Crossroads Holistic Life Coaching is a trade division of OM Spirit Store Inc. Deanna L. Byrne is a Certified Master Life Coach, Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Art Therapy Coach, Grief and Bereavement Coach. Also, certified, and accredited Meditation Teacher 300+ hour and Mindfulness Coach. Deanna is accredited with the Canadian Yoga Alliance and fully insured.
There is no legal entity governing life coaching. Although, the industry standard is to follow the guidelines and code of ethics set forth for therapists and psychologists. Life coaches are not licensed health care providers or therapists; They do not provide medical advice, engage in patient diagnosis, or practice therapy. They do not treat or otherwise counsel those with mental illness. Life coaches are obligated to refer clients in need of mental or physical health therapy to an appropriate licensed professional.
Holistic Life Coaching combines many options of both spiritual, holistic, and conventional coaching methods. Crossroads provides nondenominational spiritual solutions for clients when requested.
The role of the life coach, in its most simple form, is to encourage, coach and or act as a facilitator of a client’s self reflection, decision-making, planning for the future, and creating positive life changes. Certain physiological principles and theoretical frameworks are used in both coaching and therapy in order to facilitate positive life changes.
Crossroads Holistic Life Coaching is offered; one on one via virtual meetings and confidential in office meetings, group sessions, corporate team solutions and public speaking.
Scope of Practice
Coaching is a collaborative relationship that is formed to help an individual identify and reach goals, devise solutions, actualize potential, and achieve positive growth and transformation. Further, the International Coach Federation (ICF), a non-profit organization formed by practicing coaches, defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential”. A coach serves to catalyze the client’s empowerment using specific skills including listening, asking questions, working toward solutions, maintaining the determined trajectory, providing feedback, encouraging reflection, and more.
Crossroads takes a non-directive approach allowing the client to discover their own answers, devise and implement their own plan of action, and access their progress.
The goals and aims of coaching include raising awareness, discovering and fully using one's potential, learning self responsibility and self accountability, enhancing quality of life, aligning values with lifestyle, growth, change, increasing performance, seeing new perspectives and viewpoints, and exploring new possibilities. Coaching focuses on positive expansion and forward movement.
Life Coaching does not treat nor diagnose disease. At any time during the coaching process, if the coaching relationship exceeds its scope of practice we will be recommended you seek guidance from a professional within that field and recommendations will be provided.
Coaching is a confidential process and all information gathered within sessions is kept strictly confidential, unless the client authorizes you release the information or if it is required by law.
Clients are treated with absolute dignity, confidentiality, and request as free and equal individuals.
All data, session notes and client information are stored in a manner that complies with security and privacy laws.
Client data is never shared nor released without written consent by the client unless otherwise required by law.
We are required by law to report to authorities should you disclose or display intent to harm yourself of others.
During the initial consultation clients will be provided the career qualifications, experience, expertise, training comma and certifications of the life coach.
Life coaches use a variety of platforms and information during coaching sessions, we will disclose any material that we use where we do not own or claim ownership of.
A coaching / client relationship is one of equality, trust and integrity. At no time shall a life coach make claim or imply of specific outcomes that cannot be demonstrated nor guaranteed.
Coaching Agreement
After an initial consultation, a client will be required to sign and agree to the coaching agreement, prior to moving forward with additional sessions.
The coaching agreement will include the roles of both the coach and client, rights and responsibilities, expectations for both parties, and honoring the agreement. The coach / client reserves the right to terminate the coaching relationship at anytime during the process, subject to the provisions within the agreement.
Crossroads Holistic Life Coaching refrains from coaching minors under the age of 18, without the express written consent of a parent, Guardian, or teacher as appropriate.
The coaching agreement after the initial consultation, will outline the full road map for all sessions, a firm timeline, pricing, no show appointment fees, cancellation criteria and requirements another additional information required any formal coaching agreement.