GMR - Genetics and Molecular Research

GMR - Genetics and Molecular Research Online scientific journal // Periódico científico online

Fundada em 2002, a Genetics and Molecular Research (GMR) comemora a publicação de mais de 1500 artigos/ano e o aumento da participação de autores e usuários estrangeiros. Com acesso livre o staff da GMR dedica-se a estabelecê-la como um periódico de prestígio com qualidade científica reconhecida internacionalmente. A “natureza” dos artigos publicados, a expertise dos autores e conselho editorial f

avorece e influencia no alto impacto da GMR e na visibilidade internacional crescente. Os países que mais acessam e fazem downloads na GMR são Brasil, China, estados Unidos, Índia, Arábia Saudita, Malásia, México, Reino Unido, Turquia e Alemanha. Indexada em mais de 70 bases de dados de impacto internacional, entre elas: ISI, PubMed, Index Medicus e Medline, a revista recebeu em 2011 fator de impacto 1.013 no JCR, fator relevante para um periódico novo e com indexação considerada apenas a partir de 2008. Outro benefício aberto aos autores da GMR é a possibilidade de inclusão de links para seus artigos em sites, mensagens, blogs etc.

RESEARCH ARTICLE | Comparative analysis of tocopherol biosynthesis genes during seed development in the Asian spiderflower, Cleome viscosa (Cleomaceae)

A. Jai-uean P. Sangin

Published: May 31, 2021
Genet. Mol. Res. 20(2): GMR18802

Cite this Article: Jai-uean A. Sangin P. (2021). Comparative analysis of tocopherol biosynthesis genes during seed development in the Asian spiderflower, Cleome viscosa (Cleomaceae). Genet. Mol. Res. 20(2): GMR18802.

RESEARCH ARTICLE | Differential expression of microRNAs in a hyperoxia-induced rat bronchopulmonary dysplasia model revealed by deep sequencing

D. Li H. Cheng L. Chen B. Wu

Published: May 31, 2021
Genet. Mol. Res. 20(2): GMR18751

Cite this Article: Li D. Cheng H. Chen L. Wu B. (2021). Differential expression of microRNAs in a hyperoxia-induced rat bronchopulmonary dysplasia model revealed by deep sequencing. Genet. Mol. Res. 20(2): GMR18751.

RESEARCH ARTICLE | A modified non-liquid nitrogen protocol for extraction of high-quality genomic DNA from the inner bark tissues of Dalbergia cochinchinensis (Fabaceae)

X.C. Mo P.P. Wangsomnuk

Published: May 31, 2021
Genet. Mol. Res. 20(2): GMR18836

Cite this Article: Mo X.C. Wangsomnuk P.P. (2021). A modified non-liquid nitrogen protocol for extraction of high-quality genomic DNA from the inner bark tissues of Dalbergia cochinchinensis (Fabaceae). Genet. Mol. Res. 20(2): GMR18836.

RESEARCH ARTICLE | Genetic diversity based on AFLP markers in germplasm of the Brazilian national Coffea arabica trial

C.R. Macedo S.M. de Godoy E.A. Ruas B.D. Góes C.L. Chaves C.F. Ruas T. Sera G.H. Sera P.M. Ruas

Published: May 31, 2021
Genet. Mol. Res. 20(2): GMR18772

Cite this Article: Macedo C.R. de Godoy S.M. Ruas E.A. Góes B.D. Chaves C.L. Ruas C.F. Sera T. Sera G.H. Ruas P.M. (2021). Genetic diversity based on AFLP markers in germplasm of the Brazilian national Coffea arabica trial. Genet. Mol. Res. 20(2): GMR18772.

RESEARCH ARTICLE | Severity of rust infection in soybean genotypes with partial resistance as a function of temperature and leaf wetness duration

B.C.M. Juliatti E.A. Pozza F.C. Juliatti

Published: May 31, 2021
Genet. Mol. Res. 20(2): GMR18781

Cite this Article: Juliatti B.C.M. Pozza E.A. Juliatti F.C. (2021). Severity of rust infection in soybean genotypes with partial resistance as a function of temperature and leaf wetness duration. Genet. Mol. Res. 20(2): GMR18781. ...

