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"16 CentAstrology" combines the Monthly Housing System with a unique emphasis on The Moon's nodes AKA " Dragon's Head and Dragon's Tail"


February 21- through MARCH 1, 2025


RULERS — Jupiter (Middle East/higher learning), Saturn (Uncle Sam demands/regulations), Uranus (electronics/ingeniousness), & Neptune (deceit/religious groups):

The energy of the cosmic winds may instigate changes with financial planning and or finical contracts.

The steady but abrupt energy of Saturn may motivate progressive news with science-technology, medicine and the law.

This fitty trend may help with re-establishing yourself with a new position within society.

The encouraging effect of the futuristic sign of Aquarius may also instigate many for freedom of speech and rights,

The mixture of Neptune may cultivate a desire for promoting new philosophies and /or beliefs.

A good time to express your deepest spiritual values, travel or promote your latest business ideas,

As this trend may motivate a new phase of life with your careers and futuristically technology in the mix.


Work, Career and Business:

Pluto’s legacy motivates dramatic experiences, and the acceptance of the transformation may open new doors to you.

With Jupiter’s touch, you may face some challenges with your transactions or past business deals coming to light.

Don't necessarily expect this transformation to become a new beginning for your career life, even if it so great,

Jupiter induces foreigners to play an important part of this trend.

Listen to your intuition and keep a positive attitude until the worst is gone.

Don’t let Neptune’s deceiving powers affect your attitude with life in general.

Be positive and listen to your intuition.

Beware of get-rich-quick schemes, clean up your act, and rid yourself of old equipment that may let you down soon.

Use the ingenuousness of Uranus to do some investigation around the office and let him provide you with great ideas to promote your career.

Progress is to be made now.



New partners are on the horizon for some, -- while others must learn from previous errors.

Money and general security will also be on your mind, serious decisions
will have to be made soon.

Be patient and wait for the upcoming "New Moon" to make important moves and or deal with emotional matters.

Nothing comes easily in this life; one must strive and plan if one is to succeed.

Letting go of past failures and/or re-structure may be introduced.

Expect excentric behaviors from some of your partners.

Keep Neptune’s complaining attitude in check and control your thought processes.

Think positive and your wishes will come true.

Expect much from co-workers, but Neptune may induce daydreaming.

Supervise yourself closely.

You might forget something important, errands or returning vital telephone calls.

Everyone will feel the “dreamy” side of Neptune, --so be patient in your dealings with others.

It’s time to build others’ confidence and practice tact with the same dedication as a diplomat.

Be aware of Neptune sensitivity and be tolerant.


Family and Friends:

Jupiter’s optimistic spirit will start to replenish you with hopes and / a new approach for some life-purpose.

You can still do your best to beat the lows of the full moon energy and enjoy the family and/ or the good food offered to you,

Anything to fight depression.

Because of the waning Moon, a night out may attract the addictive side into the equation.

Better stay home, relax watch a movie or read to avoid emotional confrontation.

An old friend may stimulate your life; this will make you happy and further an important wish later on.

Some souls born with the moon crossing the dragon’s Tail may encounter progressive news about their careers.

The “Lucky Dragon Dates” to service awareness, would do miracles to your psyche and others.

As always, with Neptune in charge, you may dwell on your intuition, but you must control your imagination.

With Uranus driving next to him, your psychic abilities may be enhanced; just tune in and you will receive the wisdom of the stars.

A friend may become difficult; do not let this person rely on you too much and avoid getting too emotionally involved.

Both Uranus and Neptune strive in new-age endeavors; you may decide to share your own psychic knowledge with a friend.

You could gain through a new-age financial endeavors if you educate yourself in metaphysics and investigations.

Do not allow Neptune’s deceiving tendency to make your life a misery.

Clean your thoughts; you have a choice, try to be happy.


Love Affairs:

Someone much older or much younger may enter your life soon and will teach you great wisdom.

Don’t look for love these days; there is plenty to gain in yourself,

The stars may motivate some to be in isolation or with wise people for a while.

You will feel spiritual and some of the questions of life will trigger your imagination.

Indian's affairs will strive.

If you were born in October an Aries, a Gemini or an Aquarius will need you.

A friend born in June, may be interested in you.

Old people; will be in need for love.

A romantic relationship may fall short of your expectations, mainly because your intuition tells you differently.

