Belize Prayer Network

Belize Prayer Network We seek God for national & world transformation in prayer campaigns for the seven main arenas of pub He has been answering many breakthrough prayers!

You can make a difference in national & world transformation. Our 7 Mountain Prayer Campaigns - for Family, Spiritual Life, Education, Economy, Government, Music & Arts, and Media - aim for short-range breakthroughs toward long-range goals. We keep track of what God is showing many prayer groups and Christian leaders so we can all get a bigger picture of what He is doing in Belize and the nations.

We work with and are accountable to the Belize Association of Evangelical Churches, so we can represent the churches before God. See for more...

What do we do with the multiple prophecies circulating about an economic crash in the US? Cindy Jacobs tracks prophecies...

What do we do with the multiple prophecies circulating about an economic crash in the US? Cindy Jacobs tracks prophecies as a longtime member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. Since 1985 she and her husband Mike have also led Generals of Intercession. So she has monitored the prophetic/intercessory movement ever since it began almost 40 years ago.

But many prophecies about an economic crash during that time have not come true. Not necessarily because the prophecies weren’t true. But the Lord was truer. Truer to His word that He would forgive and heal the land if we humble ourselves and pray. Because God often gives prophecies as warnings to pray against, not judgments to suffer.

Yet economists as well as prophets are predicting an impending crash. What else can we expect with deficit spending of a trillion dollars every 100 days? And in a world shaking with wars, rumors of wars, and nations devising vain things against God’s purposes? Let’s pray for a divine reset instead. Generals of Intercession has given us the following specific points to pray for…Read more in ETG article “Reset not Ruined—Prayer Guide to Avert Economic Crash.”

PRAYER POINTS for Reset not Ruined:Saudi Arabia will not sell oil to China denominated in Yuans.Iran will not attack Israel...

Why isn’t the mass media paying more attention to the GOP party platform? It went viral on social media. So far most Rep...

Why isn’t the mass media paying more attention to the GOP party platform? It went viral on social media. So far most Republicans are calling it the best platform of their lifetime. Because it boils down the MAGA agenda into 20 basic promises to the US’ “forgotten men & women.” And it states them in ways that few—except the most hardened leftists—can argue with.

Around the world, people should consider taking stances like these. Especially those with an excess of migrants who should consider making their own countries great. Although only a few can become superpowers, all can focus on manufacturing their own goods well. And on promoting freedoms and free markets—with low taxes and regulations—that make nations thrive.

Each promise can counter what the Harris/Walz ticket portends...Read more for the first ten promises in ETG article “GOP Party Platform—20 Promises for Forgotten People.”

PRAY WITH US about GOP party platform: Father God, we exalt Your name as great over all the earth. You called us to disciple nations to make them great too. And You gave great promises

Who could oppose a bill meant to help any who are disabled? The church has often awakened the conscience of nations to a...

Who could oppose a bill meant to help any who are disabled? The church has often awakened the conscience of nations to abuse and injustices perpetrated on them. And in fact, the church has been addressing their needs long before most governments have. In Belize, medical missions provide more wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, etc., than any other sector. So why did the Belize government not consult the churches on the new Disabilities Bill? Because it serves as a guise for LGBTs to later claim the same protections given to the disabled?

The first sentence of the bill raises alarming red flags. It seeks “to establish the Disabilities and Equal Opportunities Rights Tribunal.” Almost the same name as the draconian tribunal in the 2024 “Equal Opportunities Bill” (EOB). That bill gave special rights to 21 disadvantaged groups, including several LGBT categories. But it denied basic human rights to the accused...
Read more in ETG article “Wolves Wearing “Disabilities” Clothing—New LGBT Ploy?

PRAY WITH US about wolves wearing “disabilities” clothing, that God will:Stop the “Disabilities” Bill process long enough to give...

A new prophetic generation is arising. Young prophetic voices Chris Reed, Joseph Z and Brandon Biggs foretold the 7/13 a...

A new prophetic generation is arising. Young prophetic voices Chris Reed, Joseph Z and Brandon Biggs foretold the 7/13 assassination attempt. As I posted on June 18, MorningStar Pastor Chris Reed, 41, said this on March 9: “I have felt a warning to call the people of God to pray against someone trying to take Trump’s life. Or to attack him.” Reed specified a timeframe of April 2024 to July 2025.

