In the adrenaline-charged arena of Hammerlock Pure Wrestling @hammerlockpurewrestling , the fierce rivalry between Brian "The Honourable One" White (@brianwhite519 ) and the cunning Vikram Prashar (@prasharofficial ) pulsates with tension and drama! White, a seasoned and respected stalwart of the ring, is beloved for his iron will and golden heart. However, a treacherous maneuver by the devious Prashar left White injured, igniting a feud that shook the wrestling world. Enter Bhupinder Gujjar (@bhupindergujjar02 ), the heroic champion of justice, standing tall as White's chosen defender. With resolve forged in the fires of combat, Bhupinder faces Vikram's venomous cunning, promising an epic confrontation of valour against vice, and honour against guile!
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My Project
I prefer behind the camera but time and again it's been made clear in many ways, these days, I need to be in front more. So here it goes...
At long last the is ready to scale. This could take two years or twenty, but it is enviable. Our approach will help local journalism, reinforce facts, bring joy and laughs and opportunities for creatives of all types, promote unity at a grassroots level, provide a safe space, under the magical umbrella of comedy, to explore issues. Newsload is news, with swearing. Serious, gut wrenching issues will be explored here. As we grow we will licence other creatives in other towns to start their own Newsload outlets. And as we build the brand together one success will become everyone's success. We'll launch new talent to stardom while being unique to our own communities and sensibilities. We'll cover important local issues with working local journalists keeping important local news interesting and attainable. The Newsload isn't new, it's an update for modern times - an approach that can stem the rise of domestic extremism and change the news forever. Thank you for being part of it. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel,
Now. Onward. ~Bryan
Betty White_ The Hottest Three-Way with a National Treasure - Join us as we welcome our special guests for a hilarious game of "Cards Against Humanity" WATCH NOW -
And the Winner Is... Celebrating Meg's Victory at Spill the Tea! - Newsload London, in association with Fanshawe College, is back with a short from the second episode of our uproarious comedic talk show! Join us as we welcome our special guests for a hilarious game of "Cards Against Humanity" Megan Crawford (@meggers934) Zora Zhao (@zorazhao010) Riya Sunny (@riya_sunny_09)
Hosted by the incredible Raj Kashyap (@the_stoic_soul), this episode is packed with side-splitting humor, outrageous cards, and unpredictable fun! Don’t miss out on the laughs and wild moments! Tune in and let's make this episode even more unforgettable! WATCH NOW -
The Night I Cheated - My Secret Affair with Maria - Newsload London, in association with Fanshawe College, proudly presents this short from the very first episode of our brand new comedic talk show! Join us as our hilarious guests dive into the wild and wacky game of "Never Have I Ever"! WATCH -
Featuring: Tyler Cadieux (@tyorito) Antonio Fowler (@kingdvid) Kevin Avram (@kinsights) Hosted by the amazing Raj Kashyap (@the_stoic_soul)
#ComedicTalkShow #NeverHaveIEver #LondonNewsLoad #FanshaweCollege #PremiereEpisode #LaughOutLoud
Never Have I Ever - Hooking Up with My Ex! - Newsload London, in association with Fanshawe College, proudly presents this short from the very first episode of our brand new comedic talk show! Join us as our hilarious guests dive into the wild and wacky game of "Never Have I Ever"! WATCH -
Featuring: Tyler Cadieux (@tyorito) Antonio Fowler (@kingdvid) Kevin Avram (@kinsights) Hosted by the amazing Raj Kashyap (@the_stoic_soul)
#ComedicTalkShow #NeverHaveIEver #LondonNewsLoad #FanshaweCollege #PremiereEpisode #LaughOutLoud
My Parents Approval - Navigating Relationships When Your Partner Isn't Liked - Newsload London, in association with Fanshawe College, proudly presents this short from the very first episode of our brand new comedic talk show! Join us as our hilarious guests dive into the wild and wacky game of "Never Have I Ever"! WATCH -
Featuring: Tyler Cadieux (@tyorito) Antonio Fowler (@kingdvid) Kevin Avram (@kinsights) Hosted by the amazing Raj Kashyap (@the_stoic_soul)
#ComedicTalkShow #NeverHaveIEver #LondonNewsLoad #FanshaweCollege #PremiereEpisode #LaughOutLoud