Great Northern Discussions

Great Northern Discussions Western 🇨🇦 Podcast🎙️A passion for Defending Western Interests | Energy | Politics | Sports | Music | Comedy | Typically 🇨🇦content | Host Kevin Tucker

*REPOST  🚨Do you agree with Trudeau and Carney cancelling $670 Billion in Energy Projects? 🚨Since 2015, Canada has lost ...

*REPOST 🚨Do you agree with Trudeau and Carney cancelling $670 Billion in Energy Projects? 🚨

Since 2015, Canada has lost $670 BILLION in canceled or suspended resource projects—many of them LNG terminals that could have made Canada an energy superpower. Instead, other countries filled the gap, and Canadian workers lost out on thousands of jobs and billions in tax revenue every year.

Countries That Asked for Canadian LNG:

🇩🇪 Germany – Chancellor Olaf Scholz personally came to Canada looking for LNG to replace Russian gas. Trudeau told him there was ‘no business case.’
🇯🇵 Japan – Sought Canadian LNG to diversify energy sources. Trudeau ignored the request.
🇹🇼 Taiwan – Deputy Minister Chern-Chyi Chen publicly said Taiwan is “eager” to buy Canadian LNG. Canada had no export terminals ready.

💡 What did Trudeau and Mark Carney say?
❌ Trudeau: Questioned the “business case” for exporting LNG to Europe while our allies were desperate for non-Russian gas.
❌ Carney: Pushed carbon pricing and renewables instead of supporting LNG expansion, despite its clear economic and strategic benefits.

What We Lost:

📉 Tens of thousands of high-paying jobs
📉 Billions in yearly tax revenue that could fund hospitals, roads, and lower taxes
📉 Our global LNG market share—now taken by the U.S., Qatar, and Russia

Meanwhile, the U.S. has built over 10 major LNG facilities since 2015. They are now one of the world’s largest LNG exporters—a position Canada should have held.

🔥 Enough is enough. Canada has the resources, the technology, and the demand. We just need a government that won’t stand in the way.

New episode out today folks! With Sean Alexander President and CEO KAILANI Outdoors. KailanioutdoorsSean Alexander is a ...

New episode out today folks! With Sean Alexander President and CEO KAILANI Outdoors. Kailanioutdoors
Sean Alexander is a former Canadian Oil-Patcher turned Retail Lifestyle CEO. His path to get there was unconventional to say the least. In this episode we tip our toes briefly into Sean's upbringing, which includes him being forced to live on is own at the age of 16, and having already switched schools 14 times by grade eight. Eventually he would drop out of high school to go make a life for himself.

The two time Dragons' Den pitcher took what he had always done, the side hustle, and turned it into a multi-million dollar up-and-coming competitor to the titan YETI brand.

WATCH his Dragon's Den appearance here:

LISTEN to our in-depth great northern discussion here:



Or Watch Here on YOUTUBE!


Sean Alexander is a former Canadian Oil-Patcher turned CEO at Kailani Outdoors. His path to get there was unconventional to say the least. In this episode we...

New episode out folks! With Sean Alexander President and CEO KAILANI. KailanioutdoorsSean Alexander is a former Canadian...

New episode out folks! With Sean Alexander President and CEO KAILANI. Kailanioutdoors
Sean Alexander is a former Canadian Oil-Patcher turned Retail Lifestyle CEO. His path to get there was unconventional to say the least. In this episode we tip our toes briefly into Sean's upbringing, which includes him being forced to live on is own at the age of 16, and having already switched schools 14 times by grade eight. Eventually he would drop out of high school to go make a life for himself.

The two time CBC Dragon's Den pitcher took what he had always done, the side hustle, and turned it into a multi-million dollar up-and-coming competitor to the titan YETI brand.

WATCH his Dragon's Den appearance here:

LISTEN to our in-depth great northern discussion here:

Or Watch Here on YOUTUBE!

Sean Alexander is a former Canadian Oil-Patcher turned CEO at Kailani Outdoors. His path to get there was unconventional to say the least. In this episode we...

As has always been the case, Brad Wall nails it!

As has always been the case, Brad Wall nails it!