Neptune will make you sense that perhaps the person may be deceiving in certain ways.

Someone may try to lead you into a secret love affair, do not fall for it.

Don’t be deceived, especially if the person in question, happens to be married.

Avoid any form of guilt in your decisions.

With this new moon, expect much from the weekend on dating and social plans.

If you were born in May, Pisces and Virgo may be strongly attracted to you

A Cancer friend may have good advice for you.


Travel and Communication:

Expect your telephone to be busy but do not hope for super-positive mail to reach you just yet.

If you have to drive, be cautious and take extra time to get there--don’t rush as the police could spoil your day.

Don’t be depressed about anything that may come your way, the stars may have better for you on a later date.

Some will travel to deal with the future or to gather New Age information.

Be aware on the road anything can happen, and flying is not advised unless protected by a “Lucky Dragon Window” or if your ticket was purchased in a waxing moon.

Be advised, be safe, such a little investment that could save your life.

With the disturbing Supernova window in its last phase,

Neptune and Uranus could still decide to strand you somewhere.

Wherever you go, keep an eye on your possessions; the crooks will be active.

Enjoy life in many ways this weekend; go after your wishes but don’t drink and drive.

Uranus and Neptune are not great co-habitants and when alcohol and speed are mixed, it produces serious accidents.

Be cautious if you must drive a long way; take plenty of rest as Neptune’s energy could make you sleepy.

Don’t let Neptune grasp your spirit and complain.

Use positive words and keep busy to avoid depression or guilty feelings from your past.



During the last breath of the waning moon, Mother Nature may become capricious and surprise us with bad weather soon, tornadoes and earthquakes.

Environmental groups will become active and will find support from the media, in saving the earth from uncaring corporations.

Sad news may come from foreign grounds (Japan or the Middle East).


Famous Personalities:

A well-known foreign personality involved in communication or writing will gain international attention where sorrow, tears and memory will make many
followers cry.



Some militant groups from a faraway continent will disturb the peace and become dangerous.

Surprising destructive explosions and earthquakes/volcanoes news are
on the way.



Not a good time for the gamblers; however, if you happen to be in Las Vegas, keep the spending in control.

Be patient and make major moves only after the fast-approaching new moon.

February 28, 2025---New Moon in Pisces

The new moon in the sign of Pisces (middles-east/religious groups/the artist) may bring extraordinary news to the table,

Also, in regard to new organizations and alliances forming to save their business investments.

The sign of Pisces may bring passed financial affairs to the light and inspire resolutions to better the finances in the future.

As the watery time period, which is still decapitating, --- due to the new age of Aquarius upon us,

Expect inspiring updates and change with our beliefs system, security and the process of financial transactions.

Some sensitive matters may come to the table now and gain publicity.

The trend may be filled with blessings in disguise and shed light on fraudulent activities.

The location of the tail of dragon axis in Pisces, and its location in Scorpio, —may motivate news in the area of corporate money, insurance matters, contracts and legitimacy.

Declarations for human right for some famous activist and gestures of love and devotion are high on the list.

A good time to connect with someone at spiritual speaking level and be surprised where it may lead you in regards to monetary growth.

Lunation impact on the signs


Some brand-new information may have you moving in the opposite direction you first planed,

Use this time to investigate anything or anyone who may have deceived you.

A turning point is expected during the next new moon time.



Use this time to connect with your higher self and try something new for a change.

A time to discover or re-discover phase and find a solution in a business matter that may have gone wrong from your past.

Use this time to communicate and attract new associates, who may respect your natural leadership skills.



Some trial-and-error scenarios may protrude during this dramatic lifetime change’s trend.

Give way for the new and forget the old.

Use your willful and big heart in a delicate matter where honor and diplomacy may be needed.



A passed or new foreigner may come into the picture soon.

Use this time to plan, travel and / or explore new avenues which may bring happiness.

A special someone may be too shy to say their true feelings, —use your intuition.



A karmic time, where the spotlight may shine on you.

A financial and an emotional partner may way heavy on you -- try not being too insensitive in a legal matter.

Use this time to reflect on your doings and if you're not happy -- it may be time for those crossroad changes.



A serious change with your public standings may take during this trend.

Use all the diplomacy to acknowledge a financial problem which may be related to a close partner(s).