On August 18, 2022, Joseph Z, 36, prophesied a plot to assassinate “45” (Trump is our 45th president). And that some would blame it on Iran. In fact, three days after the Trump shooting, the New York Times reported som**hing similar: “U.S. intelligence agencies were tracking a potential Iranian assassination plot against…Donald J. Trump.” This tracking occurred “in the weeks before a gunman opened fire last weekend.”

On March 15, 2024, Oklahoma pastor Brandon Biggs prophesied specifically of a bullet to Trump’s ear--though this wasn't entirely accurate. “I saw Trump rising up and then I saw an attempt on his life that this bullet flew by his ear...” Read more in ETG article “Young Prophetic Voices Foretold Trump Rally Shooting.”

PRAY WITH US for young prophetic voices: Father God, we exalt the testimony of Jesus as the spirit of prophecy. For He bestowed...

The Oklahoma Department of Education now seeks to include Bibles in every public classroom. That won't seem strange to n...

The Oklahoma Department of Education now seeks to include Bibles in every public classroom. That won't seem strange to nations like Belize, where the great majority of schools are church schools. OK State Superintendent of Instruction Ryan Walters called the Bible “a necessary historical document.” Students need it to understand Western civilization, the Constitution and “the basis of our legal system.”

And who can really dispute those assertions? Christianity grew steadily in the West ever since Constantine’s 313 AD edict of toleration. Despite severe challenges from within and without, it remains the leading faith in the West. According to David Barton, 52 of 55 framers of the Constitution were Bible-believing Christians. The University of Houston found that of 15,000 quotes by the framers, 34% came from the Bible. (See David Barton’s American Heritage Series).

But did the Bible influence “the basis of our legal system” beyond the Constitution? Yes. The very first Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Jay, served as president of the American Bible Society. And in 1892 the Supreme Court called the US a Christian nation, citing 87 precedents...

Read more in ETG article “Classroom Bible Mandate in Oklahoma & Its Opponents”

PRAY WITH US about classroom Bible mandate: Father God, we worship You, from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes...

You can hear sighs of relief around the world now that June “LGBT Pride” month has ended. Thank God and the US Congress,...

You can hear sighs of relief around the world now that June “LGBT Pride” month has ended. Thank God and the US Congress, no Gay Pride flags flew over US embassies as in previous years. But new red flags of neo-colonialism still rise every time the UN promotes “gender identity.”

Notably, “gender identity” found its way into the Belize’s new gender policy. And into the Police Department human rights manual. This red flag points to “Slippery Slope Ahead,” as Belize’s Father Scott Giuliani has explained so well. There our basic foundation of freedoms of conscience, expression and religion tilts sideways.

Because, he says, those rights become slippery when we introduce new “gender identity rights”. Including the right of men to identify as women and access their programs, locker rooms & restrooms. And the right to “gender-affirming care” which mutilates s*xual parts to conform to a chosen “gender”...

PRAY WITH US about gender identity red flag: Father God, You sustain all things by Your powerful Word. That includes the main distinction...

$50 million in drug money flowed in money exchanges between the Sinaloa cartel and Chinese underground in the LA area in...

$50 million in drug money flowed in money exchanges between the Sinaloa cartel and Chinese underground in the LA area in the past five years. Where does that Chinese underground operate? Specifically, in the US itself, in the San Gabriel Valley. So says the DEA which just concluded a five-year investigation into the conspiracy.

As a result, the Justice Department declared a 10-count indictment charging 20 individuals. The charges include conspiracy to aid and abet co***ne and m**h distribution and money laundering. So is the Biden administration finally doing som**hing right at the border? Yes, but only because of an investigation started by the Trump administration. And one that Biden’s cohorts did not dare to stop...

PRAY WITH US against Sinaloa-Chinese conspiracy, that God will:Break all further connections between the Sinaloa cartel and...

The Missions in Haiti staff had just untied Davy Lloyd after a gang looted his house and bound him. Then the 23-year-old...

The Missions in Haiti staff had just untied Davy Lloyd after a gang looted his house and bound him. Then the 23-year-old missionary got on the phone with his father David, who had founded the mission. The father heard a second gang breaking into the house. After that, the gang dragged Davy away. And they killed him, his wife Natalie, and the Haitian mission director Jude Montis, burning the bodies of Davy and Jude.

The day before, the father David Lloyd had left the mission for a trip to Oklahoma. We had prayed for Haiti at the May 19 Global Day of Prayer, and Haiti’s international airport reopened. In hindsight some might say the couple should have left too, but they would have left their flock untended...
Read more in ETG article

PRAY WITH US for more good shepherds, that God will:Comfort the families and the flock, who have lost good shepherds. Bring the founding...