Your Mom likely told you what mine told me - if you can’t say something nice ..don’t say anything at all. So maybe that’s why it has taken me a day to offer a few thoughts on Trudeau’s resignation announcement yesterday. I miss my Mom everyday but I’m not sure I will be able to follow her advice for this post. (On the other hand..remembering some of her comments during the Trudeau years - she might be fine with this!)

I truly believe that those who put their name forward for public office, no matter how much I might disagree with them personally and politically should be thanked for their willingness to wade into the increasingly toxic waters of politics.

But the undeniable truth is that Canada would be better off today had he decided not to follow in his father’s footsteps.

His Prime Ministership was manifestly the most divisive and economically damaging of any in our history…including the record of the elder Trudeau ..who generationally knee-capped the economy of western Canada with the National Energy Program.

I dealt with this particular Trudeau in my old job at First Ministers’ Conferences, in bilateral relations and one on one discussions. He struck me as someone who was the product of an abiding central Canadian/Quebec world view with a focus on progressive trends rather than policy development or political and economic thought. That was my impression anyway.

Somewhere along the way he found and then clung to wokeism and an obsession with man-made climate change. They were very trendy things for those on the left. Shiny buttons that permanently distracted Trudeau.

His government continues to risk our economy, our trade competitiveness and exacerbate affordability issues for all Canadians with his forced march to a carbon tax that in 4 years will be a debilitating $170.00 per tonne. All in the name of reducing Canada’s emissions that account for less than 2% of global emissions. Imagine - stubbornly pursuing a policy like his carbon tax that is that damaging - in the name of maybe, possibly reducing emissions by a quantum that will make no change on this thing you’ve sworn us all to fight - climate change. A leader shoving his citizens ahead of him into a winless fight, forcing them to pay for the costs of that fight and risking the competitiveness of the entire economy (at a time when we are now facing the threat of Trump’s tariffs).

The carbon tax is just one policy on a laundry list of damaging and often feckless policies that Trudeau has introduced in his 10 years as Prime Minister. He all but declared his disdain for the western Canadian resource sector. He never much liked how we made a living in the west; how we live by and rely on fossil fuels in rural Canada. He never respected the values that a majority of western or rural Canadians hold dear.

He, more than any PM in contemporary Canadian political history, was found wanting in ethics and third party investigations. He chose to fire or force out strong female Ministers rather than be held accountable for things he very much said…and very much did.
All this from a self-proclaimed feminist who would regularly lecture Canadians on the importance of his ‘feminist’ view.

He offered the same when it came to Reconcilation yet he failed to fulfill his promise for clean drinking water on First Nations reserves.

He demonized millions of Canadians who were represented by the Freedom Convoy or who had concerns about lock- downs and vaccine mandates - dismissing them as un-Canadian and fringe and ..much worse.

His fiscal record and tendencies were so bad that even the big spending, big government advocating Chrystia Freeland quit his cabinet.

People will observe that Canada has never had an NDP Prime Minister. I beg to differ.

He was unserious. He said things and believed things like “The budget will balance itself” and “I don’t think too much about monetary policy “


I recall when I was the lone Premier and Saskatchewan was the lone province opposing his carbon tax. I know the kinds of things he and his Environment Minister Catherine McKenna said about us…about Saskatchewan..behind closed doors and to some whom they believed had assured discretion.

And yet despite all of this - I did not feel as gratified as some did when the news broke yesterday. You see yesterday was a good day for the Liberal Party of Canada. Or at least a better day than they have had in a long while. Granted the Liberals have a huge hole from which to dig out but the digging could not begin until Trudeau quit.

I’d rather he had decided to lead his party into the next election. We would be much more assured of much needed change had that been the case.

Because make no mistake - with him or without him - this is a new Justin Trudeau-shaped, leftwing, woke, anti-resource development Liberal party of Canada. Long gone is the pragmatism of the Chretien/Martin era. Trudeau policies for the most part will continue to be front and centre with the Liberal party long after he is gone.

I hope the Conservative Party of Canada keeps its head down, humbly asking Canadians to be their agents of much needed change..and runs like they are 10 points behind - not 20 points ahead.

I believe that Canada as we have known it- hangs in the balance of the next election. If somehow, we continue to have a federal government with the ghost-vestigial policies of the man who announced his departure plans yesterday…well that would be very bad for the west and not much better for the rest of the country.

