The Man with the Spider Scar audiobook preview
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Tomorrow afternoon at 5pm on "finding a voice" on CFRC 101.9fm Bruce Kauffman interviews Michael Casteels, followed by the premier of Casteels’ audiobook version of “The Man with the Spider Scar”. The audiobook includes a full reading of the book with synthesizer and classical guitar drones, plus four instrumental pieces which act as an introduction, segues between the three parts of the book, and a conclusion.
Listening options:
LIVE: Locally at 101.9fm – or – Livestreaming worldwide at
BY 7PM AFTER THE LIVE SHOW: On the finding a vice blogspace at
The audiobook will become available on Bandcamp within the next week.
Sunday Morning Poetry Reading
A short Sunday morning poetry reading from my new book, ‘The Man with the Spider Scar,’ available online at
illiterature. issue eight. a brief introduction.
I'm in the midst of assembling all 100 copies of 'illiterature. issue 8. a journal of rubber-stamped poems'. Here's a tiny tour of the issue. Available soon to order soon, and more details even sooner!