Impact of ancient oxygen levels on mitochondrial genome evolution inferred by supertrees, supermatrices, and relaxed molecular clocks

L.R. Lopes R.C. Ferreira F. Antoneli P.B. Paiva M.R.S. Briones

Published: May 31, 2021
Genet. Mol. Res. 20(2): GMR18485

Cite this Article: Lopes L.R. Ferreira R.C. Antoneli F. Paiva P.B. Briones M.R.S. (2021). Impact of ancient oxygen levels on mitochondrial genome evolution inferred by supertrees, supermatrices, and relaxed molecular clocks. Genet. Mol. Res. 20(2): GMR18485.

Research Topics are peer-reviewed article collections that focus on current and relevant themes in science. Suggested, o...

Research Topics are peer-reviewed article collections that focus on current and relevant themes in science. Suggested, organized, and led by top researchers, they bring together contributions by experts from around the world to stimulate collaboration and promote the interchange of ideas to help resolve important issues in this constantly changing and demanding world.

Managed and made available on the open access platform of Genetics and Molecular Research, these article collections stimulate reader interest and citations for your research. All Research Topic articles are available in the Research Topics section and in the normal online journal issues. The number of article views for each publication can be seen in the journal. Articles that have especially high impact will be displayed on the opening page of the journal.

Become well known in your research theme, increasing the visibility and impact of your work. The journal’s editorial staff will aid in the peer review process and editing to help you and the contributing authors make solid and useful contributions to advance science.

Research Topics are peer-reviewed article collections that focus on current and relevant themes in science. Suggested, organized, and led by top researchers, they bring together contributions by experts from around the world to stimulate collaboration and promote the interchange of ideas to help res...

Dear Researcher:A company named Pulsus Group has attempted to appropriate our journal, Genetics and Molecular Research. ...

Dear Researcher:

A company named Pulsus Group has attempted to appropriate our journal, Genetics and Molecular Research. Pulsus Group is a subsidiary of Pulsus Pte Ltd; it has Indian owners and staff and financial business in Singapore. Although we were able to recover our journal site, they have set up a parallel site with an .org address that illegally copies our journal, maintaining many of the original names and contact information in the editorial board section. They charge authors high fees for publishing in their sham site, many of which then contact us to complain. Unfortunately, we cannot be responsible for funds that are misappropriated by Pulsus.

Authors that publish with Pulsus in this pirate .org site should be aware that their papers do not go through peer review and consequently end up being published with many errors that would have been corrected by the review process, our editorial staff, and proper language and technical editing. This is bad for science and for the authors, whose reputation becomes tarnished. Also, Pulsus assigns a false DOI identification number that does not function and the papers are not indexed and are not likely to be cited. Some papers that they have put online recently on their site have functional DOI numbers, but they are publications entirely copied from the legitimate journal site, without permission of the authors.

Only submit your work on our website If you have any questions, please contact us at +55 16 3620-1251 or by email at [email protected].

Authors that have had problems with the pirate site are encouraged to contact us so that we can find ways to help them publish their papers legitimately.

Pesquisadores, atenção ao endereço eletronico, cuidados com sites piratas, GMR é                     ...

Pesquisadores, atenção ao endereço eletronico, cuidados com sites piratas, GMR é
Researchers, attention to electronic address, caring for pirate sites, GMR is

Dear Researcher:Our journal has gone through some problems these last two years that led us to transfer its administrati...

Dear Researcher:

Our journal has gone through some problems these last two years that led us to transfer its administration to a company in England called Pulsus. Unfortunately, this company has not been ethical in its treatment of publications, authors and the editorial staff. They failed in the obligations that were contracted and continued to use our names as editors and editorial staff without our permission. Faced with this situation and to preserve the reputation of the journal that we founded in 2002, we had no other choice but to return control to our staff in Ribeirão Preto at our previous address and the journal will be published again by our team here in Brazil, at FUNPEC, a nonprofit scientific research foundation. Fortunately, we were able to recover our domain

So we warn colleagues not to send their articles to any other address advertised by the English group and not to pay them any amount for publication. Submission of articles to GMR is carried out directly on our website at
Also, we warn that there may be a pirate site; look for our real address, and do not communicate with any other site.

Keep submitting your work on our website. If you have any questions, please contact us at +55 16 3620-1251 or by email at [email protected].


Francisco Alberto de Moura Duarte

The Original Genetics and Molecular Research by FUNPEC-RP


Avenida Treze De Maio, 861/Jd Paulistano
Ribeirão Prêto, SP

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Segunda-feira 08:00 - 18:00
Terça-feira 08:00 - 18:00
Quarta-feira 08:00 - 18:00
Quinta-feira 08:00 - 18:00
Sexta-feira 08:00 - 18:00




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