So please Conservatives - campaign like you are 10 points behind.

Have a great day Facebook friends.

Do yourself a favor and watch Pierre Poilievre our next Prime Minister….

Do yourself a favor and watch Pierre Poilievre our next Prime Minister….

Jordan Peterson sits down with Canadian member of Parliament Pierre Poilievre (and likely the next Prime Minister). They discuss his role as Leader of the Op...

Caylan Ford was born in Calgary, AB, and earned a Bachelor’s degree (Hons.) in Chinese history at the University of Calg...

Caylan Ford was born in Calgary, AB, and earned a Bachelor’s degree (Hons.) in Chinese history at the University of Calgary. From there she obtained a Master’s degree in International Affairs from the George Washington University, and worked on and off as a senior policy advisor for Canada’s foreign ministry for about ten years. Between the birth of her two children she earned another Master’s in International Human Rights Law at the University of Oxford. She is currently the founder/operator of Alberta Classical Academy
This story truly begins though previously, as she was anointed a star UCP Candidate in the 2019 Provincial Election for her own riding of Calgary Mountain View, a "swing" zone.

Sound like someone that might be rooted in racist beliefs?

Caylan found herself at the centre of what might easily be one of Canada's biggest political smear-jobs in its history. She received an ominous email from PressProgress at writ drop 29 days before the election call, telling her they had proof of her being a racist and if she'd care to comment, and that she needed to answer within 3 hours. She of course had no clue.
What ensued was absolute madness in collusion to spread misinformation between the AAlberta NDPNew Democratic Party of Canada, the CCBCthe TThe Toronto Star and the main perpetrator in Karim Jivraj after he leaked old private Facebook messages to PPressProgress(Progress Alberta) who then fed the media world.
She would be forced to resign from the race. And the rest is history.
In this discussion we detail the events unfolding in the minutes, hours, days and years following this "Cancel-Culture" mob in full effect. In 2020 Caylan filed a 7.65 Million defamation claim against all said above, including a smattering of other individuals (14 in total) who continued to push this narrative. Some of the individuals include the Chief of Staff to Rachel Notley, the Broadbent Institute | Institut Broadbent (started by former NDP Leader to feed hit pieces and attack opposition), David Khan (Liberal Party), and Emma McIntosh (Formerly Toronto Star)

*Progress Alberta has recently settled out of court with Caylan for $250k

She found herself unemployable, and isolated from all her former work colleagues at the UCP and her own circle of friends. She hit rock-bottom.

Only thing left to do was to fight. We get into all of it in this epsiode folks!!!

>>>GND #25 with Caylan Ford, Founder Alberta Classical Academy & Former UCP Star Candidate up on all Podcast Platforms and YOUTUBE

Caylan Ford was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta and is the current Founder and owner/operator at her recently expanded Alberta Classical Academy. They're...

Sonya Sharp is a Ward 1 born and raised City of Calgary Councillor. She is a rare-breed indeed for two reasons, the firs...

Sonya Sharp is a Ward 1 born and raised City of Calgary Councillor. She is a rare-breed indeed for two reasons, the first being a City Councillor whom was born and raised in her own Ward, although it does happen from time to time. The second being that, not only does she represent where she has spent her entire life, but she also worked for the City of Calgary for 20 years before deciding to enter into municipal politics.

Sonya is a breath of fresh air who seemingly ALWAYS votes on Notice of Motions downtown Calgary with her constituents front of mind. This does not always happen.

In this episode we get into the divide at City Hall, and the repetitive nature of almost of ALL of the NOM's brought forward ending in a final vote of 8-6. Some of the local newspapers have dubbed the larger majority voting block "The Hateful Eight".

We get into the Green Line Debacle, the Climate Emergency declaration on Day 1 by Mayor Jyoti Gondek , and what the hell does this even mean. We get into the current Tabled Budget, and of course the famous Water Main Break that occurred in Bowness.

Grab the popcorn folks. Sonya has no problems calling things like she see's them or calling people out. It's a fantastic discussion. Could she be Calgary's next Mayor????

GND #23 with Sonya Sharp Ward 1 Councillor City of Calgary out now on all Podcast Platforms and YOUTUBE

Sonya Sharp is a Ward 1 born and raised City of Calgary Councillor. She is a rare-breed indeed for two reasons, the first being a City Councillor whom was bo...