A learning opportunity may open doors for you and inspire changes with your home area.



A new job or taking on too much work may exhaust your free time,

Re-organize anything chaotic, as a new/old flame or job proposition may be introduced to you.

Take your time in making your decisions, this trend may affect you positively or negatively, - don't lose faith in your long-term goals.



The stars may favor you during this trend and fill your spirit to accomplish your set goals

Use your intuition these days and don't dwell on the past.

A new or old friendship may start to show itself and induce you to go out of your comfort zone.



A turning point in an emotional matter, and any troubles now may be rooted in your finances.

Time to see the bigger picture and embrace the good changes coming your way,

Time to use technology and connect with some foreign counterparts and increase productivity.



Your communication area may be highlighted and chance to better your position may be here.

A close family member may bring havoc but also create the need to find resolve in a family quarrel.

Use your sharp mind and will of steel and push forward with your business plans after the new moon.



An opportunity to change your finances and self-esteem is here to stay.

A change of plans may bring the right people to your table and update you in a business deal.

New friendships and /or philosophies may attract new improvements to your career and instigate you to come to a self-actualization.



Let go of all that is of no use and promote your new ideas to the right people.

A partnership gone wrong may be a blessing in disguise.

Start new with some new alliances if you just trust your instincts, -a soulful connection may bring the attention you need.

Facebook.com/16CentAstrology______________________________________________________________________________FEBRUARY 13--2...

FEBRUARY 13--20, 2025


RULERS — Mercury (siblings/communication), Venus (love/friendly) & Pluto (death/drama/secrets/sexual).

Mercury enters Pisces

Mercury is in Pisces from February 14-March 3, 2025, and, soon after, from March 29-April 16.

Mercury travels through the full sign of Pisces this year, but later, while Mercury is in Aries, turns retrograde (on March 15th) and returns to Pisces on March 29th.

Generating a cycle of Mercury ending its retrograde on April 7th, and it leaves Pisces again on April 16th.

When Mercury is in Pisces, our thinking processes are more visual, intuitive, and imaginative.

We seek the unknown or fall for nebulous activities which may inspire drastic change.

As some souls may seek new purposeful connections or devotion from new partners,

Encouraging habitual changes or experimenting with new kinky endeavors.

We are especially attuned to the world of emotion, which colors both our thoughts and our communication style.

As this lunation may help with expressing ourselves with imagery and making decisions intuitively.

We are more attracted to universal consciousness and or raising information.

With Pluto in the mix during this trend, emotional partners and delegative matters related to finances may also be high-lighted.

The touch of Venus may be able to tone down the drama coming from the metaphysical and rebirthing sign of Scorpio, -- encouraging new alliances to form and improve productivity.


Work, Career and business:

Another week of stress and or new assimilative practices.

A new fresh breath of life will be offered to you after the next New Moon.

Her blessings will make your life much easier and proficient.

Wait for her upcoming green light and push yourself towards your while asking the universe to make it happen.

Do not try to push your business on others just now, instead plan and do some cleaning or re-organizing.

Again advertisements, important calls, traveling, and meetings will pay off if you are patient.

Use "Moon power" wisely and respect the Universal Laws (astrology) and have some good results.



Mercury rules the mail.

Phone calls and communications in general could be a source of trouble with family members.

A get-together after work could also bring stressful news.

Mercury will have everyone sharing new ideas of how to get the job done better.


Family and friends:

Don’t let the waning Moon get your spirit down.

Many will need support to help them clean up karmic relationships.

Again, do not let anyone exhaust your spirit and be patient with loved ones.

Use Venus’ generosity and show your love to everyone in general.

Avoid spending too much time talking about a discouraged person or activity.


Love affairs:

Stay clear from someone who drinks too much and realize your limits if you are in a deceiving relationship.

This is the perfect time to enjoy a great movie with the one you care for.

With Venus around, the opportunity to show true love will be given to you.

If you were born in January, someone born in September or May need to talk to you.

A friend born in November will share a secret with you.


Travel and Communication:

Take this opportunity to do a check up on your car as the stars will make your mechanic very detail oriented, --thus helping him with detecting possible future trouble.

Get your wheels in action but prepare for traveling under the protection of the upcoming New Moon.



Recharge your spirits; a trip to the wild will do you so good.