Corporate prayer can go through high seasons and low seasons. For example, in Acts 4:32, “the multitude of those who bel...

Corporate prayer can go through high seasons and low seasons. For example, in Acts 4:32, “the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and soul.” And in verse 31 it says, “And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness.”

That kind of prayer eventually launched missions to disciple many nations, as in Acts 13:2-3. “The Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ Then, when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.” The rest is history.

But in Acts 12, about 14 years after Acts 4, at John Mark’s house, they were also praying. Yet when God answered their prayers by releasing Peter from prison, they wouldn’t believe it. Even when he actually showed up at their door. They went from boldness in praying to unbelief in praying.

So how do we get motivated for believing corporate prayer? Because there will be crises when nations need corporate prayer to survive. Christians need to come knowing why corporate prayer makes a big difference...

PRAY WITH US for believing corporate prayer: Father God, we exalt Jesus as the ultimate desire of the nations. But until they know He loves them first, they cannot desire or love Him. Instead they

Last year 40+ intercessors signed up to pray for a whole year over the Belize constitutional process. And those 40 have ...

Last year 40+ intercessors signed up to pray for a whole year over the Belize constitutional process. And those 40 have been getting updates to pray over at least every 2-4 weeks, and will get more updates till the process ends, by God's grace, with His will done.

We have prayed especially to preserve the godly foundations starting with the supremacy of God. Now the results of the public consultations have come in. I can gladly report that the main recommendation from the public consultations was this: to preserve “the supremacy of God” in the Constitution, and its influence on laws and societal values. Thank God we agreed in prayer, God agreed with our prayers, and the Belize public agreed too.

Other major recommendations from the public survey include protecting traditional family values…

PRAY WITH US about Constitutional priorities: Father God, from You every family in heaven and on earth takes its name. So we declare You as the Father of our nation. And we thank You for

The cartel wars have descended on Chetumal, a top shopping mecca in Mexico north of Belize’s border. The violence, inclu...

The cartel wars have descended on Chetumal, a top shopping mecca in Mexico north of Belize’s border. The violence, including the killing of a police officer, prompted Belize to issue a travel advisory warning. In response, the Belize Defense Force (BDF) has doubled its presence at the border to resist drug cartels. But the BDF lacks the experience in actual fighting that the cartels have with their constant warfare. So the Belize police, who frequently do battle with street gangs, are not only joining forces with the BDF. They are taking the lead in border operations and patrols.

Still, many remain skeptical that the police and the BDF can take on cartels. And Commissioner of Police Chester Williams admits that the cartels are well-trained and equipped. But “we cannot allow ourselves to be intimidated by that… If David would have felt defeated before even confronting Goliath, he would not have defeated him...” Read more in ETG article "Cartel Wars Move Closer to Belizean Border."

% Cartel Wars Move Closer to Belizean Border

The 2021 Oregon Measure 10 came from the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) lobbying group. Billionaire George Soros founded DPA...

The 2021 Oregon Measure 10 came from the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) lobbying group. Billionaire George Soros founded DPA, which also gained donations from Mark Zuckerberg and the ACLU. What for? A drug decriminalization bill making it easy to keep using drugs without real incentives to get treatment.

Measure 110 even decriminalized fentanyl, he**in and m**hamphetamine possession. It ensured safe drug supplies and housing for drug users. Even with housing it didn’t require treatment. The sale of legal ma*****na would fund it. Nearly 60% of voters said yes and in February 2021 it went into effect. Now, 64% of Oregonians want to repeal at least some aspects of 110. Why?

Oregon became a magnet for addicts across the country wanting to take advantage of it. Open-air drug dens and rampant homelessness plagued the streets...

Read more in ETG article "Soros-Supported Drug Policy Fails with Oregon Voters."

PRAY WITH US: Father God, we thank You for authority to overcome all the power of the enemy. For many are falling under the power of drugs...

Pope Francis plans to attend the June G7 session on AI in Puglia, Italy in an effort to make AI “ethical.” But we will n...

Pope Francis plans to attend the June G7 session on AI in Puglia, Italy in an effort to make AI “ethical.” But we will need more voices than the Pope's to turn nations from this new broad way to destruction. Artificial intelligence does speed up innumerable tasks. But it also speeds up progress in a direction we don’t want to pursue—transhumanism. Transhumanism can combine genetic engineering, AI and high tech to produce hybrid humans.

With artificial intelligence involved, can the thinker separate his own intelligence from AI? What separates the human from other artificial parts in a transhuman hybrid? What prevents such a hybrid from being controlled and even demonized?

