Great conversation with @robfaivancouver about Caregivers in the Wild to end the year!
It was another awesome summer of #adventure with #familycaregivers … and a little bittersweet as we wrapped up the series. But the best part about a good story, well told, is that it takes on a life of its own once you put it out into the world.
Please visit and share the series with the family #caregivers in your life… I am sure that it will help provide them both information and inspiration to continue their caregiving journey in the best way possible.
@telusfund @roadwestpictures @philharrisonphotography @bannisterbergen
#familycaregiving #outdoors #healthcareheroes
It’s been bittersweet seeing all the posts about Darrel Janz over the past few days. I didn’t get to spend much time with him like others have… but the few projects we worked on together over the years were some of the most memorable of my career so far.
I remember being starstruck the first time I worked with him on this little piece about @wellspringalberta and the young adult cancer and digital storytelling work I was doing at the time (I literally grew up seeing him on the TV!!) I was honestly a little surprised that he was genuinely interested in my life… and I remember thinking to myself after the interview that I wanted people to feel that way around me too.
I can’t imagine the thousands of people he has impacted in little (big) ways like that over the years. What a legacy… the ultimate “Inspired Albertan”.
#yyc #alberta
PROJECT HIGHLIGHT: Jasper Newcomer Support Curriculum
As we move towards 2025, I always like to highlight some of my favourite #digitalstorytelling projects over the past year. This one was very bittersweet as less than two weeks after we launched the #DigitalStories for the #Jasper Newcomer Project, 30% of the town was burned down in a devastating forest fire. Some of the storytellers lost everything...
… but what I witnessed in the DST Screening (highlight reel below) makes me still feel hopeful about how the community of Jasper will recover and continue to support Newcomers to their community. This screening was one of my favourite ones of all time, and it was so cool getting to work with storytellers from around the world (literally! Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Australia, Iran, Ukraine) to tell the story about what is has been like for them to make their home in #Canada
You can watch all the stories using the Digital Storytelling link on
And as soon as the entire curriculum is built, with reaction videos from prominent Jasperites, I will make sure to share the trailer and links for those videos as well. What an amazing community and amazing project to be part of!!
Zanzibar Kayaking Trip 2024
TRIP VIDEO: Anyone who has travelled somewhere far away knows how hard it is to capture what those experiences are like; how they change you and your perspective of the world. I make these little trip videos hoping that they will be a reminder for myself of those things I learned, but I hope you enjoy them too.
Massive shout out to Abdullah, the captain, the cook Abdullah, and all the genuine and kind people in that I met in that small corner of the world in Menai Bay, Zanzabar. In an incredibly touristy place, with a pretty terrible history of slavery, these guys have somehow held on to their kindness to "muzungu's" (white people). It was amazing to me that they even let me sleep in their fishing camps, sail their boats, eat fish from their reefs, and kayak and swim in the open ocean... with no life jacket in sight!
It was like stepping into the past in many ways... a good ol' fashioned adventure. Now on to Uganda for some #digitalstorytelling #travelling #adventure #kayaking #islandlife