Dark day for Pakistan
Gul Khan, Ex President PTI Albert talks about the brutality of the fascist regime in Pakistan
Pakistanis in Calgary gathered together to say the Ghaibana Namaz-e-Janaza of the martyrs of The #Islamabad_Massacre Gul Khan
Stand up against in justice in Pakistan. Participate by doing a simple step to write a letter to the Chief Justice of Pakistan to take suomoto action and provide justice to Shaheed a Arshad Sharif. #justiceForArshadSharif #LetterToCJP
No matter who you support politically, we must unite and stand up against injustice. We all can do a simple step to write to the Chief Justice of Pakistan to take suomoto action and provide justice to Shaheed Arshad Sharif. #justiceForArshadSharif #LetterToCJP
Imran Khan, talks about the true essence of Islam. There is a perception about Islam in the western world paving way to Islamophobia. This can only be changed by understanding and following the Islamic teachings. #ImranKhan
Let’s show the world how our nation fights back regime change! All eyes are filled with hope to see a prosperous Pakistan! #یوم_انقلاب_26_نومبر
Looking forward to see our nation achieve true freedom #چلو_چلو_پنڈی_چلو