Genetically-engineered hybrids caused some of the increase of wickedness in the days of Noah...Read more in ETG article Will Transhumanism Beat AI Ethics and Begin “Days of Noah”?

PRAY WITH US about will transhumanism beat AI ethics: Father God, You know the end from the beginning. At the end...

Freedom of speech comes second only to freedom of religion in the US Bill of Rights. Like many subsequent constitutions,...

Freedom of speech comes second only to freedom of religion in the US Bill of Rights. Like many subsequent constitutions, Brazil’s is similar in guaranteeing both those rights and many others. We cannot have freedom of religion without freedom of speech to make our faith known. So we should all pray for Elon Musk as he challenges Brazil’s Supreme Court to uphold those freedoms. Because Musk has turned the formerly censorious Twitter into the free-speech platform X. Now 18% of Brazilians—about 40 million—access X at least one time per month. But since before the 2022 Brazil presidential election, one man has had the power to remove posts. Namely, Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes.

At that time de Moraes ordered investigations of presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro. And he jailed some of Bolsanaro’s supporters for “attacks on the nation’s democratic institutions.” Now deMoraes is investigating Musk for disseminating “fake news” in posts by Bolsonaro’s supporters...

Freedom of speech comes second only to freedom of religion in the US Bill of Rights. Like many subsequent constitutions, Brazil’s...

Five years in the making, the Vatican’s new document “Infinite Dignity” takes issue with gender theory. It also takes ai...

Five years in the making, the Vatican’s new document “Infinite Dignity” takes issue with gender theory. It also takes aim at transgender surgery and surrogacy. Instead, it upholds the dignity of humans “created in the image and likeness of God and redeemed in Jesus Christ.” Gender theory, it says, gives in to “the age-old temptation to make oneself God." Instead, each of us should accept our God-given s*xual identity with gratitude. Thus, "any s*x-change intervention, as a rule, risks threatening the unique dignity” received from God.
Despite previous vague statements about same s*x unions, the pope has often confronted gender theory. Already he has called it “one of the world's "most dangerous ideological colonizations..."
Read more in ETG article Infinite Dignity vs. Gender Theory and Transgenderism.

PRAY WITH US about Infinite Dignity: Father God, every family on earth ultimately takes its name and existence from You. You made...

Five years in the making, the Vatican’s new document “Infinite Dignity” takes issue with gender theory. It also takes ai...

Five years in the making, the Vatican’s new document “Infinite Dignity” takes issue with gender theory. It also takes aim at transgender surgery and surrogacy. Instead, it upholds the dignity of humans “created in the image and likeness of God and redeemed in Jesus Christ.”

Gender theory, it says, gives in to “the age-old temptation to make oneself God." Instead, each of us should accept our God-given s*xual identity with gratitude. Thus, "any s*x-change intervention, as a rule, risks threatening the unique dignity” received from God.

Despite previous vague statements about same s*x unions, the pope has often confronted gender theory. Already he has called it “one of the world's "most dangerous ideological colonizations..."

Read more in ETG article Infinite Dignity vs. Gender Theory and Transgenderism.

PRAY WITH US about Infinite Dignity: Father God, every family on earth ultimately takes its name and existence from You. You made...

Armed gangs in Haiti have been hitting the suburbs of the capital city Port-au-Prince. They are blocking entrances to so...

Armed gangs in Haiti have been hitting the suburbs of the capital city Port-au-Prince. They are blocking entrances to some areas, including the upscale Petion-Ville, where many diplomats live. So journalists are finding it hard to report on unfolding events. But they are hearing heavy gunfire and reporting that at least 15 people died around Petion-Ville alone. Apparently, local vigilantes killed and set on fire two gang members in retaliation.

While upscale suburbs like Petion-Ville suffer attack, the rest of the Port-au-Prince fares worse. 33,000 fled the capital within two weeks. Large swaths of the city lost power when gangs destroyed four substations. They have also set fire to police stations. The US State Department called Haiti “one of the most dire humanitarian situations in the world.” Gangs dominate more than 80% of the capital. They have prevented interim Prime Minister Ariel Henry from re-entering Haiti after seeking outside help...

PRAY WITH US about Haiti gangs hit suburbs, that God will: Open the way for His solutions to arise in Haiti. Gather together His choices of local leaders of the police, government, and humanitarian aid


PRAY WITH US about Cuba's crackdown: Father God, we exalt You as sovereign over the nations. And one day You will put...

