Supporting local is something we’ve always advocated for at Hello Coastal Social Marketing. In fact, it was one of the main reasons we created this agency. The following text is from a post we published in 2021, and we believe it’s important to share again.
Do you have a favourite shop, brand, or local business that you love?
What comes to mind? Do they know how much you appreciate their products or services? If not, it’s time to let them know!
It’s SO IMPORTANT to support local—especially now, more than ever. Local businesses and small shops contribute a great deal to our economy—and if you have the means to purchase their products and support them financially, it keeps money within your community, and helps everyone!
Having said that, you may want to purchase their products, but simply can’t right now—and given the economic challenges of today, there is no shame in that! You can still show your support for them without spending a thing, and it takes just a moment.
Like. Comment. Share.
You’ve heard it before, but it’s a simple way to support your local businesses, and here is why:
By liking, commenting on, or sharing a post on social media, it lets the business know what types of products or services you're interested in, and it helps other potential supporters see them too—by boosting their engagement, and in turn, their brand awareness.
Show some local love and tag your favourite Canadian brands to support below! 🇨🇦