New books are in the house!!! These are just a few new titles you will find at the shop. We love Pagan Portals for there introductory offerings that help open new pathways for many, or perhaps invite you to dig deeper into that which has been calling to you. We know every witch loves their books! New titles are currently available in store and will be available online soon. #sevensisters #sevensistersritualapothecary #dundasplace #books #witchwise #witchshop #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram
Thank you Mandy @hagvvitch for taking this photo of @theeyesoftheoracle and myself at @blackveiltattoo this past weekend. ❤️ 😘 #sevensisters #theeyesoftheoracle #salemmassachusetts #blackveiltattoo
~Cord Cutting~
Cord Cutting is a valuable tool to release yourself from people, situations and karmic/ ancestral cycles that no longer serve you.
There are a few key principles that are important to remember when performing cord cutting;
1. Identify where in your energetic body AND the other persons energetic body these cords are attached.
2. Sever the cords, removing them gently from your energetic body. THEN transmute the cord and all cord remains to that of your highest good.
3. Identify where the WOUNDS are now that this cord has been removed (this will likely be the same place the cord was attached). Work to HEAL this area, offering yourself patience through out the healing process.
How Do I know my magick is working? First off, DOUBTING YOUR MAGICK DISPELS YOUR MAGICK, remember TO KNOW is a key part of the Witch’s Pyramid and a cornerstone to effective magick. KNOW YOU MAGICK WORKS! When life throughs you a curve ball, as it inevitably will, and the person or situation arises to test you and offer you moments of reflection on your work, note your RESONANCE. Do you fall back in to anger/ resentment? There’s more work to be done. Over time and with dedication to your healing, you will notice the the person/ situation effects you less and less.
#sevensisters #cordcutting #sevensistersritualapothecary #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #freeyourself
Are you feeling the call to back today body as yet another avenue of ending and HEALING generational cycles of suffering? This full moon is powerful babes. See you in circle. ❤️ #sevensisters #sevensistersritual #comebacktobody #witchesfortheworld #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram
Release, Remember, Reclaim, Become. Our paths will all look different, but ultimately if you are on a path of healing or creating change at all, you will experience this cycle continuously. 🌊🖤 Blessed Moon Day #sevensisters #witchesofinstagram #witchesfortheworld #sevensistersritualapothecary