Good day Fathers.
If you are not as active in your childs life as you could or would like to be then today is a good day to begin to work toward rectifying that.
As a child I had no dad, as mine passed away at the age i am now, 52.
I was 2 years old .
So I never got to know my father.
So, how did that effect me growing up and how does that continue to effect me as an adult? Well, many things that i thought or was told were wrong with me I have found were perfectly fine and normal. But because I didnt have a father to guage my traits by or to advise me and encourage me I accepted that I was flawed and that turned my self esteem upside down and stunted my development in many ways.
There are times i would see my friends and other kids in the neighborhood and school with their fathers and feel sad and left out. The Sunday ice cream and beach days. The visits to school to pick up, frop off or bring lunch.Heck, even the whoopings I envied them for. At least they had a dad to whoop their a$$es and straighten them out.
It was tough and i even began to harbor animosity toward my father for leaving me.
As an adult, once I became a father i pledged to be there for my children and never allow them to suffer the deprivation of their fathers lo e and guidence as I had. I contie on today to try to be there for young men in their fmdevelopmemtand though I may not be the best person for that job, I try to be the best at it that i can. The goal for me os not to replace a father but to support him or in his absense supliment him.
The message here is, don't let your child (especially your sons) grow up without their bialogical fathers taking part in and influenceing their developement!
Dont let some other or surrogate, with his ideas and history that may differ and not be approved by you, to form your childs charictor and beliefs.
Raise your child as best you can. Sacrifice your pride and deal with the other parent and her family and the courts if nescessary. Show your son what it means to be a man and your daughter what a real mam looks like. Sacrifice, whatever it is, to be there for them continually. Be there for the key moments, graduations, birthdays, soccor games, recitals and be there just because.......
All the gifts and money for school and food, toys and cloths cannot replace your presense and guidence.m fathers.
It is our job to raise our children, our sons and daughters. And their failures and successes are our failures and successes.
There are a million reasons to be there and zero excuses not to.
So Fathers, bite the bullet, make the hard choice, grow the ba!!s you say you have, sholders to the wheel, plow to the soil and man up. Foe there is no greater responsibility, no more important duty than that of being a parent. A good parent. The world, the country, your community, your family and your child are depending on YOU to raise well adjusted and complete young people to carry on your legacy, continue to develop society and to ensure the common good.
Happy Fathers Day.