Manna Ministries with Evangelist Patrick Sims ***** LIVE*****
The Weary, Matthew 11:28-30.
Thursday, October 12, 2023 - The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show with Rob McConnell - 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern
Tonight's Guest: LAUREN KORNGOLD - Paranormal Investigator with P.R.I.S.M. - Paranormal Research Investigative Society of Miami.
Mission: Evolution with Gwilda Wiyaka L*I*V*E
Gwilda's Guest Today is LARRY LAWSON: A Police Detective’s Approach to Paranormal Investigation
Lawrence F. (Larry) Lawson, a law enforcement professional of more than 40 years of service has been actively investigating and researching the paranormal for more than 10 years. He has earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management from Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Troy State University in Troy, Alabama. During his law enforcement career, Larry has served as a corrections officer, patrol officer, detective, detective supervisor and as Director of Florida’s Regional 11 Law Enforcement Training Academy. Larry also served as a Florida certified Law enforcement instructor. He was known as a local expert in crimes involving the occult and conducted courses for law enforcement officers on the investigation of cults and deviant groups. After having paranormal experiences during his career, Larry Founded the Florida Bureau of Paranormal Investigation in 2011 and then later the outreach arm of the FBPI, Indian River Hauntings, LLC in 2016.
Practical Parapsychology
Dr. Brian Laythe PhD., Dr. James Houran PhD., Dr. Cindy Little, PhD.
Practical Parapsychology
Practical Parapsychology with Dr. Brian Laythe, PhD, Dr. Cindy Little, PhD and Dr. Jim Houran, PhD.
Tonight on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell
Tonight on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell : Due to a special network presentations, The 'X' Zone will be two hours - from 11 am - 1 am Eastern.
11 pm - 00 am: RYAN STACEY - Private Paranormal Investigator
00 am - 01 am: GRIZZLY BIGFOOT - Bigfoot, Dogman, Cryptids, Ghosts and the Paranormal.
The 'X' Zone is brought to you by Beautiful Mind Coffee -
L*I*V*E - A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle
Today Kevin's guest is CURT COLLINS.
Curtis L. Collins is the author behind Blue Blurry Lines, the website focused on the UFO mystery, as well as its legends and hoaxes. After a career in retail management Curt began writing about UFOs, with a special interest in re-investigating the paradoxical 1980 Texas Cash-Landrum case.
In 2015 Curt was on the investigative team, the Roswell Slides Research Group, that exposed the BeWitness alien photo fiasco. More recently, he launched The Saucers That Time Forgot with Claude Falkstrom, focused on unearthing “tales that UFO history has overlooked, or would rather forget.” Curt lives in the southern United States, near Jackson, Mississippi.
L*I*V*E - MISSION: Evolution with Gwilda Wiyaka
Guest: Bruce Scofield
Bruce Scofield is the author of “The Nature of Astrology: History, Philosophy, and the Science of Self-Organizing Systems.” Bruce holds graduate degrees in history, social science and geoscience. He is a member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research and is currently president of the Professional Astrologers Alliance, an astrology certification board. He is the author of 14 books on several subjects and lives in Amherst, Massachusetts.
Practical Parapsychology with Dr Brian Laythe and Dr Cindy Little
Practical Parapsychology with Dr Brian Laythe and Dr Cindy Little
LIVE: A Different Perspective with Krvin Randle
Today Kevin's Guest is CLAS SVAHN.
Clas Svahn (born 1958) is chairman for Archives for the Unexplained (AFU) in Sweden. AFU was founded in 1973 and today spans over 6,500 square feet and 4,000 yards of shelf capacity. Svahn has been a professional journalist since 1978 and employed with Sweden’s largest newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, since 1990. He is international director for UFO-Sweden and has been investigating reports of alleged UFOs since 1974. He is also the author of nearly 30 books and a frequent expert on Swedish radio and TV and lecturer. He is living outside Stockholm with his wife Anneli and has two grown up sons.
Mission: Evolution with Gwilda Wiyaka - Dreams for Life and Death
Today's Guest: CRAIG SIM WEBB
Craig Sim Webb is a dream and consciousness author/researcher, a physicist and inventor, and a professional educator and performing artist. His life path was set in motion 3 decades ago when he nearly drowned on a white-water rafting trip and suddenly began recalling many dreams a day, and having lucid dreams and verifiable visions of the future. Since then, he's graduated from McGill University, participated in pioneering lucid dreaming research at Stanford University and at Montreal's Sacre-Coeur Hospital. He has also designed electronic mind development, biofeedback, and educational tools with worldwide distribution, and helped found and produce Making Contact (an international radio show airing on 150-250 stations for over 25 years). His book The Dreams Behind the Music: Learn Creative Dreaming as 100+ top Artists Reveal their Breakthrough Inspirations details high profile artists from the Beatles to Beyoncé who acted on (nighttime) dreams for significant real-life success. Learn more at:
Tonight LIVE on The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell
Tonight Rob's Guests:
10 pm - 11 pm Eastern: COL. DEB LEWIS - Mental Toughness Expert, Stress Tamer
11 pm - 00 am Eastern: MICHAEL GIGLIARDI - Demonology, Nephilim and the Bible
00 am - 01 am Eastern: JACK KENNA - Paranormal Investigator / Researcher
01 am - 02 am Eastern: T B A