Makeup Through the Stargate 💫 Final Results - Dry Gold Powder Highlight
• 35G Artistry Palette
• Sephora Collection Highlight Brush
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Makeup Through the Stargate 💫 Eyeshadow-Highlight Swatches.
Onto part 4, all about eyeshadow!! Let the swatching begin. Which is the perfect Goa’uld gold?
• 35G Bronze Goals Artistry Palette
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Makeup Through the Stargate 💫 Goa’uld Glowing Foundation
In this video, you’ll join me experimenting with a different approach to achieve the iconic Goa’uld golden skin effect on the second half of my face, right side/ no. 2. This was done by mixing Mac foundation + strobe cream together to form a radiant glowing shimmery finish. In the previous video, part 2, we experimented with the first glow method on side no. 1/ the left side of my face.
@M·A·C Cosmetics Canada
@NYX Professional Makeup
• Mac Studio Fix Fluid
• Mac Strobe Cream
• Nyx Colour Correcting Concealer
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Makeup Through the Stargate 💫 Goa’uld Gold Skin Effect
In this video, we’ll add the second layer of base makeup, to this half of my face, building on the cream-tinted moisturizer with luminous particles from part 1. This layer includes concealer, color correction, and highlighting for a bright glowing finish.
• Nyx Colour Correcting Concealer
@NYX Professional Makeup
#nyx #nyxcosmetics #colourcorrection #concealertutorial #cosplaymakeup #cosplaycommunity #stargate #stargateshorty #gateglam #goldglam #goldmakeup #stargatesg1 #stargatetiktok #stargatecommand #sg1 #adrienneviolet
Makeup Through the Stargate 💫 Goa’uld Gold Skin Effect
• Mac Strobe Cream - Pinklite
This is the main product I’ll be using to experiment achieving the iconic Goa’uld Golden Skin Effect. It’s a creamy tinted moisturizer with iridescent particles— for luminous skin. It’ll be the perfect subtle glow.
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Ever wondered about the inspiration and story behind Stargate characters? How their most iconic and notable looks came about? From Hathor’s golden glow to Samantha Carter’s natural chic, join me as we dive into the glam side of Stargate with tips, fun facts, and recreations! This is only the beginning of Stargate content ✨
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Testing out potential SG1 character cosplays. Went down the makeup department rabbit hole and I’m not coming out! What do you think, can I pull off Vala Mal Doran? I think so…😏
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💋✌🏼 These are my money makers… 😏
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iykyk, the girls that get it, get it. does he even love you?
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☀️ Morning after the big move 📦
A first look into the new space since a few of you asked to see it. Yes, it’s messy, duh. I’ll have to do a proper apartment tour once we settle in. It’s Konmari time!! I’ll be binging #stargate while also vlogging the process and progress. We have to get through this organizational phase before we can set up the studio and pc to create what you love to see. Stay tune!! 🎬 Find me on 🔸◾️, YouTube, X and 🅿️atreon.
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when you feel unloved…
#relatablequote #relationshipquote #selflovery #selflovematters #girlquotesandsayings #girlquotes #lifelessonslearned #yycinfluencer #unloved