M.O. LeClair is an Author, Novelist & Freelance Writer at 'Room With A View Productions' - A Writing & Production company she founded in 2016. She manages 'Room With A View Productions' from her office located in East York, Ontario, Canada.
She's a big believer in finding your passion & following your dreams; she's been writing since the age of 8.
Her previous studies have included: Creative Writing, Law, Psychology, Forensic Science & Social Work. She graduated in 2008 with honours in Psychology/Social Work. She also has another in Diploma in Creative Writing. Her future education plans are to study Novel Writing, Philosophy & Forensic Psychology/Criminology at the University of Toronto, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
She is no stranger to hard work, dedication & having to overcome. Having lost her mother at a young age, and her little sister & father, within a year and a half of each other; this 17-year chapter of her life has been nothing less than tragic.
Prior to losing her family, they all lived & grew up in East York; on the East-side of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She lived with her hardworking father, amazing mother & beautiful little sister. She is part of an extended family where she is one of six siblings in total. Two older half-brothers & two older half-sisters. All of whom have children. She herself does not. She has been engaged, twice. Never married. She now lives with the love of her life, whom she plans to get married to one day.
Before founding 'Room with a View Productions' in 2016, She worked for many years as a Writer & Contributor for multiple, small websites. She also works in a downtown Toronto polling call-centre. In her life, she has worked in a diverse range of organizations, including retail, office & domestic positions.
M.O. LeClair specializes in Fiction & Non-Fiction Writing, Technical Writing, Editing, Proofreading, Photography, Marketing & Advertising, Sales, Social Media, Presentation, Promotion, Website Design, Resume Services & Graphic Design. She is also the creator of her own official website & manages her professional work page on Facebook. She has her first novel in the works right now & is hoping to have it published, printed & released in the Summer of 2018.
She wants her readers to feel what she's felt; not just read what she's gone through. She wants people to listen to her words; not just hear what she writes. She loves a deeper meaning. Connections. She loves relating to people in a way she believes only she can; through her painful, most painful experiences, but also through her most joyous & happy.
Room With A View Productions offers a wide range of writing services, from Proofreading & Editing to Forum Contributing & Ghost Writing. She also sells Articles to people for their own websites, upon request of the topic.
Drawing on several years experience in working with people of all ages, in many diverse settings & in a wide range of industries, M.O. LeClair now focuses mainly on her first upcoming novel in the “Endventure” series & growing her business, Room With A View Productions.
She hopes to one day help other people achieve success in following their own dreams too; and maybe, just maybe, help them overcome their own struggles in the process. Her varied background in Psychology, Forensics & Writing; along with her own life experiences & hardships, has provided the perfect foundation for her to help others through her own mental health struggle. Rock bottom is the foundation of dreams. She has 'Borderline Personality Disorder' & likes to openly discuss her diagnoses with others in hopes of helping others who are maybe dealing with something similar. She is a domestic abuse & r**e survivor. As well, was also in a bad car accident in 2005; leaving her with multiple psychological & physical injuries.
Yet, she remains positive & passionate about writing & all of its possibilities. Her first book, 'Concrete Jungle' will be published in 2018. It is the first in a series of books. It will be available for purchase in eBook format, paperback & hardcover. The ebook & paperback versions will be published by Amazon & Kindle through Amazon-Kindle Direct Publishing & also through Google Play Books. The hardcover version will be self-published through other avenues; and will be for sale as soon as available. Writing from such a young age has since helped & taught her so much. Solved problems. Been an ear. An outlet. She looks forward to sharing her first story with the world.
To contact M.O. LeClair at Room With A View Productions, please use this site; or you may e-mail [email protected] or go to www.facebook.com/RWAVProductions/. M.O. LeClair is available by request for private consultations in relation to professional writing services & or any other inquiries can be directed to (416) 837-3718.
M.O. LeClair & Room With A View Productions