Kelowna Mill Site | Epic Waterfront Development
We've heard local, prominent developers say that they're truly surprised at how much Kelowna has grown and evolved over the years. Statistics Canada just released that Kelowna is the fastest growing metropolitan area in Canada! An exciting development that will continue to bolster this growth is the downtown Mill Site. This is a prime 40-acre waterfront parcel that was the former site of the Tolko sawmill.
As part of the early development phase, Holar Developments hired us to produce a virtual video tour and provide aerial photography. This video will be used to engage with the local community as part of the Area Redevelopment Plan. Check out the site and watch the video below to see what's upcoming for this exciting masterplanned destination waterfront neighbourhood!
A once in a lifetime opportunity! We were hired by Motor Werke for a nature documentary and couldn’t believe what we filmed in the wild!
#landrover #defender #defender110 #defender90 #seriesii #royalfamily #davidattenborough #rangerover #rangeroverwestminster #l322 #overlander #defenderlove #okanaganvalley #kelowna #l663 #l663defender #discovery
This was fun! Awesome cast and crew. We were hired last month by Motor Werke to create a commercial that kicked off their busy tire changeover season. Change your tires! 🚗🚗
Daughter: Adrianna Lambert
Dad: Malusi Mabeleka @malusigoosie
Mom: Bronte McKenzie @bronte.mckenzie
DP/Camera: Kelly Veltri @kellyveltri
Editing: Steve Cogbill Editbox
Casting: Angela Quinn Casting @angela_robin_quinn
Location Sound: Tyler Gillis @aftertouchaudio
Grip: Jackson Parker @jacks0n_parker
Locations: Kristian Matis @krismattress
Director/Writer: Stefan Matis
#bcroads #bchighways #okanaganlife #kelowna #porschepanamera #summertires #spring #winternomore #roadsafety
Curator Studios | Rebrand Film
World Vision: 6km Run for Water
Green Bay Bible Camp: Trinity Church Baptism
Plia Film Productions: Camera Support Project