Happy Book-a-versary to “A Congress of Ships” by Stephen Graham King published in 2019!
In a desolate system on the outer edge of Pan Galactum, the skin of the universe has ruptured, tearing open a portal to an alternate reality. Witnessed only by the sentient science vessel N'Dea, a massive, battered ship falls through, housing a community of refugees fleeing an enemy that has pursued them across the cold reaches of space for decades.
But have they come alone?
Summoned by N'Dea while en route from a reunion with dear friends on the Galactum's capital, the mystery is a lure that fellow Artificial Sentience, the Maverick Heart, cannot resist. It's now up to Vrick, along with humans Keene, Lexa-Blue and Ember, and allies old and new, to come to the aid of this ship of lost souls. Together they must find a way to seal the breach for good, before a ravening hunger can spill through and rip the Galactum apart.
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