Meet By Brittany. She is an outstanding Social Media content creator, turned political promoter for all things Conservat...

Meet By Brittany. She is an outstanding Social Media content creator, turned political promoter for all things Conservatism. Based on her core values she decided to dive deeper into having more of a voice for the conservative movement in Canada.
She found herself pumping messaging for Canada Proud while garnering hundreds of thousands of views. While most of the responses were positive, with the good always comes the bad of course.
She then wedged herself into the BC Elections assisting in door-knocking with her Conservative candidate for the October 19, 2024 vote. She documented much of this and tells me about her experience there.
Immediately after this she headed off to the UCP AGM in Red Deer, AB. Again she worked her magic in getting the behind the scenes messaging out and got to meet some of her favourite Politicians such as Danielle Smith and Pierre Poilievre
In this episode we engage in some great banter on the Donald J. Trump election win, Kamala Harris loss and their social media games. Our thoughts on Justin Trudeau and his obvious hatred towards the west, via their attack on the Energy sector disguised as climate initiatives. What some of her potential next moves might be in regards to her social platforms. What it takes to make great posts that drive engagement or invoke feelings. And our desire as citizens to see more politicians on podcasts thanks to the The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast special involving Donald Trump, Elon Musk and JD Vance
AND so much more, come along for another great northern discussion!


Follow Brittany on X, Instagram or Tik Tok:

Instagram: .brittany
Tik Tok: .brittany

GND #24 with Brittany, Conservative Social Media Darling out now on all Podcast platforms and YOUTUBe




Meet Brittany. She is an outstanding Social Media content creator, turned political promoter for all things Conservatism. Based on her core values she decide...

Check out my latest Great Northern Discussion with Lesley Atkins Social Media Manager Windmill Golf Group, and 2024 Rook...

Check out my latest Great Northern Discussion with Lesley Atkins Social Media Manager Windmill Golf Group, and 2024 Rookie of the Year Women's World Long Drive. This 5'3" powerhouse is a force to be reckoned with!

Lesley grew up in Scotland, and was entered into what was supposed to be a Golf Clinic at the age of 8. Here's the thing, her mother had mistakenly entered her into a tournament. Having only been to the range a few times and maybe a few real rounds of golf under her belt she decided to just participate in it anyways.....well she WON! From there she never looked back. She eventually would go on to represent her country, head off to play at Lenoir-Rhyne University and ultimately decided to immigrate to Canada as she still had the international travel bug.

In this episode we get into the 4 golf courses she manages from a social media perspective in Mickelson National Golf Club, Springbank Links Golf Course, Heritage Pointe Golf Club, and the The Hamptons Golf Club. We also discuss the subtle differences in playing each of the courses. Her work also between the two LaunchPad Golf Mickelson National LaunchPad Golf Heritage Pointelocations and why she loves honing her skills there in the winter.

We also do a deep dive into her social media pages, talk about her form, and even get into the online haters. We do spend a good portion talking about the art of Long Driving, how she got into it, and some training tips on how she was able to get her personal best drive of 326yards. Perfect Hands Golf played a huge part in not only sponsoring her but helping her get that ball out there, while also receiving some help via sponsorship while representing Fore-All Club, an all women's golf apparel line that is making a big splash in the clothing space.

GND #22 with Lesley Atkins up now on all PODS and Youtube!

Stay tuned for the next Great Northern Discussion with another female powerhouse in Calgary's own City Councillor Sonya Sharp




Lesley Atkins is a Scottish-born Social Media Manager for the Windmill Golf Group here in Calgary, Alberta Canada. She also happens to be a budding Social Me...

Claire Masikewich had the seemingly normal storybook tale of a healthy young family of four. Until the fateful day of Ma...

Claire Masikewich had the seemingly normal storybook tale of a healthy young family of four. Until the fateful day of May 26, 2023.

Sloane Masikewich, 5 and half years old and the youngest sibling to sister Indy, wasn't feeling very well one may long weekend. Her signs and symptoms didn't seem too serious for anybody to fuss about, but she kept on getting worse including fever, body aches and pains. No big deal right?