The energy gained from the earth magnetic force, --will recharge your batteries and in the meantime appreciate the beauty of Mother Nature.

Trouble may come from the sea or plane misfunctions.


Famous personalities:

A notorious religious or scientist could make serious news soon.



Be patient and relax while the Moon is still waning,

Mother Nature may decide to disturb us with bad weather.

This is not a good time to fly, unless you made your reservation during the waxing moon.



Some may decide to join the local gym or enroll in a weight loss program...

Buy only things to improve the face of your home or cleaning products may prosper now.


FEBRUARY 9----12, 2025


RULERS —The Moon (graduation ceremony) & the Sun (love and children):

The new phase of life may be induced by the feminine energy of the Moon.

As this lunation may inspire new alliances to form and help solve a delegative matter.

The energy of the creative sun can also cause many to strive for further acknowledgement and or aid with investigations regarding legality.

The uranic window may also cultivate the need to gather information and share it with others.

A turning point in an emotional affair or new partnership may show itself, -- don't let it consume you and accept the needed changes with faith.

Also, a good time to promote your business and or entrepreneurial abilities to the world,

As this lunation may motivate many souls to accept good or bad karma or come to a self-actualization of their own soulful purpose.


Work, Career and Business:

Some people will see the end and the beginning of a business situation.

New people will move in to replace others during this lunation.

The Moon is still waxing(positive) until the 12th...

Make the most out of these few days ahead and have faith in your ability to deal with any changes ahead.

Hope and faith will take you far during this phase.



This lunation means a great new start, relocation, and/ or a promotion, --even the start of a brand-new life.

Those changing stars do not care about your sadness or guilt, --- ask and you shall receive.

Don’t turn back, move on to your new and better future.

If your situation or feelings do not match your wishes, ---changes must take place.

Some may be glad they may be the ones that may have to induce it.

Remember life is a constant process of changes,

So go out and explore, socialize with likeminded people, and find out what brings purpose into your life.


Family and Friends:

Mom may get in touch with you, and / or your past may call you back.

The moon will make the children quite emotional these days, --some may need your attention and may also be demanding.

With the Sun’s vitality invest some time with them and do something special, they will cherish these days in their heart forever.

A surprising new involvement with a child or love may be ahead of you.

A friend surprises you with an invitation.


Love Affairs:

Control your feelings about the past and let those lessons lead you towards your better future.

Some relationship might end with sorrow, but don't forget the stars are on your side.

Promote your next section of life without delay.

Expect some surprises too and go full speed after your desires.

Anything incredible can happen now, -- especially during the weekend and you shouldn’t stay home.

These surprises should be positive and unexpected and there is much to gain if you interact with others.

Visit friends, socialize or throw a party to celebrate this great solar and lunar energy.

It may also be time to do your cabalistic candle ritual, (white for the purification of the spirit, green for the purification of the physical, and blue to pray and ask favors of your guardian Angel).

Don’t forget to burn some sage and the use of the salted circle if need be.

This lunation has the potential to bring about one of your greatest wishes.

Again, don’t waste it, go out there now, push for your goals and have faith.

If you were born in July, a younger or older person born in January, November or March might not be able to resist your magnetism.


Travel and Communication:

Expect news from brothers and sisters, be part of the action and communicate with those you love.

Use words of love and care for others; somehow, you’ll be rewarded.

Bring your camera; great things and great surprises are imminent.



Many people are forced to relocate during this celestial energy, (sometimes due to nature’s destructive forces).

Typhoons and other water disasters are to be expected.

Let’s hope the new moon will alleviate drama and make the transition safe for many souls.


Famous Personalities:

Famous and powerful personalities will be ending or starting a very important part of their love lives.

Some will have finished their work on this physical plane and will work as guides for whom they cared for on earth.



Foreign governments will have to make important decisions soon.

This type of energy was present and Typhoon were high on the list/ forced relocation for many.

Thus, as predicted in Moon Power for these dates, in the past, --thousands have been motivated to move or influenced into new parts of their lives.



Only real estate endeavors from your past are protected.

A new house bought now could bring much trouble to the new owners-- if jumping into quick decisions without thinking them through.

*Burn white, green and blue candles, and mix them with incense to clean up some psychic residues left behind by disturbed souls.

