You are invited!
People's United Party Convention
Sunday Februuary 16
Rally to Victory in General Elections 2025
Banning Child Marriage
Changes where it matters...after listening to the young Belizean who are already caring for the future of Belize.
UDP begging for sympathy; after they flogged the nation without sympathy from 08 to 20. The people will never forget about the hotbed of corruption UDP Barrow-led regine.
Together we rise, together we are Safeguarding Lives, Seas and Sustainability
The Blue Economy led by Belize Rural South's Area representative has grown from notion, to idea to possibility to planBelize to mandate to Ministry to Minister Perez to Belize Blue Economy Development Policy. Belizeans that have previously thrived in a blue economy gained a NEW engine led by servant Andre Perez and Team. Belize was ready for a BLUE ECONOMY Ministry that would lead the sector and it has grown to enhance the lives of thousands. The Disaster Risk Management came later and it was seamless. Ministries are there to serve--making their sector of Belize work for everyone.
Safeguarding Lives, Seas and Sustainability
The Blue Economy led by Belize Rural South's Area representative has grown from notion, to idea to possibility to planBelize to mandate to Ministry to Minister Perez to Belize Blue Economy Development Policy. Belizeans that have previously thrived in a blue economy gained a NEW engine led by servant Andre Perez and Team. Belize was ready for a BLUE ECONOMY Ministry that would lead the sector and it has grown to enhance the lives of thousands. The Disaster Risk Management came later and it was seamless. Ministries are there to serve--making their sector of Belize work for everyone.
Saving Lives, Seas and Sustainability
The Blue Economy led by Belize Rural South's Area representative has grown from notion, to idea to possibility to planBelize to mandate to Ministry to Minister Perez to Belize Blue Economy Development Policy. Belizeans that have previously thrived in a blue economy gained a NEW engine led by servant Andre Perez and Team. Belize was ready for a BLUE ECONOMY Ministry that would lead the sector and it has grown to enhance the lives of thousands. The Disaster Risk Management came later and it was seamless. Ministries are there to serve--making their sector of Belize work for everyone.
Fih we Boledo working for everyone
UDP is Dead
Tamales Attack
UDP Cockroaches
Tracy in Jail?
Tracy Delusional leader
There is no UDP
All they care about is pocketing campaign monies or holding their planBelize is too giant of a success.