Google's new Gemini AI Chatbot can now alter your online content to conform to its version of historical facts. And it c...

Google's new Gemini AI Chatbot can now alter your online content to conform to its version of historical facts. And it can do the same with historical images. Thus a big scandal broke out when Gemini changed white historical figures into Blacks and Asians. That went too far for some of Google’s investors. According to Fox Business, “since Google hit pause on Gemini's image generation on Thursday, Alphabet shares have fallen 5.4%, while its market cap has fallen from $1.798 trillion to $1.702 trillion, a loss of $96.9 billion.” Former Google executive David Friedberg says many investors are “deeply frustrated and angry” that AI could hurt Google’s monopoly.

Now Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai says they’re working “around the clock” to fix the biases. But how much wokeness will remain? If too much, it may create a fake world that most people can’t relate to. Then Google’s virtual empire would collapse, because instead of clicking in people will opt out... See ETG article “Fake Woke World—Will Google’s Investors Abandon It?”

PRAY WITH US about fake woke world: Father God, we exalt You for creating all things. Surely You hold the whole world in Your hands...

As Belize enters the last leg of our constitutional process, let’s look again at the basis of that process. Many externa...

As Belize enters the last leg of our constitutional process, let’s look again at the basis of that process. Many external forces are pushing us—and other nations—to submit to unnatural, immoral manmade laws. True law begins with natural laws made by God. “When Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves.” Why? Because “they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them” (Rom. 2:14-15).

Our God-given heart, conscience and mind work together to enforce the law within every person. When each one finds the law written on his heart by God, his conscience bears witness to that law. Based on that testimony of two witnesses the thoughts of the rational mind accuse or defend him. So we cannot allow manmade laws on manmade genders or manmade quotas into our constitutions. Our God-given hearts and consciences won’t witness to them. Our rational minds will accuse them of violating our nature and God-given natural laws.

Pray as we conduct elections and make constitutions this year, that God will establish only what is right in His sight. And deliver us from the many evils which threaten to corrupt us. Read more in ETG article “Natural Moral Law vs. Unnatural Immoral Laws .”

PRAY WITH US about natural moral law: Father God, we exalt You as Creator who called Your creation very good. But we violated Your only...

In mid-February, Catholic bishops in Mexico met with drug cartel bosses to negotiate peace. President Lopez Obrador said...

In mid-February, Catholic bishops in Mexico met with drug cartel bosses to negotiate peace. President Lopez Obrador said he approves of such talks. But he leaves the bishops few alternatives. Because the government refuses to confront cartels, unarmed civilians must seek peace deals. These talks took place in the state of Chilpancingo-Chilapa. Previously such Catholic-cartel talks have taken place in the neighboring state of Michoacan and elsewhere. But one Michoacan parish priest said this only proved the government “can’t provide safe conditions.” He could not safely provide his name to his interviewers. Already cartel hitmen have killed nine priests in the past five years who talked too much.

Even the popular resort state of Quintana Roo has seen cartels fight over its territory. Only two week ago, six cartel members got arrested for hacking five people to death in Cancun... Read more in ETG article “Catholic-Drug Cartel Negotiations Take Place in Mexico”

PRAY WITH US about Catholic-drug cartel negotiations, that God will:Show that no weapon formed against His people shall prosper. Instead...


PRAY WITH US about Catholic-drug cartel negotiations, that God will:Show that no weapon formed against His people shall prosper. Instead...

A new review of more than 60 studies by the American College of Pediatricians just came out. ACPeds found zero evidence ...

A new review of more than 60 studies by the American College of Pediatricians just came out. ACPeds found zero evidence of any long-term benefits from so-called transgender therapy. Not only that, it said such therapy overlooks other problems involved in gender dysphoria. Instead of pressure to transition to another s*x, children and youth need help in loving their bodies. Not “ways to damage their bodies in pursuit of biological impossibilities,” says a PJ Media article.

It quotes ACPeds President Dr. Michael Artigues warning against “medicalization for life.” It adds, even the New York Times did an expose on the “severe long-term effects of puberty blockers.” Moreover, the review itself says “many European countries are now cautioning against these interventions.” Finally, the tide is turning against transgender mania... See ETG article “Transgender Therapy Has No Mental Health Benefits—60 Studies.”

PRAY WITH US about transgender therapy: Father God, You created us male and female in Your image, and You called it very good...

Almost all Christian-majority countries in the world treat church and state as separate entities. But in most, those two...