What started as a routine 811 call to Alberta Health Link, then a visit to Alberta Children's Hospital, it soon became apparent there was much more going on inside of little Sloane's body than met the eye.

She was devastatingly diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma the next day, a rare and high risk form of cancer among children. There are only 1500 cases annually in Canada, or up to 237 in Alberta alone. She has had a long road of surgeries, chemo, radiation, stem cell transplants and immunotherapy since this time.

The question coming to mind now for the family is, why does there seem to be a lack of funding directly forwarded to pediatrics for research into childhood cancer, and to what risk are we leaving our children given these extreme doses to beat these diseases. Though Sloane is in remission a year later almost to the day, she is not out of the woods yet.

Claire has become an extremely vocal voice in the childhood advocacy space starting up campaigns such as "Strong Like Sloane", and "Heartbeats for Hope"

In this episode we tackle the entire journey for the Masikewich family.

For more information on Sloane and her journey through Strong Mum on instagram follow:

To donate to the Strong Like Sloane Campaign, where a large contingent of runners run on behalf of Sloane, 182 to be exact, and where Sloane was going to run a year previous to being diagnosed:

Intro/Outro Tunes: Back On the Farm-Shoot the Lights Out

Episode Sponsor: Lonestar Directional Drilling:

Claire Masikewich had the seemingly normal storybook tale of a healthy young family of four. Until the fateful day of May 26, 2023. Sloane Masikewich, 5 and ... #19 is a Solocast!We were in between guests for studio time, and I p...
GND #19 is a Solocast!
We were in between guests for studio time, and I prefer to keep the weekly releases up for people, so here we are.

I wanted to personally give an update to listeners on how the show got started, what I hope to accomplish with the show and where we could possibly take it.

My first crack at a solo, and I begrudgingly decided to forge ahead with this. Be kind in your critique of my young podcasting skills please!
Special shoutouts in this one to Canadian Podcast, Rob Huck, John Barlow, MP Foothills, Pierre Poilievre, Conservative Party of Canada - Parti conservateur du Canada, Barkley Sauter, Kevin Humeny, Vada Capital Jeff Robson, Nicole Smith, and our sponsor in Lonestar Directional Drilling

Stay tuned for GND #20 next week for a very special guest, who has an important story to tell in Claire Masikewichwhich will be sure to tug on the heart strings.

Hey Folks, in this episode I give it a crack on my own to give you, the listeners, an update on Great Northern Discussions.I simply wanted to convey the poin...

To any who may have missed this barn burner of a Podcast with John Barlow, MP Foothills buckle up and enjoy GND #12! As ...

To any who may have missed this barn burner of a Podcast with John Barlow, MP Foothills buckle up and enjoy GND #12!

As always please like and subscribe on Youtube

Follow along for weekly Podcast releases every Tuesday at:



And all other Pods.

John Barlow is a Member of Parliament representing Foothills, Alberta for the Conservative Party of Canada. He is also the shadow minister for Agriculture, A...

Dr. William (Bill) Kent saved my life, twice. That's the job. I had the pleasure of having a Great Northern Discussion w...

Dr. William (Bill) Kent saved my life, twice. That's the job.

I had the pleasure of having a Great Northern Discussion with the Surgical Director, Cardiac Surgeon of Libin Cardiovascular Institute
I consider Dr. Kent my surgeon first, but also more of a friend now.

In this episode we cover his path and MANY years of post secondary education and practical from Ontario to Calgary. We dive into both of my surgeries, but also greater points of discussion from heart health, preventative measures, diet and nutrition, affects of to***co and ni****ne, obesity, signs and symptoms, the future of Cardiac Surgery and the new Innovation coming out of the Libin Institute and Alberta Health Services, the Libin family generous donations over the years and what is on the horizon for this world renowned facility.

GND #18 up now and every Tuesday, this week with Dr. Kent on all Pods and Youtube.


Dr. William (Bill) Kent saved my life, twice. That is his job. Being a cardiac surgeon, a Director of Surgical, and a Clinical Assistant Professor-Cardiac Sc...

GND #17 with Kevin Humeny, Managing Director and CFO at Parcel B Limited is out today folks! Kevy, or K2 as we like to c...

GND #17 with Kevin Humeny, Managing Director and CFO at Parcel B Limited is out today folks!

