grant the victims the patience and courage to face the reality of what’s happened. Ameen 🤲🏻... .....#hadithreminder #muslimmotivation #islamicpost #deenreminders #allahlovesyou #tawawkkul #duasformuslims #quranquotes #muslimsaroundtheworld #islamicquotes #makkahmadinah #powerfuldua #reelsinstagram #islamicreels #muslimreels #forthesakeofallah#islamicaesthetics #sadaqah #charity #zakat #aafiyah #sabr #relief #ummah #islamicreminder #prophetmuhammadﷺ #islamicvideo #ahdenaco#syriaearthquake #turkiyeearthquake
if we have a positive attitude towards our faith and our perception of Allah, our hope in Him increases.
#Allahﷻ #allahisnear
#muslimmotivation #islamicpost #allahlovesyou
#makkahmadinah #islamicreminders #canadianmuslims #allahsmercy
#ahdenaco #muslimblogger #tawakkul #praisebetoallah
#Rahma #DivineMercy #dhikr #raiseyourdua #MostMerciful #Alrahman #Quran #turntoallah #islamicquotes #islamicreminders #allahisthegreatest #mercyofallah
#canadianmuslims #torontomuslims
O Allah, You are Most Forgiving, and You love forgiveness; so forgive me.
Ameen ya Rab 🤍✨
#Allahﷻ #allahisnear #TrustAllah #imaan #sabr #islamicremimder #jummahreminder #surahalkahf #allahlovesyou #inspirationalreel #tawakkul #nightofpower #lasttennights #LaylatulQadr #Nightofdecree
#praytogod #muslimcanada #ahdenaco #muslimreels #reelsmuslim #deenoverdunya #dhikr #repentance #deenislam #inspirationalreel #Ramadan2022
#islamicquotes #muslimreflections #allahsmercy #sadqa
Surely Allah loves those who always turn to Him in repentance and those who purify themselves. [2:222]
‘astaġfiru -llāha wa-‘atūbu ʾilayh
Verily, I seek the forgiveness of Allāh, and I turn to Him in repentance.
#forgiveness #islamicvideos #islamicpost #ameen #hadith #quran #islamicreminders #islamicreminder #islamicquotes #islam #muslims #ramadan2022 #islamicvideos #ahdenaco #islamicpost #istighfar #repentance #allahlovesyou #inspirationalreel #tawakkul #islamicquotes #quranquotes #makkahmadinah #powerfuldua #canadianmuslims #islamicreels #muslimreels #forthesakeofallah
Dua for Opening and Breaking Fast
During the time of breaking the fast is one of the best times to make dua, as recommended by the prophet (pbuh).
Dua for starting your fast:
O Allah! I shall fast for Your sake, so forgive my past and future sins
Dua for breaking your fast:
O Allah! I fasted for You and I believe in You and I put my trust in You and I break my fast with Your sustenance
#Allahﷻ #allahisnear #TrustAllah #imaan #tawakkul #sabr #islamicremimder #dua #trustallah #allahlovesyou #inspirationalreel #tawakkul
#praytogod #ahdenaco #muslimreels #reelsmuslim #deenoverdunya #canadianmuslim #deenislam #inspirationalreel #islamanddeen
#islamicquotes #muslimreflections #allahsmercy
#ramadanduas #praisethelord #ramadanreels
#Ramadan2022 #ramadanreminders
Oh Allah, let us reach Ramadan Ameen
“O Allah, on this blessed day of Jummah, place me among those who seek forgiveness. Place me among Your righteous and obedient servants, and place me among Your close friends, by Your kindness, O the most Merciful..”
Aameen Yaa Rabbul Alameen
These beautiful banners are available for purchase via DMs.
#ramadanpreparations #monthofblessings .
