Take 2 on Home made donair. Halifax style. If anyone has a spare blender, let me know.#troyshotsauceexperience #cook #cooking #local #519 #519food #519local #southwesternontario #cookingwithcanuckleheads
Taco egg rolls. A fun twist for Taco Tuesday.
#cookingwithcanuckleheads #southwesternontario #519local #519food #519 #local #cooking #cook #troyshotsauceexperience #danosseasoning @Dan-O’s Seasoning
This one has been a long time coming. I apologize for the audio quality. Not sure what was happening with my mic.
#cookingwithcanuckleheads #cook #cooking #chicken #519food #519local #519 #southwesternontario
Walking Tacos
#519food #519local #519 #tacotuesday #cookingwithcanuckleheads #cook #cooking #southwesternontario
Smoked chicken and asparagus courtesy of @mazak_farms
#519food #519local #519 #chicken #cookingwithcanuckleheads #cook #cooking #southwesternontario #smokedmeat
Kansas City BBQ Sauce. If this gets my most hits ever, I am going to blame Dalila for upping the cuteness factor.
#cooking #cookingwithcanuckleheads #southwesternontario
Smoked Armadillo Eggs
#cookingwithcanuckleheads #cook #cooking #bbq #smokedmeat #519food #519local #519
Home made buttermilk ranch
Buffalo chicken sandwiches!
Very easy, very tasty!
#cookingwithcanuckleheads #southwesternontario #519local #519food #519 #local #cooking #cook #danosseasoning #chicken
Easy, Cheesy Mac and Cheese. 3 ingredients maybe 15 minutes from prep to plate.
#519food #519local #519 #cookingwithcanuckleheads #cook #cooking #danosseasoning