A 4.5-magnitude earthquake struck near Banff and Lake Louise on Sunday, Jan 26th of this year.
And believe it or not we have them happening all the time in Alberta, due to stress in the fractures underneath our feet, from the Canadian Rockies.
Andrew McMurray, CEO ShearFRAC has the technology to predict these earthquakes. Here he explains to me what they’ve been working on at their Alberta-based company in the Energy Sector.
This was an extremely informative yap-session with one sharp cookie! Our future is in good hands with minds like this roaming around amongst us!!
>>>GND#28 Why is Fracking Controversial on all PODCAST PLATFORMS and YOUTUBE<<>
#fracking #earthquakes #energy #oilandgas #hydrocarbons #alberta #yyc #yycbusiness #yycbuzz #berta #tuckyclips #canada #canada🇨🇦
Documentarian & CEO ASN Productions Heidi McKillop and I had the opportunity to sit down and dissect her YOUTUBE feature: Generation Green. (this past year)
We both feel the same about protecting the environment and its necessity. The other thing we agree on is the political push and preying on human fear of our own earth, has become a religion. Slowly around the world this radical agenda is finally being called out.
The earth’s weather patterns are cyclical, always has been. Is the climate changing? Absolutely. Are we to blame? Perhaps to a degree. If the focus is emissions though, 🇨🇦 is the front runner in this field accounting for 1.7% of global emissions. I strongly believe the focus needs to shift to over-consumerism and garbage. Again this begs the question, why and how are we taxing air exactly???
Regardless of our differences we all need to do our part, and that means being open to educating ourselves and choosing our own paths.
GENERATION GREEN is a fantastic case study in the rush to renewable change, by pushing a wind turbine project in Waterton National Park, Alberta. Well, they messed with the wrong towns!
Do yourself a favor, watch the DOC on my YOUTUBE PAGE playlists “Truth & Education”. Then, watch our chat for a behind the scenes look!!!
>>>GND#21 with @heidimckillop on all PODCAST PLATFORMS and YOUTUBE<<<
#renewables #climatechange #green #greengonewrong #energy #earth #planetearth #windturbines #oilandgad #worktogether #yyc #yycbusiness #yycbuzz #alberta #berta #tuckyclips #canada #canada🇨🇦
A little shout out to my Alma Mater in this clip to @_acadiau_ and also to @dalhousieu just down the road.
Here, CEO ShearFRAC talks about the life lessons and the grind going to school and working in the field during his summers that helped shape him tremendously.
He also mentions working on the Weibo Ludwig Route. For those that don’t recall the name, he was a deadly Eco-Terrorist that was found guilty in 2000 on 37 charges related to bombings and vandalism of oil and gas wells. He only served 18 months, while facing up to 14 years. Later, there were letters sent to Encana in 2008, warning that if they did not cease operations there would be bombings. Shortly after the letters were sent, there were 6 bomb attacks that struck pipelines owned by the Corp. It was never proven that he was involved.
Regardless of my stance on energy and its importance, it’s a fascinating story and recommend reading up on it!
>>>GND#28 Why is Fracking Controversial on all PODCAST PLATFORMS and YOUTUBE<<<
#pipelines #drilling #energy #fracking #ceo #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #grind #hustle #yyc #yycbusiness #berta #alberta #tuckyclips #canada #canada🇨🇦
From this chat last year with @johnbarlowmp I start off by letting John know how strong I feel their team is.
John, like the rest of the @cpc_hq Team, is well-spoken, down to earth like you and I, hard-working, and humble. The “win” John was speaking of was the Landslide Conservative victory in the Durham, ON bye-election where @jamiljivani smashed his way with a 57% vote share securing his seat in the GTA.
A @pierrepoilievremp led Team will bring it home!
>>>Full Episode on YOUTUBE and PODCAST PLATFORMS<<<
(This yap-session was a blast!)
Will you be Voting Conservative when we finally get our Election?
Andrew McMurray CEO of ShearFRAC, an innovative Calgary-based tech start up in the fracking world debunks some of the myths about hydrocarbons coming to surface after fracs.
>>>GND#28 Why is Fracking Controversial on all PODCAST PLATFORMS and YOUTUBE<<<
#fracking #oilandgas #energy #hydrocarbons #hydrocarbon #hydrocarbonextraction #emissions #yyc #berta #tuckyclips #canada #canada🇨🇦
Canadian Energy is a hot topic these days. All of a sudden, since the threat of tariffs on our country seem more and more real, our Federal Government is starting to wonder if they’ve boxed our Resources into a corner. Which they absolutely have.
However, I do see an opportunity for Canadians to come together and work in collaboration for solutions on a go-forward. I have been in the Energy Sector for 20 years. I, like a lot of industry peers, have been trying to give our sector a voice for a very long time. But it has fallen on deaf ears from the Federal level.