Some of your local stores may also be affected and may motivate a re-structure to avoid closure.

FULL MOON — February 12, 2025, in Leo:

Be gentle with affairs of love, romance, and children.

Keep Miss./Mr. Pride and Mr./Miss. Ego in control if you intend to sustain your loving partner’s relationships.

A new solution to a stale financial situation from the past may present itself now.

Disturbing and surprising news may also ahead,

The vitality of the sun may influence many creators and famous souls to take the stage and promote their latest discovers and technological advancements.

Be ready for agonizing new and or happenings but learn not to dwell on the negative aspects.

Life is a constant process of change; the future has better to offer.

The lunation may spark new light or new romance into your life now, --some lucky souls may receive some new options to improve their status and productivity,

Expect earthquakes above 6.0 in some regions of the world.

Avoid flying, if you have purchased your tickets during a waning's period of the moon and avoid delays.

Even though during this futuristic trend, and doing things as fast as possible, --try to be patient,

Some lucky souls may take a chance on someone new-- due to an emotional connection.

As a rule, promote your life only after the next New Moon.

Expect the incredible soon,

Explosive, new technology and nuclear news are high on the list.

Use this time to get down to the bottom of a legal matter or express your deepest desires to someone special.

Lunation impact on all signs:


A rebirth of your love life or some stress with children may be ahead...

Accept the changes.

An important opportunity to acquire recognition during this "new phase of life" trend.

Time to fix your finances or better your love life.



An important decision about home or family matters is ahead...

Use your stamina.

A past business matter or a home renovation project may present itself and motivate a rebirth with your finances.

Use this time to tackle all the things that may be pending in your life and be amazed with the results.



Your mind may be on love, children, fame and your family.

Don’t get too stressed out with overt thinking a business situation,

It may be time to shine and show the world your ingeniousness.

A chance to start a new partnership and improve resources may be in store during this lunation.



Serious financial changes or emotional stress may be ahead...

Changes are needed in your life.

Time to seek advice or guidance if you find yourself in disarray or in need of support.

A chance to improve communications in a stale situation may come now.



Let go of your past and move on to better things.

It’s time to look for that better position, representation, or a new love, be ready.

Use your intuition these days, and don't over work yourself and drain your mental capacity,

Be confidant, a brand-new partnership may bring progressive news pertaining to your lively hood in a financial matter.



A secret love affair or being deceitful can only bring you more trouble.

Clean up any messes you have made and /or straighten any confusion up with your colleagues.

A fresh start is expected soon, --don't let a social issue keep you worried and prevent you from showing your artistic talents to the world.

Don't be discouraged if you have been deceived in some form, it may be a blessing in disguise.



Some friends will try to put stress into your life, stand your ground and use some diplomacy.

You might have to go or look somewhere else to find a solution to a persistent problem.

A good friend may iconically hold an important wish. -- try to not neglect a close loved one in the process.

News about technology and distant endeavors may be part of this lunation.



A decision about your career and love may be on the rise during this trend,

Use your intuition these days, as some of your affiliates may have a hidden agenda.

A constructive or strategic approach to a work-related project may be needed on your behalf.

Improve your public standing or learn a new study may be induced on you.



A study, a trip or sad news could bring anxiety to you.

Be patient with all who interact with -- life always goes on with process of changes.

An important foreigner or distant friend may bring good or bad news to the table and inspire a habitual change in you.

Search and ask, and you shall receive.



A legacy or a life and death news may be ahead.

A contract for a business deal may create the need for a restructure.

Use this time to get down to an emotional affair issue which may be related to how you handle your finances.

Let the hand of karma fall on those who have deceived you, --as this lunation may inspire a soulful or painful lesson.



An opportunity to look for a new business or emotional partners may be ahead

Move on, --a business deal gone wrong in the past may be a blessing in disguise today.

Use this time to sit-down and re organize anything chaotic. --as this lunation may inspire new parentships in regard to public affairs.

A diplomatic attitude in a sensitive manner may be the key and be amazed how many can relate to you.



A chance to improve your health or your work may be offered to you by the stars.

A healthy approach may motivate a change with your diet and improve your physicality.

A chance to rid yourself of skepticism in a business matter may be here.

It may be time to begin reconstruction of plans starting with blue prints and setting new goals.


108 Road
Elliot Lake, ON




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