Happy Birthday to us😆 And thank you Lean Balmes Roguel for an amazing birthday cake🧡🧡#birthday #DoubleBirthday #itsourbirthday #birthdayfun #veselasinternationalkitchen
Annnd.. The Winner is….
Thank you all that entered and donated to Rebel Cat Rescue - Yorkton, Sk
Congratulations Kelly Lynn, we will be reaching out to you shortly to figure out how to get your prize to you✨
#rebelcatrescue #thankyouforyoursupport
🐰HAPPY EASTER FRIENDS🐰 Happy to say we managed to take a day away from the cabbage kitchen and snuck in an awesome last ski day at this ski hill gem Duck Mountain Ski Area It was so good for the soul 🧡 #happyeaster #cabbagebreak #fermentingbreak #lastskiday #harrystyles #duckmountain #eastersnowboarding #veselasinternationalkitchen
#hot #probiotichotsauce #hotsauce #fermentedhotsauce #winter #wintersolstice #waskesiu #panp
Freshly restocked our friends at Nipawin Co-op, Prince Albert Co-op, Emma Lake Co-op @lakecountrycoop and Nutter’s Prince Albert @nuttersprincealbert
and managed to squeeze in a little fun time at Waskesiu Lake in @panationalpark
#panationalpark #waskesiulake #waskesiu #businesstrip #timetounwind #winter #skwinter #weekendvibes #waskesiulake #coldplunge #hikingwaskesiu #winterhiking #winterwonderland #sklocal #veselasinternationalkitchen
Happy September Weekend Friends!
Hope you’re enjoying this beautiful early September as much as we do
Here is a little
💚Fermented Corn Salsa Recipe Idea
that we’re just experimenting with and hoping to whip up an out of this world Burrito with it in couple days 😊
💚5-6 pcs of local ears of Corn
💚1-2 medium local Tomatoes
💚1 medium sized Red onion
💚1-2 medium size Red Peppers
💚small handful of Cilantro or Parsley
💚1 1/4 tablespoons of unrefined Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt
1 small local Hot Pepper for a little extra
kick, if you like
Cut the corn seeds from the stalks with a sharp knife, cut the red onion in small cubes, and slice the rest of your ingredients, add them together in a bowl, mix throughly with the salt and fill the mixture into 1qt size jar!
Pack it as tight as you can, pickle packer or a plunger from your Vitamix blender could be a good help😊
Top the jar with clean filtered water, make sure the contents are all submerged, if you have fermenting weights, they’re a great help, you can also use a piece of cabbage leaf or a celery stick or two to keep the contents under the brine
Cover your jar loosely with a lid and put it on a plate on your counter out of the direct sun
Keep your jar in a room temperature environment where you can check on it once or twice a day!
You will notice bubbles forming/escaping through the top on day two or three, it’s not unusual to see some liquid escaping through the top as the ferment gets more active!
Once you feel you like the taste of the ferment, just place the jar in the fridge and use as you like, within the next couple weeks 💙
#fermentedfoods #fermentedsalsa #localcorn #freshcornsalsa #cornsalsa #cornsalsarecipe #localrecipe #salsarecipe #salsa #localsalsa #saskatchewangardening #saskatchewan #sasklocal #veselasinternationalkitchen
#pickles #dillpickles #cukes #cucumbers #cucumberpickles #fermented #fermenteddills #fermenteddillpickles #whowantssome #summerpickling #saskatchewan #sasksummer #veselasinternationalkitchen
On the Road Avocado Sandwich😆#napkinsrecommended#justaddkraut #justaddbeef #realavocadosandwich#saltbae #avocado #avocadosandwich
Behind the Scenes Kraut Photoshoot😁
Thanks for this oldie and a Goodie Sam and Chet Cool Springs Ranch😍#kraut #caraway #carawayseed #2018memories #localferment