So, for any new follower or listener to Great Northern Discussions , I think this is MY opportunity to help YOU understand how everything works, how it all comes together, how we affect the environment, and all the new innovation out there.
I will be doing a deep into Energy over the next little while to help educate the masses on what we do, and will try to keep everything as lamen as possible.
Enjoy this lengthy clip.
>>>GND#28 Why is Fracking So Controversial on all PODCAST PLATFORMS and YOUTUBE<<<
#fracking #energy #energysecurity #oilandgas #canadianenergy #yyc #berta #tuckyclips #canada #canada🇨🇦
New Episode out today folks! Why is Fracking Controversial?
Andrew McMurray is the CEO of Calgary-based ShearFRAC.
It’s data-driven software technology that helps optimize live Fracks.
This episode is highly educational on the world of Fracking, what it is, how it works and what it’s meant for. And of course we address any of the negative connotations around it.
I learned A TON in this yap? As Andrew is not only a Canadian MegaMind (not a jab 🤣) he is a character, well-spoken as mentioned wildly intelligent and just an all around good Canadian Family Man
>>>GND#28 Why Is Fracking Controversial? On all PODCAST PLATFORMS and YOUTUBE<<<
#fracking #fracks #oilandgas #energy #yyc #podcastclips #tuckyclips #berta #canada #canada🇨🇦
@landmanpplus Who doesn’t love it!!! Amazing show.
But I can hear, in my head, industry dudes and dudettes just ripping that show apart, every time I watch. It’s pretty damn close though, and I’m a huge fan!
>>>New Episode this coming Monday GND#28 Why is Fracking Controversial? On all PODCAST PLATFORMS and YOUTUBE<<<
#landman #berta #dirtyhandscleanmoney💰 #dirtyhandscleanmoney #yyc #rigs #drillingrigs #servicerigs #oilandgas #rednecks #dirtyoil #tuckyclips #canada #canada🇨🇦
@kailanioutdoors is a proud partner with @ccfr_ccdaf
It is a fact 🇨🇦 gun-owners are indeed the most vetted Canadians walking amongst us. Full stop. So why all this attention given to private gun-owners who are not the ones committing all this crime?
>>>GND#27 From Dropout to Founder & CEO on all PODCAST PLATFORMS and YOUTUBE<<<
Do you agree with any parts of the proposed Liberal Gun buy-back program?
Just taking this opportunity to give kudos and admiration to Alberta’s own @abdaniellesmith
Given what’s going on with the potential incoming tariffs imposed by @realdonaldtrump what’s become clear to me is that Danielle Smith, as she always has been, is not only a staunch defender of our Energy Sector and Albertans, but most importantly she’s become the key 🇨🇦 figure because of her handling of the U.S. Administration.
Seems to me like she’s the only one wanting to deal with this whole situation with clarity and thoughtfulness regarding Canadas rights as a country, and how to negotiate with the other side.
I was a fan before her return to politics, and an even bigger fan now!!
>>>GND#24 yap with @by.brittany on all PODCAST PLATFORMS and YOUTUBE<<<
#abpoli #cdnpoli #yyc #berta #podcastclips #tuckyclips #canada #canada🇨🇦
Big Game tonight Canada vs USA!!! Go 🇨🇦!!!
In honour of the big game tonight, I found this quick clip from my great northern discussion with CEO @kailanioutdoors Sean Alexander where he mentions how he got his start peddling the Kailani Cooler line at a hockey game, that he arranged.
He dragged his product to the @edgeschoolhockey out in @liveinharmonyab and asked his hockey pals if they needed coolers. This is after he tried selling Paddle Boards first! The rest is history folks!
>>>GND#27 From Dropout to Founder & CEO up on all PODCAST PLATFORMS and YOUTUBE<<>
#yyc #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurs #business #yycbusiness #yycbuzz #tuckyclips #canada #canada🇨🇦
CEO - Founder AND former 2x @cbcdragon pitcher, Sean Alexander of Kailani Outdoors announces partnership with CFL!
In this clip, Sean discusses how things currently are going with @kailanioutdoors the now multi-million dollar start-up that began out of his garage, while he imported paddle boards for purchase, direct to consumer.
Then he drops a bomb on me and lets me know he just completed a deal with @cfl allowing him to Logo and personalize coolers and drinkware, for all the teams in the entire league….including his hometown @calstampeders !!! Shout out to @jaymcneil50 Stampeder President and friend of the show.
>>>GND#27 From Dropout to Founder & CEO on all PODCAST PLATFORMS and YOUTUBE<<<
#cfl #sports #stampeders #riders #bluebombers #elks #ticats #lions #renegades #argos #alouettes #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurs #business #hustle #grind #yyc #yycbusiness #calgary #calgarybuzz #tuckyclips #canada #canada🇨🇦