#Allahﷻ #allahisnear #TrustAllah #imaan #tawakkul #sabr #patience #islamicremimder #dua #trustallah #allahlovesyou #inspirationalreel #tawakkul
#praytogod #muslimcanada #ahdenaco #muslimreels #reelsmuslim #deenoverdunya #deenislam #inspirationalreel #inspiration #islamanddeen #waitingforramadan
#islamicquotes #muslimreflections #allahsmercy
Minimalist DIY Ramadan Wreath
Hope you enjoy this little time-lapse of the lovely Minimalist DIY Ramadan Wreath as the blessed Month approaches 💗🌿
May Ramadan reach us in light ✨and may it leave us in light ✨- may its light ✨remain with us, and may we always wear it’s light 💫✨
#ramadanwreath #ahdenaco #muslimcreatives #ramadancrafts
#ramadan2022 #Allahﷻ #TrustAllah #imaan #tawakkul #islamicremimder #dua #allahlovesyou
#praytogod #ahdenaco #muslimreels #reelsmuslim #deenislam #islamanddeen #islamicsayings
#islamicquotes muslimmomsofontario #muslimbloggers #muslimmama #muslimcanada #ramadancountdown
Sending salutations upon the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)
Sending salutations upon the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) is amongst the most virtuous acts of worship. Rewards are written; a person’s sins are forgiven; and his status is elevated.
Masjid-UL-Nabawi a structure of inexplicable beauty; at first glance, it was hard to look away, it’s vision which will be imprinted in my heart forever. Nothing soothes the soul like Masjid Al-Nabawi 🕌!!
Have a beautiful Jummah people. Remember Surah Kahf, and take the opportunity to seek Blessings. I pray we all are invited to the blessed lands soon and often! Amin ya Rabbil ‘alameen!
#jummah #jummahmubarak #makkahalmukarramah #kaabaview #kaaba #ilovemakkah #tawaf #islamicpost #islamicquotes #islamicreminders #islamicqoutes #islamicaesthetics #quranquotes #makkahmadinah #muslimah #canadianmuslims #torontomuslims #makkahvideo #reelsinstagram #islamicreels #muslimreels #makkahreels #madina #ahdenaco #masjidnabawi #muslimreflections #allahsmercy #muslimreflections #torontomuslimblogger #ramadan2022
Sabr, your heart is with Allah, do not worry, do not be afraid
Every difficulty is an opportunity to be grateful to Almighty God for the blessing He has granted us.
And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient ones.” (Quran 2:155)
#hadithreminder #muslimmotivation #islamicpost #deenreminders #hadithreminder #almujeeb #quranicteachings #subhanallah #islamispeace #happymuslimah #trustallah #allahlovesyou #inspirationalreel #tawakkul #modernmuslimah #alhamdulillah
#islamicquotes #quranquotes #makkahmadinah #powerfuldua #canadianmuslims #muslimblogger #reelsinstagram #islamicreels #muslimreels #forthesakeofallah
#islamicvideo #ahdenaco
Have sabr and trust Almighty Allah
Every difficulty is an opportunity to be grateful to Almighty Allah for the blessing He has granted us. Have patience and trust in Allah.
#Allahﷻ #allahisnear #TrustAllah #imaan #tawakkul #sabr #patience #islamicremimder #dua #trustallah #allahlovesyou #inspirationalreel #tawakkul
#praytogod #muslimcanada #ahdenaco #muslimreels #reelsmuslim #deenoverdunya #inspirationalthoughts #beautifulwords #deenislam #deen #inspirationalreel #inspiration #islamanddeen #islamicsayings
#islamicquotes #muslimreflections #allahsmercy
Put Allah first, and you will never be last.
Put Allah first, and you will never be last. Allah hears you heart intention before your lips whisper your request.
#Allahﷻ #hadithreminder #muslimmotivation #islamicpost #deenreminders #hadithreminder #almujeeb #quranicteachings #subhanallah #islamispeace #happymuslimah #trustallah #allahlovesyou #inspirationalreel #tawakkul #modernmuslimah #alhamdulillah
#islamicquotes #quranquotes #makkahmadinah #powerfuldua #canadianmuslims #muslimblogger #reelsinstagram #islamicreels #muslimreels #forthesakeofallah
#islamicvideo #ahdenaco