Almost all Christian-majority countries in the world treat church and state as separate entities. But in most, those two entities have a distinct relationship. For instance, Belize recently signed a “Statement of Agreement” with church leaders defining that link. It affirmed “the supremacy of God” and inalienable human rights “endowed by their Creator.” As a voice for the Christian God, “the church has a right & responsibility to speak publicly” on public issues. But no state administration leader represents the church. Yet in Hungary, a different relationship has taken shape. Tristan Azbej, Secretary of State for the Aid of Persecuted Christians recently spoke about it in the US. The cabinet position he holds for Christians is rare, he told the International Religious Summit on Jan. 29.

Most Western governments, he said, avoid “such direct engagement.” They claim that it violates “the principles of … impartiality in humanitarian assistance.” But Azbej disagrees. He points out that Hungary suffered religious persecution from the N***s and the Soviets. Therefore, “there's a national code to stand up for those who are persecuted for their faith"... Read more in ETG article "Biblical Social Teaching Promoted by Top Hungarian Official."

PRAY WITH US about Biblical social teaching. Father God, we thank You for Your Word made flesh in Jesus. For He has become the Way...

Can a Neuralink implant help a paralyzed person take control of external devices with his thoughts? Soon AI will tell us...

Can a Neuralink implant help a paralyzed person take control of external devices with his thoughts? Soon AI will tell us the answer. Last week a surgical robot implanted Neuralink for the first time into a live human brain. Now the unnamed human subject is recovering well, says Elon Musk, who owns and runs Neuralink.

Musk has said that Neuralink will help humans catch up with AI so that AI won’t turn against us. But can this brain chip be used to monitor us, and our thoughts? Neuralink Blog says “a cyber security buff warned that implants could be hijacked in order to ‘erase or disrupt’ people’s skills or memories.” And others say that such an implant might be hacked by online crooks.

Of course, Musk stresses its positive potential to help paraplegics walk and soldiers control drones with thoughts. But that’s a lot of power. What will keep this power from being corrupted?... Read more in ETG article “Elon Musk’s Neuralink Now Implanted in Live Human Brain.”

PRAY WITH US about Elon Musk's Neuralink: Father God, we ascribe all honor and glory and power to you. You have given some of that power

Israel has long accused the “humanitarian” UNRWA of siphoning off aid from Palestinian civilians. And using UN buildings...

Israel has long accused the “humanitarian” UNRWA of siphoning off aid from Palestinian civilians. And using UN buildings to hide military operations. Many Hamas military tunnels run under those buildings. Now UNRWA has dismissed twelve of its employees for allegedly participating in the Oct. 7 massacres. (See Oct. 7 fires set by Hamas in photo.) After this news broke, UNRWA lost 60% of its international donations. The US, which donated $340 million in 2022, suspended all its aid. So did UK, Canada, Australia, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands and Finland.

The war in Gaza remains a hot issue for every nation no matter how small its Jewish population. Witness the widespread pro-Hamas rallies with signs saying, “from the River to the Sea.” They clearly want Jews be wiped out from all Israel, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. National leaders supporting such rallies should be banned from the River to the Sea. And their military “aid“ with them. See ETG article “UNRWA Fires Employees with Alleged Ties to Hamas.”

PRAY WITH US about UNRWA fires employees: Father God, we exalt You as the Most High above the nations. But You shine Your light into the...

I'd like to expand on what I wrote about Argentine President Javier Milei moving & shaking many World Economic Forum mov...

I'd like to expand on what I wrote about Argentine President Javier Milei moving & shaking many World Economic Forum movers & shakers at Davos last week. Mainly known as a conservative political provocateur, Milei has also gained fame as an expert economist. True to form, he rebuked the WEF for neglecting the basic economics of our time.

Over the past 100 years, he argued, Argentina embraced a socialist-style collectivism. “Our citizens became systematically impoverished and we dropped to spot number 140 globally” from its former status as world power.

Milei campaigned to make Argentina great again by returning to free enterprise capitalism. He called it “the only morally desirable system.” Why? Because countries with free enterprise are 12 times richer than economically repressed countries.

Already we see populist movements against socialist globalism growing in other Western countries. They include Italy, France, the Netherlands, Germany and Slovakia, as well as Poland and Hungary. Will we see the same in Latin America? Let’s pray for a great flourishing of freedom globally that will frustrate Antichrist-style oppressors. See ETG article “Milei rebukes World Economic Forum at Davos.”

PRAY WITH US about Milei rebukes World Economic Forum that God will:Frustrate the agenda of WEF globalists who work to bring all...


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