Kevy, or K2 as we like to call him is my brother in law! He is a highly intelligent and savvy busineman, with a various array of past ventures that have helped mold into a dynamic individual.

He started however, in Kindersley Saskatchewan as a professional Motocross Racer!! We go through some of his racing days and all of his crippling injuries.
Inevitably we get down to brass tax, we cover things like directional drilling and well planning, drilling budgets, engineering, politics and we also dissect the Federal Budget 2024, orphan wells, ghg emissions, private equity funding, becoming an entrepreneur, energy security and SO MUCH MORE.

We are used to talking hot Canadian topics in our houses and basements, and now we've brought one to you.
I do encourage to also watch YOUTUBE if you're a podcast listener, as we do have a TON of excellent visuals in this one for added perspective.

Listen on Spotify:


Kevin Humeny is the Managing Director, and CFO of Parcel B Limited. It's a savvy Calgarian Private Equity Company that has been making some terrific headway ...

GND #16 with Dan McLean out today folks!Really enjoyed this Great Northern Discussion with a truly down to earth gentlem...

GND #16 with Dan McLean out today folks!

Really enjoyed this Great Northern Discussion with a truly down to earth gentleman. In this episode we do get into the muddy world of Politics, from a Municipal level.
The big focus of this discussion is in fact the current Blanket Rezoning proposed by City Council. There are Public Hearings set for April 22nd. If you aren't really sure yet where you stand or how you even feel about this Calgary plan to Rezone, take a listen or watch as we do break it down as best we can together, and I learned so much as well as a simple tax paying citizen. We do go through some visuals of what is happening where in the City and what each Gradient change means to our neighbourhoods.

Listen at Spotify:


Dan McLean grew up living the farm life just outside of Camrose, Alberta, Canada. He grew up learning the values of work ethic and respecting others. Fast fo...

GND #15 with Chanse Vigen Chuckwagon Team the 2023 World Champion Chuckwagon Driver out now folks! We get into the histo...

GND #15 with Chanse Vigen Chuckwagon Team the 2023 World Champion Chuckwagon Driver out now folks!

We get into the history of the sport of Chuckwagon Racing as it pertains to the Calgary Stampede specifically, the treatment of horses on the roster and as a part of their family, operations, the grind of the circuit, advertising, outriding, and a heroic rescue of a runaway wagon during a race back in 2007. And so much more.

Saddle up partners, cuz she's a gooder! We had a blast during this discussion.

Also available on:


Chanse Vigen has spent his entire life on a horse. He had followed his Father, Mike Vigen, and his grandfather Ralph Vigen since he was a young cowboy with a...

GND #14 with Aaron Volpatti ex Vancouver Canuck and NHLer, Author/Speaker and Cognitive Performance Coach out now!Aaron ...

GND #14 with Aaron Volpatti ex Vancouver Canuck and NHLer, Author/Speaker and Cognitive Performance Coach out now!

Aaron is a well educated man. It's not everyday you can have a chat with a former NHL enforcer whom can also discuss how the brain works, what it's like taking Pre-Med at University all the while, throwing devastating body checks and fighting a body that has been so destroyed he can barely walk.
Aaron's life path seemed like any other Canadian kid, playing hockey and hoping to make it somewhere one day doing just that. His path however would take a drastic turn one fateful summer leaving over 40% of his body burned-severely. In this Great Northern Discussion we get into those events, the long road to recovery after, and his discovery of his natural "superpower" while laying in bed alone with his thoughts.
Can we manifest things to happen for us in life? Take a listen and open your mind, literally and figuratively. His book Fighter-Defying the NHL odds is one of the most inspirational books I have EVER read in my lifetime. I might even go as far to say, this could be a movie that would not leave a dry eye in the theatre. There, I said it.

Aaron's new life mission is to offer up his gift of Visualization and Performance Coaching can be found here: (good for young athletes, and organizations or anybody hoping to achieve what might be deemed to be impossible)


Stay tuned next Tuesday for Great Northern Discussion with 2023 World Champion Chuckwagon Driver Chanse Vigen !

Aaron Volpatti is the author of his current book Fighter-Defying the NHL Odds, and Cognitive Performance Coach/Speaker. Aaron grew up like most Canadian kids...


Calgary, AB


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